Will I Ever Learn?

I find it humorous that it has taken me a lifetime to learn what a community organizer is, and I’m still not sure I understand it yet. In the latest book I read “In Dubious Battle,” author John Steinbeck created a narrative about 1930’s workers starving to death while searching for work. The great Depression had forced many people out of their livelihood and into desperation. People from all over the US had migrated to California where they heard there were jobs harvesting fruits and vegetables. The one thing these poor souls did not figure on is that there would be a hundred people ahead of them for each job that existed. The situation was a big benefit for the growers because the workforce was quickly available and they could reduce pay to a bare minimum. Workers who were broke from the long trip getting to the promised land accepted what ever was offered. As more, and more people came to pick apples the growers lowered the pay to those coming in last. The more pickers a farmer had the quicker his crop was harvested, and the shorter the work lasted.

In this story, Steinbeck follows a family who has been running from job to job only to learn that they could not earn a living at the wages paid. However, they were not alone. The encampment where the migrants stayed while at a farm was filled to the capacity with new workers coming in daily. Conditions were appalling, and hunger abounded. In come Mack, and his friend Jim, fresh off a boxcar from a town that was lacking in jobs. Neither of these men had any intention to become apple pickers, but they did harvest men to a cause. The growers referred to these men as “reds” because they associated themselves with the Communist Party of America. Mack’s sole objective was to organize this camp into a mob with a goal to get higher wages. Mack was good at finding men who were natural leaders, who people would follow. Mack also taught the leaders the tricks of staying out of jail.

The eventual outcome of this story is that the pickers went on strike. They were trained by Mack, a community organizer. I’ll stop exposing the story here. Read the book to learn who won the Dubious Battle.

The first time I heard the term “community organizer,” was during the 2008 presidential campaign. It turns out that Barack Obama began his career as a community organizer before getting into politics. After reading Obama’s biography I learned that his job as a C.O. was in a neighborhood near my own boyhood neighborhood of Burnside called Altgeld Gardens. Other than knowing where Altgeld Gardens was I didn’t know a thing about it except that is was a dangerous place. After later research I learned it was a government housing project for poor blacks. As are most government projects this place was badly neglected, and a once proud community had become a ghetto. Obama speaks about his time there, but never really speaks about accomplishing anything other than to get a few people to meet as a group to identify common problems and to learn which government agency to call for help.

This month I scoured Netflix for a new series to watch, and found one called The English Game. This story too, has a theme of rich versus poor, and of course the rich are very organized and the poor are not. The rich mill owners face a downturn in business and they solve the problem in the only way they know which is to cut wages. The mill workers are a bit more sophisticated than the pickers of the western states, but they get the idea to strike without a formal organizer.

I figure that if I get enough of these messages from life, (movies, books, newspapers) I will eventually understand what a community organizer does. At this point I see the community organizer as one who helps the people of a specific community to help themselves.

Radical Overload

Cover-Rules for Radicals

The Cloward-Piven Strategy to implement socialist revolution
I recently came across an article written about sociology professors Cloward and Piven from Columbia University.  After reading the article linked above, the current state of affairs in our country becomes very clear. We have been undergoing a revolution from within since nineteen sixty-six.  The revolutionaries are socialists who want to destroy capitalism and everything it stands for.

The revolution began with an  idea  to overload the welfare system in order to bankrupt the country. It seems to be working very well. The housing meltdown is  part of the welfare scam;  a social experiment intended to give everyman a home. The current attempt to rope us into the welfare system is called universal health care. It is another weapon being used by socialists to bankrupt the country. Reminiscent of the USSR, is the hypocrisy of giving the president and Congress a gilded Lilly plan, while the rest of us will suffer.

A proponent of the overload concept was a man named  Saul Alinsky.  Obama studied Saul Alinsky while working as Community Organizer. Obama also attended Columbia University, the home of Cloward and Piven. Obama attended a church based on black liberation theology. For twenty years he listened to ranting sermons by the Reverend Wright. Obama worked with Bill Ayers, a professed terrorist, and communist with a small ‘c’.

Is it a coincidence that POTUS is so radical?  Or were his radical connections deliberate methodology on his part to create a foundation for the strategy designed to destroy the United States of America?

Wake Up America, We Are Being Driven
Into Socialist Slavery!

His Soul Is Black

My Flag Flies Everyday

My Flag Flies Everyday

More from “Dreams From My Father.” BO writes about how he learned of Reverend Jeremiah Wright’s church. As a Community Organizer, he found himself interviewing local ministers. The job involved looking for common issues that he could then bring into action through the local people. A good idea, that in my opinion is the same as pushing on a rope. It seems this old minister directed him to a young minister on 95th St who was attracting all levels of blacks. Even though his church is in one of the poorest neighborhoods on the southside of Chicago. I know it well, because I grew up three miles east of there. It wasn’t always a poor area, it was middle class. Unfortunately, the whites abandoned the area after the first black family moved in. They couldn’t move away fast enough. I digress. Before he left the community organizing business, BO showed up at the Reverend Wright’s church for a service. It sounded like BO didn’t really have much of a connection with God at the time. He was attracted to the message that Wright preached, i.e. Black Liberation Theology. It is a belief that racism is evil. 

James Cone a Black liberation theologian explains that   “…at the core of black liberation theology is an effort — in a white-dominated society, in which black has been defined as evil — to make the gospel relevant to the life and struggles of American blacks, and to help black people learn to love themselves. It’s an attempt, he says “to teach people how to be both unapologetically black and Christian at the same time.””

BO’ attraction to this message seems to confirm his troubled mind regarding his “blackness.” Being fathered by a black man to a white woman, and reared by white grandparents he did not understand his own racial make-up. As I explained in my previous post titled “Conflicted Soul,” he was raised white, but his soul was black. He wanted to be black. I don’t see anything wrong with that. He is half black, so why wouldn’t he want to express himself as black? What I do see as a problem is with his faith.

Religion is a belief and a faith that there is another world after death. Black Liberation Theology emphasizes action toward blacks learning to love themselves through the teachings of Jesus Christ. BO evidently saw something in this theology that appealed to him. Perhaps he could learn to love his blackness if he pursued this avenue.

When the media finally uncovered Jeremiah Wright’s sermon in which he “God Damned America,” BO got too much negative publicity out of it. At first BO defended the Reverend. I commend him for that. He showed that he truly had a strong relationship with the man. When the threat of losing his race for president increased, he finally “resigned,” from the church in an attempt to distance himself from Jeremiah Wright. Did he also resign from his “belief?” A true believer would have stood his ground and stayed.

If BO dropped this belief in Black Liberation Theology, after twenty years, at the drop of a hat, how quickly will he change his mind about his plan to tax only those making over $250,000.00?  How quickly will he change his mind about any of the issues he so arrogantly proclaims to be the “Change We Can Believe In.”

Stick to the Issues Barack

My Flag Flies Everyday

My Flag Flies Everyday

Throughout this campaign, I have heard BO angrily proclaim that John Mc Cain should stick to the issues and not smear or dwell on negatives. Well, I seem to think that Mc Cain is doing a great job of sticking to the issues. He continuously talks about tax cuts, building business, creating jobs through business, energy dependency, Roe vs Wade. What issues have  I heard from the BO campaign? How about Joe the Plumber owes taxes, he’s not a licensed plumber, and so on. On the VP side of things, he has attacked Sarah Palin relentlessly on her lack of experience (as a community organizer) her wardrobe, her brother in law, her lack of foreign affairs experience, etc. Well, if the sexist, racist, socialist liberal Democrats call this a clean campaign without negativism what else will they try to sell us?

Redistribution or Retribution?

My Flag Flies Everyday

My Flag Flies Everyday

Three simple letters “d-i-s” spell the difference between BO’s plan to tax the wealthy, to paying the black population for being brought here against their will. Barack Hussein Obama has done more to polarize this country than any single living human being. I read the blogs and it’s a “we versus them mentality.” It’s tatamount to playing “war games.” The liberal bloggers revel in touting the conservatives with their new found hero. The libs also love to tear down Sarah Palin, but just ask one question about BO’s past affiliations and they challenge John McCain’s time in the Viet Cong POW camp. Anyone who talks up the downfall of the wealthy is a hero. Categorically, a conservative is classified as rich. There are plenty of us who are poor, but we choose to play by the rules not play the system.

 I never heard of a Community Organizer until this election. I since have found out that organizing is an industry. They have a union (ACORN) to make them stronger. They lobby the government for more give aways. They are making the rest of us pay(retribution). The sub-prime debacle is the result of too many democratic liberals feeling too guilty about our forefathers. The Civil Rights Act, the Federal Housing Act, the Community Reinvestment Act are examples of the evil foist upon us by our liberal democratic leaders.

BO’s African family is reported to have owned slaves. BO however does not, nor do I, Nor does anyone I know. So why are we being made to pay retribution by redistributing the wealth? In the USA, the opportunity exists equally for all of us. Why is the USA still the country of choice for people from around the world? They sneak in by the droves to take advantage of our great country. Most of them come to make a living. They clean houses, cut grass, clean tables, wash dishes, cook, care for the elderly, they work, they save, they make it. On the other side of this argument are the people whom BO is pretending to care for. They are the ones who are “under” the plumber, who challenged his tax plan, this week. That plumber is the middle class. He works in a shitty environment to sell $250,000.00 worth of services and probably gets to keep half of that before Uncle takes his share. BO proudly exclaimed that he is just trying to give the little guy a chance like the rest of us.

BO send your people to school and make them learn to read and write. Quit worring about paying retribution, they are not slaves any more.