Dear Senator Durbin: Do You Get It?

My Flag Cries Everyday

Dear Senator Durbin;
Thank you for responding to my letter regarding your inability to hold town hall meetings with the people of Illinois. I appreciate that you are a busy man and prefer to receive input from the select few who will support your own views.
It takes courage to stand before a group of angry voters who are disappointed in their representative’s performance. I see by your actions that your character is not what I had always thought it to  be. I thought you were a strong leader who was concerned for all the people of Illinois. I see by your actions that I was wrong to assume that.
I am an American who believes that his country is sacred because it was founded on the principles of personal liberty. I see big government taking those liberties away from us faster than it takes a toilet to flush. I believe you and President Obama do not get it. It, being the fact that I am not alone. How can you possibly legislate when you do not know the mood of your constituents? By not hearing us out face to face at town hall meetings you cannot possibly know how we feel. Sure an angry constituency can become unruly, but only if their Senator gives them a standard line created by the bureaucracy in Washington. Tell the town hall people you understand their needs. Tell them that you will go back to Washington to stop wreckless spending, become fiscally responsible, and not vote for bills that are so long and impossible to understand, that a bevy of lawyers would have trouble doing so.
Here are some of the points I wanted to talk to you about:
1. Health Care Reform is needed, but not what is spelled out in HR3200. I do not want you to support HR3200.
   Come back with something that will not take money from Medicare to fund it. The President so eloquently told us that he will only eliminate waste from Medicare; some five hundred billion dollars worth. Yet, when he asked the entire government to eliminate waste from their budgets they could only come up with one hundred million dollars. Do you really expect me to believe that you and President Obama are capable of finding, and eliminating that much waste? That kind of reasoning is exactly why town hall meetings get noisy.
Take out the part about setting up every school with Planned Parenthood centers.
Add wordage that is specific to not funding abortions. Specify the word abortion, and not sneak it in under the radar as a medical procedure.
Add words that ban government operated public option health care system.
 In other words, HR 3200 is not worth the paper it is written on. Do not vote for HR 3200.
2. Legislate tort reform now, don’t wait for a reform bill.
3. Eliminate the barriers to private sector competition by allowing insurance companies to cross state lines with their plans.
4. Pass legislation that requires the president to obtain congressional vetting and approval on his “czars.”

Need I go on some more, or do you get it? If you can address these issues in a rational logical way, and not in a party controlled response, I will regain my faith in your ability to serve as my Senator.

Respectfully yours,
Grumpa Joe

Public Option By Hook Or Crook?

Trigger option? What that probably means is a public option health care bill will automatically become a reality if private insurance companies don’t meet some government mandated goal.  I’m sure the goals will be totally unrealistic and impossible to meet. Public option will get in by hook or crook.  I have a different version of a trigger mechanism. If private insurance companies succeed in offering a plan to meet all of the problems currently identified, such as insuring people with pre-existing conditions, mobility from job to job, inclusion of those who are uninsured, increased competition, etc. then the trigger kicks in, and the Department of  Health and Human Services  is eliminated from the universe.

During WWII the USA badly damaged the Japanese fleet. The Japanese resources had become scarce, and they could not deliver the fire power needed to defeat us. Using their ingenuity, they began sacrificing pilots and airplanes to take out our navy. The combination plane and pilot became the missile whose function it was to crash into US war ships.

In the meantime, here is what I think is happening within our government.

Kamikazo-bama, Will he pull out in time?

Tea Party Express–New Lenox, IL

TeaParty_20090907_190Tea Party Express Staff and ScheduleThis Labor Day was the most unusual I have ever spent. I participated in a Tea Party Express rally in New Lenox, a small town just west of Frankfort. A few years ago, the population of New Lenox, IL was around four thousand. Today it has around sixteen thousand. What happened yesterday, jammed the town and all the public facilities. People came from all around the southwest side of Chicago to protest big government taking over our liberties. This is Obama’s backyard, yet the people here feel betrayed by the man. His promise of change was sold under the banner of something good for the country. It is not, and we see it for what it is. The man needs to be impeached before he wrecks the constitution and the country. We also need to impeach Dickie Durbin, and Debbie Halvorson. They are rubber stamping Obamaphites of the enth magnitude. They don’t  read, challenge, or debate anything the man promotes. They just vote yes for everything despite major input from their constituents to the contrary. They know better than the six million voters of Illinois.

The rally was peaceful. We opened with the pledge of allegiance to the flag; novel concept right? The crowd placed great emphasis on the word God during the pledge. I heard estimates of eight thousand and ten thousand people crowding the grassy entertainment bowl. We had to park a mile away. The weather was perfect this time. The speakers were passionate, and told their personal stories about how they became involved. All of them were tired of doing nothing as they watched our elected representatives do the opposite of their requests. None of them had any experience in politics or in organizing a political rally, but their passion to do something drove them to make the effort to create a difference.

There were ten thousand people objecting to big government, over spending, abuse of the constitution, government run health care, and high taxes. Only six protesters, who were in favor of  health care reform, showed themselves. All of them were civilized. One was a respectable elderly black man, and the rest were middle aged ladies. All held up pre-printed signs (shown below). 

I looked for news regarding the event and found a report from ABC channel seven news at five o’clock. Their report was accurate, but was marred with a closing statement by Joe Biden (I didnt see him there.) about how well the stimulus is working, and how the unemployed are receiving unemployment compensation.

It was told to me that ABC network news reported the crowd to be a few hundred people who were rowdy.

I commend and thank Tim Kraulidis for planning this great event.

The pictures tell the true story.

“He alone, who owns the youth, gains the Future!”

I am really concerned about the lack of understanding regarding the president’s address to the nation’s school children. Why is it harmful for the president talking about the value of staying in school, right?  I agree, he is the  Commander In Chief.  He should be the role model for the nation. Presidents G H W Bush, and Reagan also addressed  school children. George W Bush was urged to read books to school kids  by his school teacher wife Laura. The message was that “learning to read is important.” President Reagan’s message to older children was a civics lesson. President George Hiram Walker Bush’s message was on the value of education and  the importance it plays in your success in life.

I am positive that all of these men, including Obama had, or have honorable intentions. Where I see the potential danger in Obama’s address comes from his radical ideas, and his socialist agenda. Yeah, yeah, he is just going to give the kids a pep talk about school. People old enough to have lived through some history, know that former dictatorial governments began seducing the youth of their countries with honorable activites. There are two that come to mind: 1.) Hitler Jugend and 2.) Young Pioneers, both were formed to take advantage of, and to brainwash kids to work toward  organization objectives as adults. If I could believe Obama loves the USA as much as I do, I wouldn’t be afraid nor imply that he has something else in mind for our kids. The bottom line is that I believe Obama’s “Change We Can Believe In,” is to ruin our capitalist way of life by converting us into a socialist state. Is he planting a seed of change in our schools?

“He alone, who owns the youth, gains the Future!”

— Adolf Hitler, speech at the Reichsparteitag, 1935

Come To Me Little Children

Which Will It Be? Human Potential, Or Human Destruction?

Abraham Maslow created a theory which is presented graphically with the pyramid shown at the left in the cartoon below.  His theory is broadly taught in classes about human potential and motivation. I for one, strongly agree with his analysis. When a person is hungry, and cold without food or shelter, it is very hard for him to think about finding himself. All he thinks about is where the next meal is coming from. My life has closely followed this pyramid of needs. I am first now, at age seventy-something working at self actualization. It wasn’t easy to get to this point in life, and now I see a threat to my actually reaching the top of the pyramid. The threat is the “Wedge of Destruction,” as shown in the right panel of the cartoon. It represents the complete opposite of the pyramid of needs. It is a reverse pyramid, balanced on its tip. It is bound to fail, but not without destroying the USA in the process. We are headed toward becoming a “banana republic” which is mediocrity at its best. Let’s continue to redistribute the wealth, lose  liberties, and allow the government to make us wards of the state by complete submission.

Maslow's Pyriamid Of Need vs Obama's Wedge of Destruction