She Makes Several Excellent Points

A very articulate young Conservative woman, Kira Davis,  makes a passionate argument in favor of  the Second Amendment.

Kudos to Kira. Not only does she make good sense about preserving our Second Amendment rights, she also has an excellent website which I highly recommend.


The Solution For Saving America

This morning I opened my e-mail in basket and began cleaning house. If I get something from a friend it gets opened and read. If it is junk mail, its gets trashed  in a GJP second. Even the best trash filters are not cutting it anymore since a lot of it is getting through.

I am posting this piece in its entirety. It may not be accurate, and SNOPES may find it loaded with errors, but I really don’t give a rats ass on this one. The author is a genius even if  he might have misspelled a word which SNOPES might have a problem with. I totally approve this message, and agree with his picks and his reasons. If we were to put these specific people into place for eight years, they would restore America to a rock solid position for another two hundred and fifty years. That is long enough for my prodigy to live happily ever after. Not only would my kids and grandkids live happily, the rest of the world would also become a better place.

The author of this piece, Craig Andresen is a Minnesota lawyer and blogger at The National Patriot. Go to his website and read, Andresen and his contributing authors will amaze you with  the clarity of thought and the logic that prevails in the essays.


By Craig Andresen

It’s going to be an ugly campaign. We all know it and we’re ready for it, but it’s going to be the ugliest, nastiest and dirtiest campaign in history.

Why NOT take the early lead? If Romney takes this advice, it will send a clear message to the Republican establishment that conservatives aren’t going to do business as usual any more. It would shake the establishment and pull together conservative voters.

He would pull together the conservative vote.

Here is a little something else this would do: It would shake the Obama campaign to its core.

As soon as the 1,144 delegates are in hand, WHOEVER garners them either at the convention or before: put this into motion.

Rather than a leisurely march toward a VP nominee or a surprise VP announcement like we got in 2008, vet the possible VPs NOW and stand ready to announce the running mate in a nationally televised press conference the day after the delegates are in hand.

Make the VP choice Allen West.

Having Congressman West in the VP slot makes him a TRIPLE THREAT and a VP who WILL redefine the role. Triple threat? As the Vice President he would attend to the regular duties and be a heartbeat away from the presidency. As Vice President, West would also act as a second Secretary of State in difficult diplomatic negotiations. AND…A Vice President West would work in concert with the Secretary of Defense to realign our military and redefine its role.

Triple threat!

Oh, but this is just the START of the strategy!As soon as the Presidential nominee has introduced West as the running mate: THE NOMINEE WOULD THEN INTRODUCE HIS SECRETARY OF STATE NOMINEE: John Bolton.

As a former Ambassador to the United Nations there is nobody with a better handle on the world’s issues or more familiar with the players. John Bolton is tough, straight forward and not likely to appease ANYONE.Now, you have the nominee on stage, the VP choice and the Secretary of State nominee: Let’s not stop there.

Next to walk onto the stage”Sarah Palin: Nominee for Secretary of Energy.

Palin’s directive: Set us on the path toward energy independence in 10 years. Can you think of a better choice? Anyone more invested in that goal? Anyone who is more knowledgeable or adept? I don’t.Can you feel the ground starting to shake?

Next out of the wings and onto the stage: The nominee for Secretary of Defense. Enter: General David Petreaus.

As great as he was fighting a Politically Correct (PC) war, imagine what he’ll be like once he and West have pressed the reset button on our rules of engagement. In Petraeus we will have a Secretary of Defense whose mission will be to win. PERIOD!

Oh, I’m not done yet. Next up: The nominee for Attorney General Pam Bondi.

Bondi, Attorney General of Florida, is a no nonsense fighter who has taken on the current administration over Obamacare and WILL clean out the corruption rampant in that office today. Okay, where are we? Who is now standing on the stage? The Presidential nominee and Allen West: John Bolton: Sarah Palin: General Petreaus and Pam Bondi.

How about a Secretary of the Treasury? We would need someone who has worked for YEARS in the tax field who understands the overwhelming burden of tax codes and who has, for years fought to restructure those codes.

Welcome Michele Bachmann to the stage: The nominee for Secretary of the Treasury.

By now, fissures should be opening in the ground, rumbling coming from the sky and the faint odor of brimstone should be in the air.

We will need someone new with new ideas to head up the Fed. Please welcome Ron Paul.

Yes, I realize this, under Paul, will be a temporary position; but somehow, I doubt Ron Paul wants to make a career of running the Fed.

Secretary of the Interior? Governor Bobby Jindal of Louisiana: COME ON DOWN!

And finally: We need someone to head up the Department of Homeland Security. We must have someone who understands the issues we face. Someone who has worked in federal law enforcement. Someone who won’t take any crap from anybody.

Please: a round of applause for: Sheriff Joe Arpaio, Maricopa County , AZ.

Were the GOP nominee to do this: call a press conference and make such an announcement: it would be unprecedented. Never before has a presidential nominee entered the full-on campaign with a fully assembled team.

Can you IMAGINE the shock-and-awe wave that would be sent through the Obama campaign were the GOP nominee to do this?

Think about it!

From the word GO it would be unlike any previous presidential campaign.

Instead of simply Nominee X against Obama we would have Nominee X vs Obama

Congressman Allen West vs. Joe Biden

John Bolton vs. Hillary Clinton

Sarah Palin vs. Stephen Chu

General Petreaus vs. Leon Panetta

Pam Bondi vs. Eric Holder

Michele Bachmann vs. Tim Geithner

Ron Paul vs. Ben Bernake

Bobby Jindal vs. Ken Salazar

Sheriff Joe Arpaio vs. Janet Napolitano.

Think about that: Let that sink in” All campaigning at once. There would be no way out for Obama as each and every key player on his team would be exposed and held to account from the word GO.

It would be a full-on frontal assault and Obama would have no place to hide.

By adopting this proposal, Obama would be forced into a pot of boiling water or into the fire. If he tried to rid himself of baggage, he would be exposed as running from his own record and that of the very people he’s been standing behind for political expediency. If he stays with them, he would be forced to defend them. Boiling water or a raging fire: his choice.

It’s bold, brash and completely against the establishment business as usual strategy. It’s earth shaking!

An entire assembled team of key cabinet positions: Each one a pitbull on a T-Bone: hammering their liberal counterparts on every issue, every day, from the word GO, until November 6th, 2012.

We will have to play the cards we’re dealt with the GOP nominee, but tell me THIS strategy wouldn’t go a LONG way toward bringing the conservative voters together. Tell me this strategy wouldn’t pull in and appeal to independents.

As voters, using THIS strategy, we would be voting for the whole team rather than just the standard, business-as-usual Presidential 2-person ticket.

America by Heart

I just finished reading Sarah Palin‘s book “America by Heart.”  She really lets her feelings hang out in this narrative. The intent of the book is to give the reader an understanding of her depth of knowledge of history, and the world. She didn’t need to convince me because all of  her values are in line with mine. I like to think that I represent a fairly large contingent of people in the USA.

I was impressed by Sarah’s list of references, and her knowledge of American history. She is a better read person than given credit by Katie Couric. In fact, I would predict that Sarah is a better read than Couric.

Palin’s conservative values, love of family, and love of God hang on her sleeve in this writing. Everyone who is a Palin-hater should open their minds to read America by Heart. Those of you who are Sarah supporters should also read the book to better understand what makes her tick. unfortunately, most people will get their insight from tabloid news and jerks like Chris Matthews, Bill Mahr, and Keith Olbermann. All three of them were born with a defective lobe. What we don’t understand is that Sarah Palin is you and me, and the liberals hate you and me too.

It is my opinion, the liberal element knows full well and understands her to be the Anti-Progressive who can kill their movement. As far as women who hate her, that is a little harder to understand. Again, my opinion; women hate her because she represents what men see in a woman. She is beautiful, loves family, loves God, is not afraid to raise kids, loves the outdoor life, and can still become Mayor, Governor, and even President while juggling babies and making cookies. She can do all of it without the likes of the Woman’s Liberation Movement. No modern woman wants her daughter to take on Sarah Palin as a role model for fear of losing the daughter’s respect as a mother.

I am not ready to support Sarah Palin as president for several reasons; first she isn’t running yet, second there will be a huge number of very qualified candidates to sort through when the time comes. While we are waiting for the field to show up, begin reading America by Heart.

Destroy It Before It Comes to Get You

My Flag Cries EverydayEver since I attended the Joliet and Morris, Illinois Tea Parties, I have witnessed the events being  attacked by left wing liberals. All of the attacks are vitriolic in nature. It is my observation that whenever the liberal left goes after something it is because they are deathly afraid of it. They have to destroy it before it comes to get them. 

Here are some examples of how the left has been attacking its opposition.

 1. Sarah Palin, she energized the Republican party. Overnight, the right wingers  had a champion from nowhere. The Left saw the threat and sent an army of investigators to Alaska to find any dirt they could on the lady. They were afraid their man would lose to an honest to goodness conservative.

2. Joe The Plumber Wurtzelbacher.  BO confronted Joe on the street in front of Joe’s house, and asked if Joe had any questions. Joe asked a single legitimate question, which unmasked BO. In the the following 48 hours we knew more about Joe The Plumber than we know about Obama to this day. The Democrats went so far as to violate his privacy by  digging into records that were not public. Why was it so important for them to destroy Joe? He was a threat to getting the One into office.

3. TEA PARTY DAY, April 15, 2009 a grass roots protest organized by simple people who are frustrated with the way BO is spending like a drunken sailor, and the entire government is steam rolling all of his requests through without any arguments. The protesters also voiced a strong belief in the US Constitution, which they believe Obama wants to trash.  So what does the liberal left do? They begin a barrage of media comments about the inefficacy of the event. Nancy Pelosi goes on TV to announce it was organized by big money. So what if it was, isn’t it fair when the conservative right uses big money to get its message out?  Well there wasn’t any big money behind the event, it was just plain folks who are pissed. Another jerk by the name of Anderson Cooper comes out the next day and makes a comment that it’s pretty hard to protest when you are tea bagging. He said it with such vehemence that I looked up the meaning ot tea bagging.  Only a perverted liberal would know the meaning, and enjoy the decadence of it. A buddy of Anderson, Keith Olbermann also made a snide reference to ‘tea bagging’. Then came the CNN reporter who interviewed a man at the Chicago Tea Party. He held a toddler in his arms. The reporter asked him why he was there. The guy started spewing his frustration when the reporter turned away and made a comment that this was obviously an attempt by Fox News to incite a riot. Next, was the not-so funny comedienne Jeanine Garafalo who accused the tea baggers of being racist. If watching my country get raped and speaking out against it makes me a racist, so be it.

4. Rush Limbaugh, The Liberals have been trying to destroy this man for fifteen years. They are pushing like hell to enact a new Fairness Doctrine to silence talk radio. Why? They can’t stand the idea that any conservative would stand up to a liberal and oppose his stupid ideas.

5. Sean Hannity, another conservative who regularly speaks the truth about the evil of liberalism. He is constantly being referred to by POTUS as someone who doesn’t like him.

6. Today, I watched a video interview with James Carville, Liberal Democrat extraordinaire on the View. He referred to the Tea Baggers as  a Bunch of Hateful Old People.

Why are the liberals so revengeful when they promote themselves as the “minds” of the world? They are revengeful because their brains are inculcated with beliefs that a person should not have liberty. They believe people should be cared for and controlled by the government, and by dictators.  Wake up America, these are the ideas of feudalism, and monarchies. The great liberal thinkers believe we should belong to someone. Talk about a tired old idea.

Is Uncle Ted Killing Caroline’s Chances?

My Flag Flies Everyday

My Flag Flies Everyday

I don’t believe the liberal press and their treatment of Caroline Kennedy. One would think that after the way the press kissed Obama’s butt they would welcome Caroline with open arms. I could understand their treatment of Sarah Palin, but not Caroline.  Sarah presented a major threat to the Messiah and they had to annihilate her. They did a fine job of it. Now they are doing the same with Harvard educated liberal minded Caroline. What’s up?  Why is it that an ordinary citizen is not qualified for the job of  U.S. Senator. Barack did it, he wasn’t qualified either, but somehow he got out that stressful job into another. They say that if you have an employees who is totally unqualified, promote him to a new level, and let someone else deal with him. We did that.

Caroline’s only problem is her name. She is definitely linked to her Uncle Ted. We all seem to think that the Kennedy clan is too wealthy  for the rest of us. We want to punish them for being so rich. They don’t have to work for a living so they find nice cushy public service jobs. In their minds they are giving back to the peons.

I heard a news commentator discuss Caroline’s use of too many uhs for a Harvard graduated lawyer. Caroline sounds like a teen ager when she speaks.  The commentators recommendation was to find a good speech coach and work hard.  My recommendation is to let Harvard know they have a problem with their method. If the world expects every Harvard graduate to speak eloquently, the world should expect Harvard to train them to speak eloquently. 

 Since when does eloquent speech qualify a person for the Senate? Is that in the job description? I want someone who can read, and  write, and has some common sense. We don’t need another eloquent speaking lawyer writing laws to invent instituions like Fanni Mae, and Freddie Mac. We need Senators who will reduce the size of the government and let  the people in Washington find  jobs that add to the quality of the economy.

I want a Senator who will make spread sheets on the cost of running government, and then apply the Pareto Principle known as the 80/20 rule. It’s so simple  even a Harvard lawyer can figure it out.  Perhaps the law students should take some courses in the Harvard business school. Eighty percent of the good comes from twenty percent of the activity. That would mean alot of office space in DC becomes available for rent. It also means we would pay eighty percent less taxes.

A good Senator would concentrate on identifying the activities that are in the twenty percent, and work at eliminating the remainder. That is the way companies run their businesses. The principles work in any organization including our sacred government.