Vice President? Really?

I’m sorry, but I can’t resist this temptation. I promised myself not to get worked up about our government on this blog, but she tipped me over the edge. Kamala Harris, Vice President of the United States of America just made a great proclamation the we need a voting rights act. She has to be kidding. This week I received a copy of the US Constitution in booklet form from Charlie Kirk who is the founder of Turning Point USA. I first met Charlie when he was still in high school. He was a presenter at a TEA Party meeting in Frankfort, IL. even at the age of eighteen he had more common sense than the entire Congress of the United States. He was able to entertain us for an hour with anecdote after anecdote of his high school teacher’s and their leftist views. Anyway, Charlie sent me a copy of the Constitution with a request for money.

Kamala’s pitch was to hold Congress’ feet to the fire until she got a comprehensive voting rights bill enacted. Yet, just yesterday I was reminded of the voting rights that we already have when I reviewed the Bill of Rights section of the Constitution. The fifteenth amendment specifically states:

“The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude.”

Later on in the Nineteenth Amendment it further states:

“The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of sex.”

What more can be asked for?

I thought about it for a second and then realized that it is not voting rights that she wants it is power.

Here are a few voting rights that she may want to include:

She wants a new bill to spell out how elections will be run according to Federal Standards. After all, everyone should be able to vote online, by mail, voice mail, text, or by sending a subliminal thought at your local post office, Jewel Food store, Home Depot, or even a traditional polling place, or in the comfort of your own water closet merely by flushing the toilet.

She wants all the new sexes invented by the LGBTQ groups to be specifically spelled out. Because the word citizen is not enough to recognize these special groups. Then it occurred to me that the word citizen limits the kind of people who can vote. There are too many immigrants, refugees, and over stayed-visitors to ignore and she wants to include them into her voter base.

How about our ancestors? Even though they are dead don’t they have a retrograde right?

My point in all this is that Kamala Harris has her head stuck in her rectum and does not know what she is saying. I don’t believe she has the ability to run this country. We currently criticize Joe Biden because we believe he is senile and unable to lead, but Kamala would make him look pretty damned good.

Racist Roads?

Thank God I gave up spending my life reading news websites in favor of living to enjoy life. A few years ago I spent myriads of hours reading political BS about just about everything. All it did was to expand my vocabulary to understand what Democrats were calling me, like racist, homophobe, xenophobic.

This morning I spent driving to the north suburbs of Chicago to visit a business called Aum-Bio in Rolling Meadows. My wife believes and relies on alternative therapies for curing her ills and maintaining her health. Upon our return I decided to spend an hour reading internet news sites. The one headline that caught my attention contained the term “racist roads.” That one made me laugh out loud. Democrats are no longer satisfied with calling their opponents racists and are turning to the roads. Pretty desperate if you ask me. I had to open this article to get the details for how roads can be classified as racist. Wonder-Boy Secretary of Transportation Mayor Pete Buttigieg made the comment. He explained that he would use a large percentage of the money from the 1.5 trillion dollar infrastructure bill to address the problem of racist roads. To me that means that he will invent several new agencies staffed with high paid impossible to fire government employees to study the problem and at the end will recommend replacing the so called roads with new ones that cut right through old established neighborhoods.

Back in the nineteen fifties then mayor of Chicago Richard J. Daley was responsible for getting a new super highway built to serve Chicago. Since Lake Michigan borders the east side of the city the new road had to enter the city from the south, and exit to the north. This road would be part of Interstates 90, and 94 that skirt the south end of Lake Michigan and then head back north through Chicago into Wisconsin before they again turn west at different latitudes.

The 1950’s demographic history of Chicago shows that most of the black population lived on the near south side in ghettos that came into existence after the great fire in the eighteen hundreds. I can call these ghettos because I personally witnessed the neighborhoods as I road the Red Rocket street car down Cottage Grove Avenue to 22nd street where I got off and walked to Michael Reese Hospital for physical therapy. I was shocked at the dilapidation of the buildings along the way especially those north of 55th street. It got worse and worse the further north toward the city-center. At times I was the only white boy on the car amongst blacks. Since I wore a neck brace and used crutches I was often offered a seat by a black person, usually a very tired looking lady who could hardly wait to get home. Since I was taught to respect my elders I never accepted an offer, I waited until a seat became open. I never feared for my life, no one ever tried to intimidate me we were just passengers on a public mode of transportation trying to get somewhere.

Looking at the map that decided where the Dan Ryan Expressway (1-94) was to go, it is clear to see that the black population won privy to Chicago’s prized lakefront access. It was the white who could not cross under low bridges by bus to get to the beaches, it was the blacks who had privilege to prime lakefront views and access. It was the whites who could not access Chicago’s largest parks like Washington Park, and Jackson Park. The whites the of the city are owed reparation for access to the prime lakefront properties, and access to the nicest parks in the mid-west.

Since the fifties and Interstate 94 (Dan Ryan Expressway) was completed as a necessary road, the black population has expanded twenty miles to the east and west sides of I-94 all the way into the south suburbs to east-west road Interstate 80. Chicago has had a Democrat mayor exclusively during that time. Wonder-boy Mayor Pete should have claimed this fact as well in his announcement. Instead he makes it sound like the entire population of the U.S.A. is race hating. I can say with some probability of accuracy that his home town of South Bend, Indiana of which he was mayor, has a similar historical story to tell.

I do say to Wonder-Boy Buttigieg yes, Chicago was segmented into neighborhoods, and yes, at that time whites were very prejudiced. I have a problem with that because my trips for physical therapy were the result of spending four months in a hospital being cared for by many black nurses, and therapists. I got to know these people very well and never came to a conclusion that they were anything other than people just like me. They just happened to be a different color and a different culture. Maybe Mayor Daley decided the interstate should split the blacks from the whites, but he had to make a decision on which neighborhoods to upset with this road which goes directly into the city from the south, and at the same time would destroy some very old and dangerous buildings.

As I examine the map above the split shows a that ten to twenty percent of the black population was on the white-side(west) of the highway. Since the interstate system was new in 1950 there were no laws that dictated the clearance of underpasses or overpasses. As a point of interest the Dan Ryan does not have underpasses. Every street that crosses the highway is an overpass and does not limit any bus or truck from passing over it. The laws did not dictate that there should be ample clearance for busses to carry us from the west to the east side beaches because there was no need for it. It is my guess that if Wonder-Boy Buttigieg were in a position to make that decision he would have done exactly the same, except he too would have forgotten to raise the clearances for busses. Where we do have clearance problems is when a railroad crosses a road. Many of these underpasses are so low that trucks crossing under them decapitate their roofs. Wonder Boy does not address problems caused by hundred year old railroad crossings. Were these intentionally made too low for the purpose of separating blacks from whites? I don’t think so.

There are no racist roads anywhere in the country, only racists who keep promoting that we are a racist country.

Bring It On Big Guy

It is Friday night, and instead of going on a date I’ll try writing a response to the nut job liberal who wants to reprogram 75 million Trumps supporters to become nut jobs like him.

I know the feeling this man has, I had it to the same extent eight years ago when his immortalized icon Obama ascended to the throne. If Obama has anything over Trump it was his ability to dodge scandal. Why wouldn’t he? When the entire world’s press aligns itself with the liberal side of things Obama could do no wrong. Obama controlled the message and brags about it. Yet, over the last four years Obama frailties have been trickling out time after time. It still doesn’t make news because of the protection he is afforded by the press and the Deep State.

For the past four years, I have enjoyed not hearing from my own radical nut-job friends on Facebook. Now that Biden is declaring himself the Lord they post only negative stuff about Trump and very wrong stuff about Biden. We believe in our leaders. I believe everything Trump says, my own son-in-law does not. I often wind up with a shoe in my mouth because of our discussions. I’d rather eat shoe leather than offend the young man and jeopardize my daughter’s relationship.

The past few nights I have watched several documentaries on American Indian life. All of them put the government into evil light. I actually come away feeling guilty for the way the tribes were treated by our own ancestors. The players in these documentaries tell their side of the story without any opportunity or desire to look at things from the opposite side. The effect is empathy by the viewer. I see the current players of the left telling the story the way they want it t be heard. I’m not buying it. Why, because I know better than to believe anything a lefty says or does.

Yesterday, I watched a press conference held by Trump’s lawyers exposing the democrat voting shenanigans uncovered during the election. When I heard that the same vote counting machine developed by the Hugo Chavez and Maduro regimes was also used to count our votes my heart began racing. It doesn’t matter that the machine is made by a company connected to the infamous USA hating George Soros. How in the world could these people be so damned stupid? Or were they stupid? If you want to win an election you use systems that you can manipulate to change the winds into your direction. Combine that with the timing of the vote-count-stop during the night to give the counters a break being coincidental with the rising surge of Trump votes which coincidentally dropped like a rock after the break is really stretching my mind a bit. Oh yeah, the votes they found during the break had to be run through the newly reprogrammed machines. Yep, I’m believing it one hundred percent.

If the libs want to retrain me to think like them they will have to split my head open and empty my brains into a bucket. Anyone with the brains of an ostrich has to know that the facts don’t add up. And these are the kind of thinkers who are commenting on Twitter and Blogs all across the country about how lame the Conservatives are. What is worse is that the so called press rides the wave with the empty headed libs who propose so much stupid stuff. I should replace the word stuff with ideas, but ideas such as theirs are not even stuff. I am being generous by calling their fecally tainted output as stuff.

How about finding thousands of ballots with only one mark on them all for Biden, and all with a perfectly round dot in the voting space.? I try to be very careful when I mark my ballot with the black ink pen and work at staying inside the lines, but even with all my precise care I go outside the lines. Putting a perfect circle inside the little oval boxes is damn near impossible on thousands of ballots. For one thing one person would not be able to mark that many ballots, it would take several people to mark thousands and what are the chances that all those people would all do the same precise job? I will buy that the ballots were marked by a printing machine, and not a registered voter.

The list of irregularities found during the counting is endless, and is certainly evidence enough for me to believe that the election was definitely being influenced by an outside organized source, maybe it was the Russians, but I’d rather believe it was the Democratic National Committee.

I grew up in Chicago, and followed city politics from the time I could read. Mayor Richard J Daley was the master of organizing the democratic machine. His Precinct Captains told immigrants to vote for democrat candidates, my parents among them. They used intimidation by way of threats to job security, they suppressed the black vote, or intimidated them to vote democrat. He locked up the politics in such a way that the city was nearly one hundred percent democratic. His system of patronage is being used in every democratic city across the nation. He ruled for years. His successors were all democrats from his administration. Eventually, his son Richard M Daley finished the Daley rule, but the democratic party lives on. The result is a city where only the white neighborhoods are respectable, black neighborhoods all resemble war zones. Money for anything is lacking, but the budget is overwhelming.

Richard J Daley Richard M Daley
Jackson Park

As a kid, I remember the Chicago Park District being the greatest ever. I walked two miles one-way to use the park. They were great places to play sports, to swim, to take walks. The landscaping was outstanding, the lawns were manicured. Today, the parks are a mess, yes they still have a semblance of a park but they are not safe, the services are fewer, and the people who frequent them put their life in danger. There is only one area that is totally safe in Chicago, i.e. except for this past summer, The Magnificent Mile and Grant Park along the lake front. It is the jewel of Chicago. Tourists from around the world come to visit this area. However, this summer Michigan Avenue was visited by BLM and other protest groups who showed their liberalism by smashing windows and looting. The lady Mayor Lori Lightfoot treats the city as though it all belongs to the black elements. There is no law and order in neighborhoods that are not hers.

So my good friend, you who wants to teach me to become a liberal, all I can say is bring it on!

Magnificent Mile Michigan Avenue

You Say Tomayto and I Say Tomahto

The current line of stupidity being debated by our Congressional oversight committees is the difference between using two words, i.e. spy versus surveillance. Attorney General Barr spiked a firestorm by Democrats who knowingly spied on the Trump campaign. Evidently, the word spy indicates something evil, and surveillance is like watching your baby so it doesn’t fall out of the crib. The dictionary I consulted shows the word ‘surveillance’ as a synonym of the word ‘spy.’ Forgive me but it has been seventy-one years since I first learned the basics of our fine english language, and the Democratic Socialist Progressives have probably rewritten the dictionary since then.

What are differences between the two definitions? See for your self below.

spy | spī | noun (plural spies) a person who secretly collects and reports information on the activities, movements, and plans of an enemy or competitor. • a person who keeps watch on others secretly.

surveillance | sərˈvāləns | noun close observation, especially of a suspected spy or criminal: he found himself put under surveillance by military intelligence. ORIGIN early 19th century: from French, from sur- ‘over’ + veiller ‘watch’ (from Latin vigilare ‘keep watch’).

I guess surveillance implies that the person under surveillance can know it is happening, where, if someone spies on you it is more effective if you don’t know it.

Maybe it is my seventy-one year old education, but to me the two words mean the same thing.

The democrats wasted two years and over twenty million dollars of tax payer money to learn nothing, and are now determined to get their hands on the Mueller report so they can re-write it to say what they want it to say. No doubt they will read in between the lines to find clues and evidence that the Special Prosecutor left out. Because of their embarrassment over not finding that the Russians didn’t have anything to do with Hillary’s loss they are now going berserk over the idea that maybe, just maybe, the Democrats were behind the thing.

Everyone in this country knows that Hillary initiated the Russian collusion story and she used it to turn attention away from her treasonous behavior as Secretary of State. What really bothers me is people in Washington pretend not to know any of this stuff. The only way they will admit to knowing it is to investigate the matter for themselves, and we know investigating takes months and a lot of tax payer money. In the mean-time the perpetrators keep running further and further away from their crimes.

Our country is in a civil war, Left against Right, and both sides will not give in until one is a clear winner. Eventually, the war will escalate from using words, tricks, investigations, smears, dirty elections to using our Second Amendment rights to bear arms and to put the whole shebang out of its misery.

I’m ready, are you?

Racist = EVIL = Progressive

The difference between President Trump’s problems and President Obama’s is the word racist. Any time Obama did a stupid thing, or something we didn’t care for, and we dared to speak up and challenge O, the First Amendment protected press called us racist and shut us down. Keeping quiet was a huge mistake.


This country is not racist. Who are the racists?  Everyone who fights Trump at every move he makes. All he has been guilty of is fighting, and undoing all the wrongs that Obama and his Democrat cohorts have been propagating for the past sixty years. I can say that because when President Lyndon Johnson initiated the War against Poverty and other similar programs his sole intention was to subjugate the black population to the Democrat party. No-one ever called a single democrat a racist in the last sixty years. Why? Because all Democrats are racist and as such would never stand up against one of their own. There is only one more word by which I can describe a Democrat, and that is EVIL.


Today, Steve Bannon was let go from the White House staff. Trump is definitely bowing to leftist pressure on this one. Bannon was the one advisor who had the balls to let Trump know it is okay to fight the likes of North Korea, and Islamist terrorists. If I were Trump’s advisor, I’d be going after Hillary, for breaking law after law while Secretary of State. I’d be cleaning house at the IRS to get rid od all political opposition. The IRS should only concentrate on collecting our tax money. They don’t need a police force, or sticking their noses into dictating one-sided thinking for who should be granted a 501-c3 status. If you ever wondered how Obama thought about the charge he made for the cost of Obama Care think about this. Early on he designated the IRS to be the ones to collect the money and to police the provisions of payment. That automatically puts the charges of the ACA into the tax category. The dishonest president knew the public would balk at another tax so he lied and hid the charge ultimately letting the Supreme court decide to call it a tax.


Tear down more monuments it is good for erasing history, and making us more and more communist every day.


One conclusion I can draw about anyone who fights to unseat Trump from office is someone who doesnt want a President who will fight for the American People. What does that make them?