You Say Tomayto and I Say Tomahto

The current line of stupidity being debated by our Congressional oversight committees is the difference between using two words, i.e. spy versus surveillance. Attorney General Barr spiked a firestorm by Democrats who knowingly spied on the Trump campaign. Evidently, the word spy indicates something evil, and surveillance is like watching your baby so it doesn’t fall out of the crib. The dictionary I consulted shows the word ‘surveillance’ as a synonym of the word ‘spy.’ Forgive me but it has been seventy-one years since I first learned the basics of our fine english language, and the Democratic Socialist Progressives have probably rewritten the dictionary since then.

What are differences between the two definitions? See for your self below.

spy | spī | noun (plural spies) a person who secretly collects and reports information on the activities, movements, and plans of an enemy or competitor. • a person who keeps watch on others secretly.

surveillance | sərˈvāləns | noun close observation, especially of a suspected spy or criminal: he found himself put under surveillance by military intelligence. ORIGIN early 19th century: from French, from sur- ‘over’ + veiller ‘watch’ (from Latin vigilare ‘keep watch’).

I guess surveillance implies that the person under surveillance can know it is happening, where, if someone spies on you it is more effective if you don’t know it.

Maybe it is my seventy-one year old education, but to me the two words mean the same thing.

The democrats wasted two years and over twenty million dollars of tax payer money to learn nothing, and are now determined to get their hands on the Mueller report so they can re-write it to say what they want it to say. No doubt they will read in between the lines to find clues and evidence that the Special Prosecutor left out. Because of their embarrassment over not finding that the Russians didn’t have anything to do with Hillary’s loss they are now going berserk over the idea that maybe, just maybe, the Democrats were behind the thing.

Everyone in this country knows that Hillary initiated the Russian collusion story and she used it to turn attention away from her treasonous behavior as Secretary of State. What really bothers me is people in Washington pretend not to know any of this stuff. The only way they will admit to knowing it is to investigate the matter for themselves, and we know investigating takes months and a lot of tax payer money. In the mean-time the perpetrators keep running further and further away from their crimes.

Our country is in a civil war, Left against Right, and both sides will not give in until one is a clear winner. Eventually, the war will escalate from using words, tricks, investigations, smears, dirty elections to using our Second Amendment rights to bear arms and to put the whole shebang out of its misery.

I’m ready, are you?