Where Is He Taking Us?

My Flag Flies Everyday

My Flag Flies Everyday

BO went on the defensive attacking John Mc Cain’s statement that BO is proposing Socialism. “Obama responded forcefully, called McCain’s tactics “the oldest trick in the book,” a scare tactic, and nothing more than name calling.”

I say, call a “spade a spade.”  Mc Cain must have touched a nerve.  BO went on to defend himself by asking why Warren Buffet would endorse him? Why would he? Maybe Warren plans to fund BO’s plans with his personal fortune. He is rich enough to make a dent. Then again, maybe Warren is smart enough to cozy up to BO so he will get preferential treatment.

Barack Obama studied socialism, his father was a socialist, his mother had socialist leanings, he associated with known communists, he has a socialist mentality, he has proposed a socialist program. He doesn’t see it as socialism, but his vision for America is one that is very different from yours and mine. He also knows that if this “truth’ becomes accepted by America, that his goose is cooked. He has to destroy the notion, just like he is trying to destroy Sarah Palin, and “Joe The Plumber.” By the way, after digging into every aspect of Joe Wurzelbacher’s life, the media has implied that “Joe The Plumber” should have been “vetted’ by the Mc Cain campaign before he used him as an example of taxing small business. What in the world are they thinking? BO has tried to destroy a U.S. citizen who asked him a straight forward question? Has BO, the DNC and the liberal media adopted a KGB mentality? Should we all be running scared to ask anything from the Messiah for fear of being investigated, and our lives ruined? 

Where in the world is he taking us?

Joe The Retired Guy

My Flag Flies Everyday

My Flag Flies Everyday

I can’t believe the amount of stuff I know about “Joe the Plumber,” in less than a week. The audacity of this working man to ask a question of a candidate. The one question, which was not “vetted,” by the DNC has become an example of how well BO has staged his campaign by carefully writing and rehearsing canned answers. He was asked one question off the script, and blew it big time. He exposed himself. He might as well have dropped his pants. All I can say is this, I’d like to ask BO some questions too, and I’d like his army of investigators to dig dirt on me. I’d welcome spending my entire 401K, or what’s left of it, fighting them in court. It would be like an aircraft carrier fighting a canoe, but I”d go down asking questions the guy won’t answer.

Here are some for starters.  I’m retired living off Social Security, and my 401K. Since you and your democratic friends have destroyed the market with the free housing program, will you eliminate the taxes I pay on Social Security? Don’t tell me that I’m in the 95% of the population that will get your tax cut. I want to hear you say that the SS tax is evil, it always was, and that you will abolish it immediately. Will you abolish the capital gains tax on the few feable stocks that I own in my 401K? Or will you also want that too. Your affinity for giving opportunity to those who have not worked fifty five years to accumulate a 401K is astoundingly stupid and naive.

Every one of the good citizens you so galantly want to help from the bottom up, have the same opportunities afforded to them as has Joe the Plumber. They have the same school system, the same laws, the same environment as all of us. Why do they waste it? Because you and yours choose to raise them in a welfare environment, they have never known anything else. They have no role models to show them how to work. Want to try an experiment? Try paying them for all the children they have “in wedlock.” Try this as a plank in your arsenal, “Give a man a fish, he has one meal. Teach a man to fish, he eats for a lifetime.”

Let me also ask you about your accusations that John McCain and Sarah Palin don’t argue the “issues.” They do argue issues, they have laid out concrete plans for “Energy Policy, Right to Life, How to fix the Economy, Supreme Court Justice selection, Foreign Affairs, Health Care, and more. The problem is, those big ears of yours are not listening to anything but what you want to hear. If John Mc Cain’s responses are not the same as yours, you fail to hear.  The trouble with you, BO, is that you are totally out of touch, as are your vetting agents at NBC,ABC,CBS, and the most liberal of all, out tax supported NPR.

Answer these too, How will you pay for Universal Health Care when Medicare, a much smaller program, is going broke? How will you help students through college, when they can’t read or write? Will you lower standards? Will you lower interest rates on student juice loans? Will you forego your salary to “help” the poor? Will you abolish affirmative action, a program disciminating against those who really want to get an education? 

What were your grades in college, who were some of your friends? Why did you vote “Present,” so many times in the Illinois State Senate?  How is it that you have  come in contact with so many questionable people in your short lifetime? I never met anyone controversial in over seventy years, nor have any of the entire population of this country. 

When do the investigators show up? I have more questions to ask.

Vote Early, Vote Often

My Flag Flies Everyday

My Flag Flies Everyday

I grew up in Chicago, and have lived in the suburbs as an adult. Chicago politics is strictly democratic. The suburbs, or collar communities are republican. That is changing now, as the black population spreads into the south, southwestern, and western suburbs. The demographics have shifted into a democratic population.

I grew up with the saying, “vote early, and vote often.” Anyone who grew up here knows exactly what that means, and will find it funny. The truth is, it is a sad reflection on our society. The twentieth century Democratic Machine worked diligently to win votes, and became noted for buying elections by any means. Precinct captains bought votes with a drink. If a voter hustled, he could put on a package while doing his “civic” duty. 

Chicago is called “a city that works,” but it is rife with graft and corruption. Any politician who tries to “reform” the machine is soundly defeated in either the election, or in attempts to make things happen. It is my opinion that BO has been an astute student of Chicago Machine tactics. BO’s effort to use ACORN to buy votes is typical of the “vote early, vote often,” menatlity of Machine Politics. This tactic does win elections, but does that make it right? Does the end justify the means? Do we really want socialism so badly, that we will prostitute ourselves for it?

We all get one vote, unless we buy another from some devious merchant who wants to “make change you can believe in.”

This morning, the Ohio Secretary of State has filed an emergency appeal with the Supreme Court to get off the hook. It seems that ACORN has done an outstanding job of applying the Chicago principle of “Vote Early, Vote Often.” Unfortunately, the Ohio Secretary of State has to verify the new registrations. She has two hundred thousand that are in question. By Federal Law, she must verify all of them. Most likely, all of these registrations are potential votes for BO. (Isn’t it funny, that we haven’t heard of a single ACORN voter registration that is Republican.) She is out of time, so she ran to the Supreme Court. My guess is that the Court will crumble under pressure from ACORN and the ACLU, and allow the votes.

Call me racist folks, because I’m voting for a conservative, not because he is white, but because he shares my personal philosophy.

On the bright side, there is a big party happening in Ohio. Think of all the folks that are enjoying the buzz from their free drinks.

Give it, Take It Back Policy

My Flag Flies Everyday

My Flag Flies Everyday

BO and his frenzy of followers are hyped on the issue of “universal health care.” Well folks, I’m here to tell you that I’m a recipient of Uncle’s current health care plan. It’s called “Medicare.” I am the first to agree that it is better than nothing. When it was first instituted, my parents finally started going to a doctor. They were retired by that time. They led healthy lives, and lived long. A trip to the doctor meant you had a major problem, like the time dad pissed himself while shoveling snow at age seventy-eight. That incident finally convinced him it was time to get help. It turned out that in addition to an enlarged prostate, he had prostate cancer too. In spite of the surgery, and years of incontinence afterward, he lived to ninety two. He used Medicare about twenty times for follow up appointments.

Time marched on, and the cost of Medicare kept rising. The possibility of Medicare going bankrupt became a reality(have we heard that recently?) Our fine political representatives fixed it by raising the tax taken from our paychecks. Simple? At the same time, they fixed Social Security by raising the tax taken to pay for that. Still simple? Then the genii decided they were giving retired people too much, and decided to tax Social Security. What the “government giveth, the government taketh.”  Did I mention this “give it, take it back” policy was enacted under a Democratic president?  I digress.

The point I’m trying to make is that a big government universal health care plan will ultimately fail. (Case in point, the Fair Housing Act ultimately failed and led to the need for the bail out.) Uncle Sam can’t even pay for the health care plan he has. How in the world will BO pay for a bigger one? First, he will take from the rich, then, it will get more expensive, and guess what? You’re absolutely right. You will be asked to bend over and grab your ankles to get it shoved up your a__. The only ones to benefit will be the people hired to administer the program. Most likely, it will be a division of ACORN. Our health care dollar will be consummed by the administrators. It will be their job to curb costs by challenging every thing you go to the doctor for. Who will curb them? The pennies remaining from that dollar, will go to a physician.

If you you think I am being critical of Medicare, ask your  physician how he likes it. Many doctors don’t accept Medicare because Uncle doesn’t pay well. To compensate, Uncle has a stupid rule that he will pay for each visit.  To make some money, my doctor invents reasons for me to come see him. I take a blood test every three months, he could easily have his nurse call me with the results, instead he tells me to make a follow up visit to get the results. His rationalle, he has to review the results with me. The real reason, he bills Medicare for another visit.

Where will the incentive come for young people to become doctors? It is hard enough now to find a doctor that speaks without such a heavy accent that I can understand him. What incentive  will a student have to study for ten years, certainly not from a big government health care plan. Ask a Canadian what he thinks of his health care. First, he will brag about how all his medical needs are paid by the government. A few sentences later he will complain about the three months it takes to get an appointment, and the two year waiting list for surgery.

This is one of the issues BO keeps wishing John McCain will talk to you about. It is only his way to divert attention from his radical influences.

Get real folks, don’t buy into the idea that Uncle can do it for you better than you can do it on your own.

Redistribution or Retribution?

My Flag Flies Everyday

My Flag Flies Everyday

Three simple letters “d-i-s” spell the difference between BO’s plan to tax the wealthy, to paying the black population for being brought here against their will. Barack Hussein Obama has done more to polarize this country than any single living human being. I read the blogs and it’s a “we versus them mentality.” It’s tatamount to playing “war games.” The liberal bloggers revel in touting the conservatives with their new found hero. The libs also love to tear down Sarah Palin, but just ask one question about BO’s past affiliations and they challenge John McCain’s time in the Viet Cong POW camp. Anyone who talks up the downfall of the wealthy is a hero. Categorically, a conservative is classified as rich. There are plenty of us who are poor, but we choose to play by the rules not play the system.

 I never heard of a Community Organizer until this election. I since have found out that organizing is an industry. They have a union (ACORN) to make them stronger. They lobby the government for more give aways. They are making the rest of us pay(retribution). The sub-prime debacle is the result of too many democratic liberals feeling too guilty about our forefathers. The Civil Rights Act, the Federal Housing Act, the Community Reinvestment Act are examples of the evil foist upon us by our liberal democratic leaders.

BO’s African family is reported to have owned slaves. BO however does not, nor do I, Nor does anyone I know. So why are we being made to pay retribution by redistributing the wealth? In the USA, the opportunity exists equally for all of us. Why is the USA still the country of choice for people from around the world? They sneak in by the droves to take advantage of our great country. Most of them come to make a living. They clean houses, cut grass, clean tables, wash dishes, cook, care for the elderly, they work, they save, they make it. On the other side of this argument are the people whom BO is pretending to care for. They are the ones who are “under” the plumber, who challenged his tax plan, this week. That plumber is the middle class. He works in a shitty environment to sell $250,000.00 worth of services and probably gets to keep half of that before Uncle takes his share. BO proudly exclaimed that he is just trying to give the little guy a chance like the rest of us.

BO send your people to school and make them learn to read and write. Quit worring about paying retribution, they are not slaves any more.