Am I Alone On This?

What in the world is going on? Why is the economy tanking? Why are oil prices rising? Why are there seventy cargo container-ships backlogged at the port in L.A.? Why do so many news flashes pertain to spending trillions of dollars for non-sensical programs? Why is the Attorney General declaring parents who visit a school board meeting as terrorists? Where does it all end and what does it mean to us?

In my opinion there is a large faction of our population that truly believes we will be better off under the thumb of a Chinese dictator. All the signs point toward government dictating everything we do. What ever happened to liberty. Has liberty become an out-dated idea? Does liberty mean we will be faithful to someone who spells out everything that we must do, or think, or write? In my mind liberty means I am free to do as I please within the law. I can work or not work. I can own property, or not. I can travel freely within the country. I can marry who I want when I want. I can speak my mind without fear of retribution. I can own a gun, or guns and use them as I see fit. I can raise a cow in my back yard. I can vote for who I want or not. I am free to choose how I treat my body. In other words, I am not required by government to get permission for anything. Government is needed only to protect my liberties.

Yet, what I see trending is a faction that loves to be under someone else’s control. I see a faction that loves to control people without losing their own rights. I see a faction that believes it is government’s responsibility to feed them, care for them, and entertain them, I don’t. I reject the notion that I need government for anything except fighting off anyone who decides they want to control me.

Communism has found many new words to hide it from the public, like: Democrat, Liberal, Socialist, Progressive, Social Democracy. All of these terms are merely subterfuge for advancing the evil of a select group of self proclaimed elites controlling the common man.

Communists all point at Capitalism becoming rich off the sweat and labor of the common man. What communists fail to tell us is that they live off the common man by taking everything from him. He owns nothing, he has nothing, he is to be subservient to the upper class people who rule. He is not allowed to believe in God, and in places like China, he is not allowed more than one child.

What the communist will never admit is that their policies have never worked. Stalin tried it by killing seventy million people who refused and those he left living finally submitted, but they never really accepted their plight. Eventually, communism goes broke and when they can’t squeeze anymore out of the people they say are loving the system they only make life harder for those they control.

People will argue that Communist China is an example of a socialist system that is a success. What they don’t reveal is that China enjoys some success because they have decided to embrace capitalism within their communist system. Behind the scenes they still control religion, the number of kids you can have, what you can search for on the internet, where you can live, where you can travel, what you can say about government, and how you can live your life.

I am proud to be able to say that I have lived through the most wonderful period of history since 1776. I have witnessed the U.S.A. win wars, become prosperous, change attitudes about race, prohibit alcohol and then reverse the decision when they learned how stupid it was. I’ve seen tremendous growth throughout the country after the government invested in a federal road system in the name of defense. I’ve seen amazing progress throughout the rural areas after the government invested in rural electrification. Ive seen progress in science that put a man on the moon, and is curing cancer, and most recently is protecting us from the Chinese curse of COVID-19. What I have never witnessed was amazing developments from socialist countries. What I have witnessed is poverty, starvation, and subjugation at its best.

So how can I fix it before I leave this earth. I have one vote, but there are 538 elites within our system that control us. I wish I could vote for all 538, but our Constitution doesn’t allow it. I could become a democrat and vote more than once by corrupting the system in my favor, but my conscience won’t allow it, and that is the difference between me and a communist, I have a conscience

Algorithm, the New Dirty Word


Since when did the word algorithm evolve into an evil demon? So often I hear of Facebook, and Twitter leaders refer to algorithms in an accusatory way. As if the word itself resides within the computer. I haven’t read anything about how the Silicon Valley gods have breathed life into computers. The lords at Facebook and Twitter have been caught with their pants down around their ankles and to weasel out of their dilemma they blame things on the mighty “algorithm.”

Here is the definition of algorithm:

a process or set of rules to be followed in calculations or other problem-solving operations, especially by a computer: a basic algorithm for division.”

So who is giving the computer instructions within the algorithm to screen conservative voices?  Certainly the computer does not have the intelligence to do anything by itself. I admit, the beauty of modern programming languages make it easier for a man to give the computer instructions, but once an algorithm process is defined it can only change if a man changes it. The lords may allude to artificial intelligence programs doing it, but I cannot buy that at this time. Artificial Intelligence or AI has been a concept floating around since before the eighties. Men keep envisioning a day when the AI computer will replace humans as workers. I remember when computer salesmen were selling us on the idea that we will have a computers on our desks and they will be able to  perform wonderful things. That was also in the nineteen eighties. Many of the things they promised then are just becoming useful to us today. My math says the “sell” took thirty-three years to become reality. I’ve seen some tremendous improvements in computers and in software during the years of my useful employment, but AI isn’t one of them. The closest application we’ve seen that uses AI is the self driving car. I applaud Google and Tesla for testing the self drivers on real highways. It is the only way they will ultimately prevail. What I don’t applaud them for is killing people during the test. The reason they have failures is that the sensors they install on cars are nowhere near the quality or comprehensiveness of the human senses feeding data to the greatest computer in the universe, the human brain. What I predict is that AI will not become a practical vehicle to replace humans in simple jobs for another thirty years.

The lowly algorithm is being used as a political ploy by the lords to sell a line of B.S. to a seemingly ignorant public. That is where the lords are getting it wrong, we aren’t ignorant. When Facebook screens content to prevent conservatives from having a voice they are denying us our Constitutional rights.

During the early twentieth century there were a number of mega-companies that got so big their lords felt they were invincible. Good old Uncle came to the rescue and filed lawsuits to break up their bigness. It seems to me it may be time for Uncle to kick into gear again and set some regulatory controls that will protect we the people from evil algorithms, or better yet the evil people who program the algorithms to do evil things.

How Many Subversives Does He Fund?


George Soros Funded Terrorist Group “Antifa” Plans to Make US “Ungovernable” Feb 11, 2017 by MICHAEL DEPINTO Editor’s Note: Our friend Michael DePinto has produced a short video on the group known as “Antifa.” America is quickly being turned into hell, just like the Bible tells us because we have rejected God and His […]

via VIDEO Soros Funded Terrorist Group “Antifa” to Make US “Ungovernable” – Left Pushing For A Powder-Keg Moment — Reclaim Our Republic

Black vs White, Evil vs Good


I sat meditating in church this morning and the conflict between Islam and Christianity came to mind. It surprised me to learn that Pope Francis spoke out about how we should deal with ISIS. A Crusade came to mind. In days of old Christians boldly marched from Europe on Crusades to convert the infidels to Christianity. The horror of ISIS reminds me of how horrible the Crusaders must have been. Yet the Pope who historically speaks about peace and love basically said the world needs to go on a crusade to kill the evil ISIS.

Evil popped into the screen of my mind, Lucifer, black and sinister. Ever since God created earth, man, and angels, God has faced attack from Lucifer the devil. Lucifer chooses to go against God. He challenges God daily with great fervor all across Earth He competes with God for man’s soul and mind. It man’s choice as to which path he follows. I see Muslims choosing to follow Lucifer.

Black is evil, and Islam is black, death, sin, and mayhem. White is good and Christianity is white, life, forgiveness, love, and peace.

The white crusader must kill the black scourge.

She Makes Several Excellent Points

A very articulate young Conservative woman, Kira Davis,  makes a passionate argument in favor of  the Second Amendment.

Kudos to Kira. Not only does she make good sense about preserving our Second Amendment rights, she also has an excellent website which I highly recommend.