Joe The Retired Guy

My Flag Flies Everyday

My Flag Flies Everyday

I can’t believe the amount of stuff I know about “Joe the Plumber,” in less than a week. The audacity of this working man to ask a question of a candidate. The one question, which was not “vetted,” by the DNC has become an example of how well BO has staged his campaign by carefully writing and rehearsing canned answers. He was asked one question off the script, and blew it big time. He exposed himself. He might as well have dropped his pants. All I can say is this, I’d like to ask BO some questions too, and I’d like his army of investigators to dig dirt on me. I’d welcome spending my entire 401K, or what’s left of it, fighting them in court. It would be like an aircraft carrier fighting a canoe, but I”d go down asking questions the guy won’t answer.

Here are some for starters.  I’m retired living off Social Security, and my 401K. Since you and your democratic friends have destroyed the market with the free housing program, will you eliminate the taxes I pay on Social Security? Don’t tell me that I’m in the 95% of the population that will get your tax cut. I want to hear you say that the SS tax is evil, it always was, and that you will abolish it immediately. Will you abolish the capital gains tax on the few feable stocks that I own in my 401K? Or will you also want that too. Your affinity for giving opportunity to those who have not worked fifty five years to accumulate a 401K is astoundingly stupid and naive.

Every one of the good citizens you so galantly want to help from the bottom up, have the same opportunities afforded to them as has Joe the Plumber. They have the same school system, the same laws, the same environment as all of us. Why do they waste it? Because you and yours choose to raise them in a welfare environment, they have never known anything else. They have no role models to show them how to work. Want to try an experiment? Try paying them for all the children they have “in wedlock.” Try this as a plank in your arsenal, “Give a man a fish, he has one meal. Teach a man to fish, he eats for a lifetime.”

Let me also ask you about your accusations that John McCain and Sarah Palin don’t argue the “issues.” They do argue issues, they have laid out concrete plans for “Energy Policy, Right to Life, How to fix the Economy, Supreme Court Justice selection, Foreign Affairs, Health Care, and more. The problem is, those big ears of yours are not listening to anything but what you want to hear. If John Mc Cain’s responses are not the same as yours, you fail to hear.  The trouble with you, BO, is that you are totally out of touch, as are your vetting agents at NBC,ABC,CBS, and the most liberal of all, out tax supported NPR.

Answer these too, How will you pay for Universal Health Care when Medicare, a much smaller program, is going broke? How will you help students through college, when they can’t read or write? Will you lower standards? Will you lower interest rates on student juice loans? Will you forego your salary to “help” the poor? Will you abolish affirmative action, a program disciminating against those who really want to get an education? 

What were your grades in college, who were some of your friends? Why did you vote “Present,” so many times in the Illinois State Senate?  How is it that you have  come in contact with so many questionable people in your short lifetime? I never met anyone controversial in over seventy years, nor have any of the entire population of this country. 

When do the investigators show up? I have more questions to ask.