Robin Obamahood

My Flag Flies Everyday

My Flag Flies Everyday

A good friend of mine sent a package of articles last week. He included a letter with his political views in support of John McCain. The articles were all re-prints from Investors Business Daily. All of them proclaimed the shady background, affiliations, and non-virtues of one Barack Hussein Obama. I read them without stopping. That night I did not sleep. My body was trembling with anxiety and fear. That is the effect BO has on me when I see or hear him. On days like today, I sit at my computer BLOGGING away wondering if I am the only guy in the world who sees through the Obama hypnotica. My own children are falling for his semantics and smooth delivery. Of course, they also hate George Bush with such a vengeance that they want to punish him.

Voting irrationally for a candidate that is trying to change the best country in the world into a mediocre socialist state is not wise. Children, wake up, for once in your life, listen to your father. BO is a cobra wrapped in a sheep’s pelt. He will lure you with his bobbing and weaving, and then, when you are relaxed for just an instant, he will inject his poisonous venom into your blood. You will never recover.

One could argue, that if BO does bad things, we will replace him, and fix the wrong. Have you ever seen a bad law repealed? No, we have to live with them. As an example, the Fair Housing Act( Democrat Lyndon Johnson-LBJ) passed in 1968 was improved with the Community Reinvestment Act (Democrat Bill Clinton-WJC) of the nineties, which became the tool of ACORN. It all led to the subprime mortgage giveaway. 

This great country didn’t always have an income tax. The government enacted an income tax when it became necessary to fund something big, like a war. As soon as the debt was paid, the income tax was eliminated. Once the democrats realized the power of the greed, the income tax remained. Now we are faced with a deficit of trillions of dollars. Think about that, a trillion dollars of debt. See my post titled “How Much is a Trillion?” What would happen if you were to spend your credit card debt to the limits? Would you ever pay it off? Would you try? Would the credit card companies lend you more money? What if you told the bank, whose card you maxed out, that you wanted more money to give to charities? Would it make any difference? 

What BO is asking of you, who are already maxed out, is for more money to give away. He ‘s not interested in paying off the debt. He is playing “Robin Hood.” He wants to tax the rich to give it away to programs that he thinks will benefit you. That is the socialist way, they believe you are not able to take care of yourself, so Big Government will do it for you. All Big Government does is create a bureaucracy to administer to our needs. That bureaurocracy of administrators will use the funds to feed their own greed, and the offal will fall to the serfs.

 Everyone of the issues, he so proudly declares to be campaigning on, will cost this country trillions and add to the national debt. After Robin Hood has taxed the rich into the poorhouse, the payment of the bill transfers to us. Don’t be fooled. When we begin receiving the benefits of his entitlement programs, and BO realizes that he can’t pay for them, he will enact a tax on the benefit. Don’t believe me? I happen to pay income tax on my social security entitlement. Why? Because a few years ago, the Democrats needed a new way to pay the bill. What sense does that make?

I would like to see what will happen when every family in the country runs up a huge credit card bill and then refuses to pay. Will big government bail us out?  Currently, credit card debt is running so high in so many families, that I may get to see the need for a new bailout in my lifetime. Think it won’t happen? I think you will be forced to pay with your children, and their children before that bailout occurs.

Want to try an experiment? Send your Senator and Congressman a bill for your share of the bailout. It amounts to about three thousand dollars per person. Just multiply the number of people in your family by 3000 and send a bill for the total. Don’t hold your breath waiting for payment.

“I’m Grumpa Joe and I approve this message.”