A New Term

A New Term Is Born
Speaks for Itself

I knew someone would find a name for our election process for this year.

ELECTILE DYSFUNCTION: the inability to become
aroused over any of the choices for President put forth
by either party in the 2016 election year.

We May Indeed Be Nuts!

My Flag Flies Everyday

My Flag Flies Everyday

I am almost over the election. I haven’t blogged because the need to do so dried up when BO won. This week, however, I have to speak my piece on the latest of Uncle Sam’s idiotic moves. Why do we want to bail out GM? This car company has consistently thrown poor quality, and reliability at us in the name of “Made in the USA.” The same goes for the UAW. I tried my best to hold out by buying American for many years. I owned an Oldsmobile Intrigue for eight years. It was without a doubt, the best GM car I ever owned. I bragged about it’s reliability and performance. I tried in vane to get my kids to buy “American.” No amount of reason or guilt worked. Two of my kids  don’t even know that there are cars made in America that are not Honda or Toyota. They grew up on Honda, and Toyota. They are brand faithful. At the same time I was bragging about my Intrigue with 110,000 miles on it, my daughter bragged about her Honda with 180,000. All she ever did was change oil, and put brakes, tires and gas in it.  At 111,000 miles my Intrigue crapped out. It leaked fluid into the cyclinders and locked the engine tight. After I spent $1800 to replace a leaking intake manifold, I learned on the I-net that GM cars are notorious for this failure. They have had the problem for years, but have never taken any steps to fix it. 

The US car companies, management and the UAW, have let the Japs take them down. Now GM wants the tax payer to bail them out. The argument is that if they are allowed to go bankrupt, many thousands of jobs will be lost, thus fueling the recession.

The truth is that filing for bankruptcy will not be a loss of jobs. They can go on making crappy cars as is their usual business. The difference is that they won’t get any “free money,” from the taxpayer.

A few years ago, GM divested itself of a division called Delphi. Delphi makes electrical systems for GM and other car companies. GM gave Delphi as much pension debt as they could. Eventually, Delphi filed for chapter eleven. They couldn’t make a profit with all the baggage GM dumped on them. I know, because I am a stockholder. Want to know what happens to the stockholder when a company files for bankruptcy? The old shares become worthless, meaning the stockholder loses his investment. GM didn’t give a hoot about losing Delphi, it became Delphi’s problem.  Even though Delphi filed for bankruptcy, it has continued to operate for several years. They keep on shipping orders. They even entertained the purchase of another electronics company. How can a business that is in bankruptcy buy another company?

What GM is afraid of is all it’s incompetent managers losing their options and bonuses paid in stock.

The capitalistic system rewards companies that can design, make, and sell useful products that buyers want. GM does not do any of these things. They design cars that have a shorter life than their competitors, their designs are ugly, and they are made by the most unproductive union in the world, i.e. the UAW.

If we reward GM and the UAW with a government bailout, we are indeed nuts. Let the system work, we’ll all be better off for it. We won’t have to worry about BO turning the country socialist. WE will hand a socialist government to him on a silver platter.

Down Size Big Government

My Flag Flies Everyday

My Flag Flies Everyday

My cousin sent me an interesting article (shown below) in which the author, a republican turned democrat, writes why he will vote for BO. He makes some valid points regarding the drift of the Republican Party away from strict conservatism. He is correct in his claim that GWB forgot the philosophies of his party by increasing the size of the government. His new departments of Homeland Security and the Federal Emergency Management Act are two doozies. Both of them were knee jerk reactions on the part of our Congress and Senate to problems. My question is this, why does the population always look to Uncle to solve their problems? Uncle’s solutions are usually a disaster larger than any that FEMA is expected to address.  Bill Clinton’s Community Revitalization Act is another big government legacy that we are stuck with. That one caused the collapse of the banking system from which we will  most likely never recover. This author goes on to argue that the republicans need to get their “clocks cleaned.” He has two reasons; first because they had eight years to do the job and failed, and second,  the Bush policy to elevate the powers of the president. The author believes that “nothing short of defeat will put the GOP back on its limited government track…”

Although I agree with his reasons, I disagree with his logic to vote for a democrat to solve this problem. The cure will be worse than the disease. If BO wins, we will have four years of radical programs implemented by a socialist president and a socialist house.  I agree that a strict conservative republican party would be a shoo in after fours years of BO, but I disagree that any party could undo the evils that will transpire in the time under BO.

I have an issue with John McCain in that he has, at times, sold out his conservative principles during his thirty year career. He is one man in a group of five hundred and thirty five. He was one salmon swimming up river and hitting a dam. It is amazing that he has survived as long as he has. It is a testimony to his ablility to work with difficult people to make his agenda happen.

The author assumes that in four years, the house republicans will be transformed.  All of them will be honest, God fearing, monogomous men. All with the same staunch conservative philosophies. I believe this to be a bad assumption because it will take a miracle to find, and elect so many clean clear thinkers into office in so short a time.  For example, in the blue state of Illinois, Barack Obama became senator because the republican party could not find a single candidate to run against him. They imported a man from Maryland to fill the ballot. BO won because he didn’t have any competition.

I believe that John Mc Cain represents our one true hope to turn the country back to its conservative roots. He will have the ability to veto the really dumb things that the democrats will try to pull off. He will fend off the urge to build the government, and to put the country back into the hands of the people. His remaining years of life will be spent undoing the damage that has been done by the previous democratic regimes, and his party’s own GWB. 

If we allow BO to take over, and further corrupt our conservative lives, the job presented to the next conservative candidate will be monumental. We need a conservative president now more than ever. We need to give John Mc Cain the opportunity to reshape and down size big government. The benefits of doing so will allow us to make our own private destiny. 

Why the Republicans Must Lose

Nothing short of defeat will put the GOP back on its limited government track

Radley Balko | October 22, 2008















Capital Gains What?

My Flag Flies Everyday

My Flag Flies Everyday

The rhetoric in this campaign could only be written by lawyers. We need to listen and understand every word, then read between the lines. I keep hearing that BO wants to limit his taxation to the “very rich.” He openly says there are many companies who are so rich they can afford to give some up for those at the bottom. I got to thinking about his words, and the concepts begin to sink in.

The folks who support BO and who have jobs seem to agree that their employers use them to make their fortunes. These workers have a mentality that somehow, their employer would not be rich if it were not for the sweat of their labor. They revel in the concept of taking it back from the rich. These people resent everything and everyone who has a nickle more than them. What they don’t understand is that the employer pays them a fair market wage for the the fruits of their effort. They also don’t realize that when they go home, the employer is still working to make things happen. Business is a 24/7 operation, and the owners take on a huge responsibility to make it a success.

How does the capital gains tax affect me and you? I fall into the “ninety five percent, or the middle class,” who are supposed to get a tax break in the BO program. I will get that tax break at the expense of a capital gains tax on the wealthiest of companies.  I don’t work anymore, and I live off my 401K, and Social Security. It took my deceased wife and me over forty two years to accumulate the nest egg. We gave up luxuries, spent judiciously, and saved. We invested in the market, and bought into many different companies. Many of my investments are designed for growth so the nest egg keeps up with inflation. When a company does well and expands, or grows, they transfer the growth to the share holders in the form of a capital gain distribution. It is not money, but shares of stock. This is a “capital gain.” At the end of the year, I have to pay a tax on that gain. There have been years, when I had capital gains, and paid a tax, however, the share price of the stock dropped making the value of the gain negative. Uncle Sam took the tax and ran. There was no sympathy toward the stock holder, Even though I was stuck with a stock that was lower in value than before the gain was declared. My 401K depends on capital gains to keep feeding me. I have to sell shares of the funds to get the  money I live on.

All of the people, who have been hypnotised into believing that BO will only tax the rich, are in for a rude awakening.  Any worker who is planning to retire on a 401K plan will be affected by the capital gains tax. Why? because you are investing in the companies that he will tax. All the “boomers” who want to retire and take advantage of their years of labor will be affected too. Companies who pay taxes, pay less dividend and have less money to invest in growth. It is as simple as that; more tax, less growth. More tax, less money in your 401K. More capital gains tax, and the more you pay; the less you have to live on. We are all affected by the capital gains tax, even those of us who are “middle class.” I don’t beleive for a minute that BO doesn’t see that he will burden the retiring baby boomers. He wants it all.

Barack and his liberal cronies love the concept of taking care of the little guy.  He doesn’t believe we are smart enough to care for ourselves.  If BO is really interested in taking care of us, he will abolish his ‘welfare,’ mentality. Karl Marx had a similar idea, and initiated a great ‘experiment” in Europe. Millions were slaughtered to make the idea work. Marxism took everything from the people. The government owned the wealth to take care of the people. The experiment was called “communism.”

Give it, Take It Back Policy

My Flag Flies Everyday

My Flag Flies Everyday

BO and his frenzy of followers are hyped on the issue of “universal health care.” Well folks, I’m here to tell you that I’m a recipient of Uncle’s current health care plan. It’s called “Medicare.” I am the first to agree that it is better than nothing. When it was first instituted, my parents finally started going to a doctor. They were retired by that time. They led healthy lives, and lived long. A trip to the doctor meant you had a major problem, like the time dad pissed himself while shoveling snow at age seventy-eight. That incident finally convinced him it was time to get help. It turned out that in addition to an enlarged prostate, he had prostate cancer too. In spite of the surgery, and years of incontinence afterward, he lived to ninety two. He used Medicare about twenty times for follow up appointments.

Time marched on, and the cost of Medicare kept rising. The possibility of Medicare going bankrupt became a reality(have we heard that recently?) Our fine political representatives fixed it by raising the tax taken from our paychecks. Simple? At the same time, they fixed Social Security by raising the tax taken to pay for that. Still simple? Then the genii decided they were giving retired people too much, and decided to tax Social Security. What the “government giveth, the government taketh.”  Did I mention this “give it, take it back” policy was enacted under a Democratic president?  I digress.

The point I’m trying to make is that a big government universal health care plan will ultimately fail. (Case in point, the Fair Housing Act ultimately failed and led to the need for the bail out.) Uncle Sam can’t even pay for the health care plan he has. How in the world will BO pay for a bigger one? First, he will take from the rich, then, it will get more expensive, and guess what? You’re absolutely right. You will be asked to bend over and grab your ankles to get it shoved up your a__. The only ones to benefit will be the people hired to administer the program. Most likely, it will be a division of ACORN. Our health care dollar will be consummed by the administrators. It will be their job to curb costs by challenging every thing you go to the doctor for. Who will curb them? The pennies remaining from that dollar, will go to a physician.

If you you think I am being critical of Medicare, ask your  physician how he likes it. Many doctors don’t accept Medicare because Uncle doesn’t pay well. To compensate, Uncle has a stupid rule that he will pay for each visit.  To make some money, my doctor invents reasons for me to come see him. I take a blood test every three months, he could easily have his nurse call me with the results, instead he tells me to make a follow up visit to get the results. His rationalle, he has to review the results with me. The real reason, he bills Medicare for another visit.

Where will the incentive come for young people to become doctors? It is hard enough now to find a doctor that speaks without such a heavy accent that I can understand him. What incentive  will a student have to study for ten years, certainly not from a big government health care plan. Ask a Canadian what he thinks of his health care. First, he will brag about how all his medical needs are paid by the government. A few sentences later he will complain about the three months it takes to get an appointment, and the two year waiting list for surgery.

This is one of the issues BO keeps wishing John McCain will talk to you about. It is only his way to divert attention from his radical influences.

Get real folks, don’t buy into the idea that Uncle can do it for you better than you can do it on your own.