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The Adventures of Morty Angel

MortyAngel on Skye Scooter

Grumpa Joe’s Place

This is my personal web page. It is the place where I can brag about myself, my family, and my friends. It is also a memorial to my late wife Barbara, and a testament of love for my new wife Peggy. I will fill the pages with items of interest. Some will be informative, some will be educational, some will be news regarding my activities.
It will also serve as a history and geneology of my family.

Morty Angel is my guardian angel. I assign him to watch over my kids and grandkids. He is a character in a series of stories I have concocted for my grandchildren. Morty’s story is told on a separate website, This site was also the original GrumpaJoe’sPlace. Eventually, it will become Morty’s private address. One of my stories is on the site in its entirety. You can print it down and read it to your children. The story is titled “Lil T.”

Grumpa Joe at two

Site Last Updated Friday, March 21, 2008. 19:34:05

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21 Responses

  1. Even though I am an Independent with liberal leanings, I can appreciate some Conservative views. But I do like your blog and I would like to have your gmail address. Your site declares my gmail address as invalid so I cannot subscribe to your blog … but I am bookmarking it .. so that I can return again and again. My gmail address is

    • You can reach me at

  2. Not saying anything you haven’t already heard, but great blog! It’s everything a blog should be – insightful, entertaining and inspiring.

    Thanks so much for dropping by mine. Please continue to do so!

    • Thank you for the gracious compliment. It is always good to hear one’s work applauded.

  3. Reblogありがとうございました!

  4. I am honoured to nominate you for the One Lovely Blog Award! Please pick-up your award at Per rules passed down, please copy and paste the Award to your blog and follow the rules of acceptance. You have a wonderful Blog.

    • Ankur: Thank you for the nomination, and the compliment. I appreciate your readership and your insightful comments. You add a dimension to my writing.

  5. Hi Joe – thanks for the link to my blog postaldeliveries – I’m pretty sure my wabbits are in secret communication with yours.

  6. I’m not going to lie, I lean a bit in the opposite direction, but I can’t help but appreciate your clever and hilarious commentary. I figure we can see things we don’t agree with and attack each other, or we can try to get a more well-rounded view of the issues and laugh a bit in the process. Nice blog.

  7. very cool blog! a grandpa blogger! my original plan was to be a grandma blogger but decided I couldn’t wait that long as I found time on my hands. Keep on writing!

    • I would have started at your age, but the computer and internet hadn’t been invented yet. Thanks for commenting.

  8. Hi,
    I have nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award. For details, please visit

  9. Dear Grumpa Joe, Thank you for the add to your blog. I’m just starting out!! I will have you in my blog as well! Wishing you all the best- Rita

  10. Hi Grumpa Joe! You recently left a comment on my blog (Thanks), so I’m visiting you. Very interesting blog, lots of things to think about. I will add you to my blog roll to remind myself to visit again.

    • Thanks Yaall. I’m sorry, that’s my best NC accent.

  11. Nice blog Grumpa.

  12. Dear Grumpa Joe,

    I just have a quick question for you but couldn’t find an email so had to resort to this. I am a progressive blogger. Please email me back at when you get a chance. Thanks.


  13. This country is far from beaten. What the brit hasn’t seen is the sleeping anger that american citizens build just before they put their boots on and go to kicking. Our government has foolishly tested those lines this time and it won’t be forgotten.

  14. Thanks for the information. I appreciate it. You have a very well-done blog.

  15. Dear Site Owner,
    My name is Caren.
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    We believe this information can awake interest in your guests as well.
    We would like to purchase some links at your site.
    We thank in you in advance for your cooperation.
    Best regards,

    • Caren;
      As much as I’d like the money, I cannot sign on to your offer. I do not condone credit cards from any of the companies you represent. Even tho I have cards, and use them, I do not own any credit card debt. The next economic crisis to tear down our economy will be credit card debt. This crisis will make the housing crisis seem like chump change in comparison.
      Good luck with your endeavor.

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