Outdoorsy Man??

Explaining “Inverse Outcome”

Inverse outcome, you marry for the joy of sex only to discover you have become impotent.

Sweden taxing itself into oblivion

Obama’s Son Is a Terrorist

Yesterday I posted about Obama’s real son. Today I have to add more information regarding the Oregon shooter. Not only is he half black, half white he is a muslim sympathizer, and tried to leave the country to fight with ISIS in Syria. He is on the CIA watch list as a muslim sympathizer. Isn’t it amazing how the story shifted to the need for gun control laws? I have a suggestion, make all muslims and muslim sympathizers declare their faith on the background check and then refuse to sell them firearms.

Here are some of the facts on this guy from Oregon:



Reposted from EU Times on Oct 2nd, 2015 http://www.eutimes.net/2015/10/

The Federal Security Services (FSB) is reporting today that an American black-Islamist terror suspect, who yesterday committed an act of mass murder in the State of Oregon (United States), had been included on a list of 87,000 “known/suspected” Islamic terrorists that the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and International Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL) refused last month to accept from the Federation due to its not being “politically viable in the present atmosphere”.
According to this report, the black-Islamist terrorist who committed this act of terror, Chris Harper Mercer, had previously been indentified by electronic intelligence specialists within the Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) as being an Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL) adherent after he had attempted to gain passage to Syria via Turkey during the first week of September, 2015.
By the Obama regime refusing to accept this terror list from the Federation, this report continues, Mercer was able to accomplish his terror act when yesterday he killed 9 people and wounded 7others at the Umpqua Community College prior to his being shot and killed by local US police forces.

Most critical to note about this FSB report is that where it ends, the mysterious, and hugely read, Russian publication Reedus (Ridus.ru) continues—and to fully understand this information one must note that Russian intelligence agencies (SVR/FSB) frequently use Reedus to put information into the public sphere that otherwise would have serious international consequences should the government be found to be behind it—thus giving Reedus its current status known as “a Kremlin resource” and an “agency of Orthodox journalism”. [Русский]
And the information relating to the black-Islamist terrorist Mercer “leaked” into Reedus by the SVR/FSB is, to say the least, shocking and disturbing–including that immediately after the Oregon mass shooting, his Internet personal profile was changed from his true identity as an ISIS/ISIL terror s…. [Русский]

Also important to be noted was Mercer’s association with the ISIS/ISIL terrorist Mahmoud Ali Ehsani, who is banned in Russia[Русский], and was one of only two of Mercer’s MySpace “friends” and who praises the Islamic State, calls for the killing of Jews and glorifies in pictures on his MySpace page his rapture of these terrorists.

With the true knowledge of Mercer being known as the black-Islamic terrorist he truly was, information which the Obama regime refused to accept from Russia, his mass terror act in identifying and killing Christians becomes immediately understandable.
As to why the Obama regime and their propaganda media lapdogs are disguising the truth from the American people about this horrific act of Islamic terror against them, especially to the families of the dead and wounded, it is not known—but shouldn’t really surprise anyone as that government has been nothing but a mountain of lies for years.

Written by Daniel Greenfield October 2, 2015 www­.frontpagemag­.com
Reposted from Sovereignty Unbound
A few years ago the Oregonian’s Helen Jung was whining about how the FBI was being mean to the nice Imam and his mosque.
The unexplained actions are aggravating the FBI’s already poor relationship with the mosque and fueling fear and frustration among Muslims that their house of worship appears to be once again in the government’s cross hairs…
In Oregon, Masjed As-Saber stands out for its traditional focus and charismatic imam, who urges worshippers to stay true to the vast library of strict Islamic teachings, down to the conviction that men and women shouldn’t trim their eyebrows.
Why that poor man. The FBI is persecuting him just because he opposes eyebrow trimming.
Kariye briefly mentioned in one sermon his concerns that nonorganic food is threatening people’s health.
Organic food… and murdering Americans. Why this Imam is so progressive.
The imam of Portland’s biggest mosque collected money from worshippers after 9/11, sending the Portland Seven to Afghanistan to fight against coalition forces, the U.S. Department of Justice alleges in its fight to deport the imam.
As religious leader of Masjed As-Saber, Kariye told several members of the plot that “Muslims should fight with fellow Muslim brothers of Afghanistan against Americans” and that this combat was a “righteous fight … legitimate jihad,” Justice Department lawyers wrote in an exhibit filed earlier this month in the immigration case.
Oregon clearly needs more Somalis and their Muslim scholars. Because of the eyebrow trimming and the terrorism.
This pResident’s solution to Islamic terrorism is to disarm law abiding citizens and import more Muslims into the country who have been vetted by the United Nations or not at all.
http://www.politifake.org/image/political/1301/dont-disarm-the-face-tyranny-battaile-politics-1359588410.jpg” alt=”politics DON’T DISARM IN THE FACE OF TYRANNY” />
The purpose of the 2nd Amendment is to protect us against tyranny. This is one thing that this pResident fully understands.
Pray for the students and faculty murdered today on a gun free campus.
David DeGerolamo
http://feeds.feedburner.com/~r/Ncrenegade/~4/6Z6eqdh_toc?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email” height=”1″ width=”1″ alt=”” />
Reposted from NCRenegade.
Oregon shooter vs. Obama’s ‘universal background check’ Started by Robert M
Written by Leo Hohmann
Christopher Harper Mercer
Christopher Harper Mercer
The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms said at a press conference Friday that 13 firearms were recovered from the person and the residence of Oregon mass shooter Christopher Harper Mercer.
The 26-year-old who shot and killed nine people at Umpqua Community College Thursday before losing his own life in a shootout with police had legal possession of all the guns, the ATF reported.
The ATF said all the weapons were purchased legally, either by Mercer or his family members. Mercer was also wearing a flak jacket, which included five ammunition magazines.
President Obama has hammered on the theme that America is the only industrialized nation that has repeated mass shootings and he blamed “gun violence” on the nation’s lack of gun control. He has advocated “common sense” proposals such as a universal background check using a centralized database across the 50 states.
What this new information from ATF demonstrates is that the kinds of gun control that the prohibition lobby has been pushing, namely the “universal background checks,” would not have prevented the tragedy in Oregon, said Dave Workman, senior editor of TheGunMag.com.
“The shooter reportedly had a clean record, and according to the ATF, he purchased several of those guns,” Workman said. “All the firearms were legally purchased from a firearms dealer, so background checks would have been involved.”
Obama said he knew he would be criticized for trying to “politicize” the tragic shooting but said that exactly what needed to happen in order to rein in “gun violence.”
But none of the president’s gun restrictions would have prevented Thursday’s mass shooting at the community college, said Alan Gottlieb, executive vice president and founder of the Second Amendment Foundation.
“None of the gun control proposals that Obama or the gun control crowd are proposing would have stopped this terrible tragedy,” Gottlieb said. “They are being intellectually dishonest. They are also being dishonest calling for new ‘gun safety’ legislation. This has nothing to do with gun safety. They know that everyone supports gun safety so they are using that term to manipulate the debate.”
If the president and his allies are successful in exploiting the rash of high-profile shootings, what will happen is law abiding gun owners will be harassed by new laws while thugs like Mercer will continue to cause more sorrow and tragedy, Gottlieb said.
What Gottlieb, Workman and other gun rights advocates have repeatedly advised is that “no gun zones” are what encourage would-be killers to invade a public space such as a school and start shooting.
Umpqua Community College had one security guard who was unarmed.
“Gun control failed miserably here,” said Larry Pratt, executive director of Gun Owners of America. “The murderer chose a gun-free zone. All but two of our mass murders since 1950 have taken place in gun-free zones.”
CBS and the Associated Press both reported the UCC campus is a gun-free zone, and quoted the college’s security policy, which states: “Possession, use, or threatened use of firearms (including but not limited to BB guns, air guns, water pistols, and paint guns) ammunition, explosives, dangerous chemicals, or any other objects as weapons on college property, except as expressly authorized by law or college regulations, is prohibited.”
According to NBC News, UCC had considered hiring armed security for the campus. School officials ultimately rejected the idea. According to retired UCC President Joe Olson, “We thought we were a very safe campus, and having armed security officers on campus might change the culture.” That “culture” now appears to have been changed, possibly forever.
Meanwhile, others were casting blame on the Republican Party and the National Rifle Association.
Andy Parker, whose daughter Alison was the Virginia television reporter shot to death on live TV in August, penned an emotional column for the New York Daily News, imploring lawmakers to pass responsible gun laws in the wake of a mass shooting Thursday in Oregon. “This has to stop,” he wrote, continuing with the following passage, picking up on Obama’s talking points of “common sense” measures, the exact same points hammered by billionaire Michael Bloomberg’s Every Town Against Gun Violence.
“I was a Reagan Republican years ago. I have slowly watched the party devolve into something Reagan wouldn’t recognize today – nor would he be a part of it.
“Republican legislators across the country refuse to consider common sense measures to prevent the horrific gun violence that kills our loved ones each and every day. By refusing to act, they are aiding and abetting domestic terrorism.
“Shame on them for being the cowards that they are. Is the support of a fringe element of the NRA so important that they are willing to accept our children as collateral damage? We are at war in this country, and we must win – whatever it takes.
“When I heard about this shooting in Oregon, I thought, this can’t be. Not this soon. I knew it would happen again. We are a country with a strong gun culture. But I wasn’t expecting it to be this soon.”

What Obama’s Son Would Really Look Like

My blogging of late has been very sparse. There are many reasons for that which are too personal to discuss in open format. Today, however, I heard something on the news about the Oregon mass shooter. I couldn’t believe it, the guy is half-white and half-black. I laughed out loud, which puzzled both my wife and daughter who were in the car with me. “This guy has taken the prize from Trayvon Martin. This Mercer guy is really what Obama’s son would look like if Obama was capable of siring a son. I just got off Drudge report after reading a post by CNN covering Mercer’s white half. They actually made his skin white to bring out his whiteness.

Of course this black-white highly confused man has given Obama another opportunity to pontificate about the need to pass tough gun laws, and to confiscate guns. I’m a white guy living in the Chicago area, and I can tell you from very recent stats that tough gun laws don’t carry any weight with people who want to kill. The tough gun laws only make the victim an easier target. The laws don’t make buying a gun harder either. Thugs know where to get a gun on the street. If they are too stupid to know that they drive out of the city to buy one in a legal gun shop.

After all the school shootings I am really amazed at how few victims stood up to the shooter. I would think that if I faced death I would want to at least give the shooter a swing, kick, bite, or tackle before dying. Instead he killed sheep. The  only logic that I can fathom is that I’m an old man and these victims are young kids. In this instance they were young adults fully capable of defending themselves, i.e. if they knew how. I’m afraid we are raising generations of victims. Kids living in the hood know how to react to thugs. White kids don’t. The only thugs they ever see are on TV. Our kids are such pansies they don’t even know what a bully looks like because our schools kick bullies out of school, and parents who defend their bully kids are drummed out of the neighborhood.


Obama will make a big deal about taking guns away, but I think the opposite should happen. Every gun free sign must be replaced with “We Encourage Guns.” The government should arm every citizen and teach gun handling skills beginning with kindergarten. Why not, we start sex education that early? Every school should have a gun range where kids can practice their fast draw skills, and marksmenship. Gun makers should offer a range of guns that would fit small hands graduated from age five through twenty-one, and baby rattles should look like guns. Graduation from pre-school would become a rite of passage from using a pellet gun to a full-fledged kid sized hand gun. Think about that one folks. To be equal the teachers would also carry. Discipline in rowdy class rooms would be easier to administer with a chrome plated forty-five pointing into the face of a class clown.

Any way, this post has been a joy to write. It offered me a brief respite from my daily life. I feel like the high pressure valve in my brain just popped open to relieve a couple of months worth of stress.