Robin Obamahood

My Flag Flies Everyday

My Flag Flies Everyday

A good friend of mine sent a package of articles last week. He included a letter with his political views in support of John McCain. The articles were all re-prints from Investors Business Daily. All of them proclaimed the shady background, affiliations, and non-virtues of one Barack Hussein Obama. I read them without stopping. That night I did not sleep. My body was trembling with anxiety and fear. That is the effect BO has on me when I see or hear him. On days like today, I sit at my computer BLOGGING away wondering if I am the only guy in the world who sees through the Obama hypnotica. My own children are falling for his semantics and smooth delivery. Of course, they also hate George Bush with such a vengeance that they want to punish him.

Voting irrationally for a candidate that is trying to change the best country in the world into a mediocre socialist state is not wise. Children, wake up, for once in your life, listen to your father. BO is a cobra wrapped in a sheep’s pelt. He will lure you with his bobbing and weaving, and then, when you are relaxed for just an instant, he will inject his poisonous venom into your blood. You will never recover.

One could argue, that if BO does bad things, we will replace him, and fix the wrong. Have you ever seen a bad law repealed? No, we have to live with them. As an example, the Fair Housing Act( Democrat Lyndon Johnson-LBJ) passed in 1968 was improved with the Community Reinvestment Act (Democrat Bill Clinton-WJC) of the nineties, which became the tool of ACORN. It all led to the subprime mortgage giveaway. 

This great country didn’t always have an income tax. The government enacted an income tax when it became necessary to fund something big, like a war. As soon as the debt was paid, the income tax was eliminated. Once the democrats realized the power of the greed, the income tax remained. Now we are faced with a deficit of trillions of dollars. Think about that, a trillion dollars of debt. See my post titled “How Much is a Trillion?” What would happen if you were to spend your credit card debt to the limits? Would you ever pay it off? Would you try? Would the credit card companies lend you more money? What if you told the bank, whose card you maxed out, that you wanted more money to give to charities? Would it make any difference? 

What BO is asking of you, who are already maxed out, is for more money to give away. He ‘s not interested in paying off the debt. He is playing “Robin Hood.” He wants to tax the rich to give it away to programs that he thinks will benefit you. That is the socialist way, they believe you are not able to take care of yourself, so Big Government will do it for you. All Big Government does is create a bureaucracy to administer to our needs. That bureaurocracy of administrators will use the funds to feed their own greed, and the offal will fall to the serfs.

 Everyone of the issues, he so proudly declares to be campaigning on, will cost this country trillions and add to the national debt. After Robin Hood has taxed the rich into the poorhouse, the payment of the bill transfers to us. Don’t be fooled. When we begin receiving the benefits of his entitlement programs, and BO realizes that he can’t pay for them, he will enact a tax on the benefit. Don’t believe me? I happen to pay income tax on my social security entitlement. Why? Because a few years ago, the Democrats needed a new way to pay the bill. What sense does that make?

I would like to see what will happen when every family in the country runs up a huge credit card bill and then refuses to pay. Will big government bail us out?  Currently, credit card debt is running so high in so many families, that I may get to see the need for a new bailout in my lifetime. Think it won’t happen? I think you will be forced to pay with your children, and their children before that bailout occurs.

Want to try an experiment? Send your Senator and Congressman a bill for your share of the bailout. It amounts to about three thousand dollars per person. Just multiply the number of people in your family by 3000 and send a bill for the total. Don’t hold your breath waiting for payment.

“I’m Grumpa Joe and I approve this message.”

Feed The Greed

Last week,  Sarah Palin took Joe Biden to task for telling Americans that it is “patriotic” to pay taxes. Good old bright-white tooth Joe gave an angry response about how unpatriotic is was for U.S. companies to be shirking their patriotic tax duty by sheltering in foreign countries. His tone of voice was such as to be in command. Well, he is in command, of his lack of business knowledge and simple economics. 

My guess is that right now, all across this country, businesses, large and small, are strategizing on how to minimize taxes under a new socialist president. The stategic planners are dusting off “Plan B.” Many  times, “Plan B,” is a move to another country. It is the very heart of a business to maximize the amount of money they make. After all, anyone can buy a government bond and get a healthy one percent return on the investment. There is nothing more debilitating to a business than paying taxes. In fact, I find it dibilitating too. There is nothing like working your ass off  40-60 hours a week to leave a huge amount of your pay on the table for uncle.

The point that Joe Biden and Obama are missing, is the primary reason for companies moving off-shore; TAXES. The host country sees an opportunity for it’s citizens, while the evacuated country waves goodbye to jobs. Politicians like Biden and Obama, blame the move on a lack of patriotism. It is the “greed of big government” that causes profit making corporations to flee. Big government can never get enough to feed the dragon of socialistic give aways.

I worked for a man who built his fortune by sleeping, eating, and working his business seven days a week for fifty five years. He is in his eighties, and still working. When Ronald Reagan cut capital gains taxes in the eighties, our company went berserk with expansion. The owner couldn’t push us hard enough or fast enough to make investments in new products and markets. The company expanded. The number of people he employed increased from 1000 to 3000. Ronald Reagan didn’t create the jobs, hard working people with an incentive to invest created the jobs. Then came the Clinton years. Taxes increased. My efforts were spent shipping equipment to the far east. I traveled extensively, to train new people on how to make our products on our equipment. Our employment numbers in the states shrunk.

You answer this question, “Is it more patriotic to pay taxes to feed the greed of big government, or is it more patriotic to cut taxes to feed people with jobs?”

Too Exhausted To Think Election

Thank God the garden has distracted me from the election. My tulips came, and I now have a mission to plant. In May, during our escape to Holland, Michigan, Peg and I bought ten bulbs each of thirteen different colors. Now I’m anxious to see them bloom. Along with the bulbs, I popped for a Mantis power tiller-cultivator. I always wanted one of those suckers. I was just a little hesitant to fire it up for the first time, but I got over that, gassed it up, and pulled the rope. WOW! That’s all I can say about this machine. It does the job. My first try saw me holding on like a bronc-buster on a mustang.

 I started in the softest soil in the yard. That’s where I practiced moving the machine back and forth to get the feel for it’s power. After ten minutes, I was ready to tackle the bed for the bulbs. The top soil in the new bed is only three inches deep, Below is hard clay. Even so, the little Mantis ground its way into the ground. When It hit the clay it began jumping up, trying to get out. With some patience I was able to scar the clay.

My shoulders and neck ached from the tension of holding on. It’s been a long time since I stressed the old body this way. I’m sure that by the time I finish planting I will be in better shape, or dead. Next, I moved the soil out of the bed to one side with a rake. My last compost from son Steve’s horse farm went down in a thin layer. I planted three colors of ten bulbs by mixing. The next ten were the same color, after that another ten of a different color. The squirrel guard came next. For this, I used chicken wire, or as it is called at Home Depot, “poultry barrier.” Finally, I shoveled the top soil back to cover the bulbs. Next, I will add a six inch layer of soil, sand, and compost.  

Three hours after I started, I went into the house, too exhausted to think about the election, and the future of our great country.  The candidates need to do the same.

Thieving Radical Hate Monger?

A few years ago I took a course in improving human performance. In that course, the instructor advised that if I wanted to become a leader, that I should hang out with leaders. The principle is a small step toward getting what you want. I would learn valuable lessons in leadership from the associations. I thought about this principle while watching the news last night. One of BO’s spinmasters was accusing Sean Hannity of trying to make BO guilty by association.  It occurred to me that the liberal candidate for president is hanging with some interesting people. First he is using several thieving ex-CEO’s from Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to advise him on matters related to the housing crisis. Next, he hangs with a “guy from his neighborhood,” who is a proclaimed non-repentant terrorist. The man clearly hates our country. Let’s not forget his time with Anton Resko, known to seek out corrupt politicians for personal gain. BO has some nefarious real estate dealings with this man. On Sundays, he is known to hang with his good friend Reverend Jeremiah Wright who preaches Black Liberation Theology (translation, hate whitey and the government with all your heart and soul).

WIthin this group of associations there is a thread of continuity; thievery, radicalism, hatred.  BO wants me to believe that his associations with these people have not influenced him in any way. Just where is BO going with all this? Perhaps he wants to be the thieving radical hate monger of the century.

There a few more asscociations that occurred earlier in his life. Like the one with his mother, a known radical thinker, his grandparents, also known to be radical thinkers. Then there is Barack Hussein Obama Senior. BO would like us to think his father abandoned him, but BO-Sr. kept in touch with his son, and BO- Sr. believed in taxing the rich to benefit the poor, or “redistribution of wealth.”

I don’t believe for a moment that the association with his parents didn’t have any influence on his life or his values.

What is scary about his associations, is that the people who are backing him must  be thinking the same way. Why else would they worship him?

Leaving the Land of Pan

Grumpa Joe Looks at FlowerTo my friends in the Land of Pan, it has been a great time. I wouldn’t trade the experience, the friendships, the associations with anyone for all the tea in China. The journey began forty years ago, and I am tired.  I tried to give it up in 2000, but the Pan Master convinced me to keep coming back for more fun. At the time, I didn’t realize it, but it was one of the best decisions I ever made. The extra hours spent with you, were fun, therapeutic, and challenging. Now it is time to say good bye once more. For the very few of you who dare to explore this BLOG you will understand the message. The remainder can hear it over the grape vine.

My mission has not been defined this year, so I don’t feel like there is a need for me to waste my time nor yours. The money was nice, as was your company, but all good things come to an end. So be it.

Thanks for helping me get through some very rough times, you are real friends. I love all of you. Call me sometime, we’ll do the lunch thing and catch up. Or, if you chose, you can always reach me via e-mail or on this BLOG.