Illinois, the New Home of Al Qaeda?

The latest ploy by Obama is to house the GITMO terrorists in  Illinois. He proposes the Federal Government  buy a brand new prison in Thomson, Illinois and to convert it into a super-max prison. He will then bring jobs to Illinois by staffing the prison to care for the GITMO guys. A while back I wrote a piece titled “A Gitmo Proposal” which gave my proposal for housing the same guys in  Illinois. My proposal was more interesting than Obama’s. I wanted to give President BO some extra income by housing the terrorists in his vacant house in the Hyde Park neighborhood of Chicago.

I have a quandary about the prison in Illinois. It is a relatively new facility in Thomson, Illinois. It currently houses about one hundred and eighty inmates. It has capacity for eighteen hundred. How is it that it is only ten percent utilized? I hear the state can’t afford to staff it. Didn’t they think about staffing when they built the damn place?  It is my guess that this prison was built with ear marks put on some obscure bill by our Senator Dickie Durbin.

Illinois has a history of projects that are under utilized. There is a very large air port in southern Illinois near Saint Louis that doesn’t have any air traffic. The old “Field of Dreams” principle of “build it they will come” never materialized but we have a beauty of an air port in an area that  no one will ever visit or hear about in the next thousand years. Now we have a prison in the same category. At least this time Dickie is being creative, and is trying to double dip for good old Illinois.

I Am the Democratic, Republican, Liberal-Progressive’s Worst Nightmare.

Harley-Davidson 1000 cc HT 1916

Harley-Davidson 1000 cc HT 1916 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

A friend sent this to me today, and I want to meet the man who wrote it and to shake his hand. I want to  say thank you for expressing the views shared by the majority of Americans.

I Am the Democratic, Republican Liberal-Progressive’s Worst Nightmare.

I am a White, Conservative, Tax-Paying, American Veteran, Gun Owning Biker. That’s me!

I am a Master Mason. I work hard and long hours with my hands to earn a living.

I believe in God and the freedom of religion, but I don’t push it on others.

I ride Harley Davidson Motorcycles, and drive American-made cars, and

I believe in American products and buy them whenever I can.

 I believe the money I make belongs to me and not some liberal Governmental functionary,

Democratic or Republican, that wants to share it with others who don’t work!

 I’m in touch with my feelings and I like it that way!

 I think owning a gun doesn’t make you a killer; it makes you a smart American.

 I think being a minority does not make you noble or victimized, and

Does not entitle you to anything. Get over it!

 I believe that if you are selling me a Big Mac or any other item, you should do it in English.

 I believe there should be no other language option.

 I believe everyone has a right to pray to his or her God when and where they want to.

 My heroes are Malcolm Forbes, Bill Gates, John Wayne, Babe Ruth,

Roy Rogers, and Willie G. Davidson, who makes the awesome Harley Davidson Motorcycles.

 I don’t hate the rich. I don’t pity the poor.

I know wrestling is fake and I don’t waste my time watching or arguing about it.

 I’ve never owned a slave, nor was I a slave. I haven’t burned any

Witches or been persecuted by the Turks, and neither have you!

 I believe if you don’t like the way things are here, go back to where

You came from and change your own country!

 This is AMERICA …We like it the way it is and more so the way it was…

so stop trying to change it to look like Russia or China , or some other socialist country!

If you were born here and don’t like it… You are free to move to any

Socialist country that will have you. I believe it is time to really clean house,

Starting with the White House, the seat of our biggest problems.

 I want to know which church is it, exactly, where the Reverend

Jesse Jackson preaches, where he gets his money, and why he

Is always part of the problem and not the solution?

 Can I get an AMEN on that one?

 I also think the cops have the right to pull you over if you’re

Breaking the law, regardless of what color you are, but not

Just because you happen to ride a bike.

 And, no, I don’t mind having my face shown on my driver’s license.

I think it’s good…. and I’m proud that ‘God’ is written on my money..

 I think if you are too stupid to know how a ballot works, I

Don’t want you deciding who should be running the most

Powerful nation in the world for the next four years.

 I dislike those people standing in the intersections trying to sell

Me stuff or trying to guilt me into making ‘donations’ to their cause….

Get a job and do your part to support yourself and your family!

 I believe that it doesn’t take a village to raise a child, it takes two parents….

 I believe ‘illegal’ is illegal no matter what the lawyers think!

 I believe the American flag should be the only one allowed in AMERICA !

 If this makes me a BAD American, then yes, I’m a BAD American.

 If you are a BAD American too, please forward this to everyone you know…

 We want our country back!

 My Country….. I hope this offends all illegal aliens.

 My great, great, great, great grandfather watched and bled as his

friends died in the Revolution & the War of 1812.

 My great, great, great grandfather watched as his friends died in the Mexican American War.

 My great, great grandfather watched as his friends & brothers died in the Civil War.

 My great grandfather watched as his friends died in the Spanish-American War.

 My grandfather watched as his friends died in WWI.

My father watched as his friends died in WWII.

 I watched as my friends died in Vietnam, Panama & Desert Storm.

 My son watched & bled as his friends died in Afghanistan and Iraq.

 None of them died for the Mexican Flag.

 Everyone died for the American flag!!!

 Texas high school students raised a Mexican flag on a school flag pole,

other students took it down. Guess who was expelled…the students

who took it down.

 California high school students were sent home on Cinco de Mayo,

because they wore T-shirts with the American flag printed on them.

 Enough is enough

 This message needs to be viewed by

every American; and every American

needs to stand up for America!!!

 We’ve bent over to appease the America-haters long enough.

I’m taking a stand.

 I’m standing up because the hundreds of thousands who died fighting

in wars for this country, and for the American flag.

 If you agree, stand up with me. 

And shame on anyone who tries to make this a racist message.

 AMERICANS, stop giving away Your RIGHTS !

 Let me make this clear! THIS IS MY COUNTRY!!!

 This statement DOES NOT mean I’m against immigration!

 YOU ARE WELCOME HERE, IN MY COUNTRY, welcome tocome legally:


1. Get a sponsor

 2. Learn the LANGUAGE, as immigrants have in the past!

 3. Live by OUR rules!

 4. Get a job!

 5. Pay YOUR Taxes!

 6. No Social Security until you have earned it and Paid for it!

 7. NOW find a place to lay your head!


If you don’t want to forward this for fear of offending someone,


 We’ve gone so far the other way . . . bent over backwards not to offend anyone.

 Only AMERICANS seem to care when American Citizens are being offended!


WAKE UP America! ! !

 Made in the U S A & PROUD OF IT!!!!!

Ten-Dollar Gasoline Forces America to Lose Weight

Evil-Oil does it again. They are jacking around with the price of oil because of the uncertainty in the Mid-East. Meanwhile POTUS is silently cheering on the crisis. His dream of forcing us into so-called “green” cars is closer to reality. For every dollar increase on a gallon of gas, he sells another Gov’m’nt green car.

Where was he when gas was eighteen cents a gallon and Gov’m’nt Motors was producing gas guzzling rust prone junk heaps? Not born yet, I can’t blame him for that one. POTUS does own the UAW, however, and they made the cars that we didn’t really want. They even called strikes against GM for the purpose of getting their piece of the pie. Now that the UAW owns Gov’m’nt Motors they want ten-dollar a gallon gas too.

Obama’s insistence on electric cars is way out of line with reality. He is legislating technological development. My bosses used to play that game all the time. Instead of redesigning a product to meet their quality requirements they placed the burden of finding a technological solution on the engineers. Often the solution was beyond our capabilities and didn’t happen until the science caught up to the problem years later. Obama believes that by forcing the gas prices to rise to ten dollars that we will rush out to buy Hybrid cars.

Does the math support that premise? Assume that a standard car gets 25 mpg, and a hybrid gets 40 mpg. Sounds great doesn’t it? Assume also, that each car is driven twelve thousand miles per year. With ten-dollar a gallon gas, the annual dollar savings between the two cars is $1800. Sounds good doesn’t it?  The difference in price between a standard car and its hybrid counter part is around four thousand dollars; the electric costing more. The payback for that extra expenditure would be 2.2 years, not bad.

How long do the hybrid batteries last? No one knows for sure at this point, or they are hiding it from us to keep from scaring buyers off. The cost of replacing the batteries is four thousand dollars.

How do hybrid cars get their advantage? Of course by using the batteries while creeping at low speeds like in stop and go traffic.  For long distances and speed they switch to gasoline power. How do they get good mileage with gasoline? One way is to downsize the motor. The Toyota Prius is a good example of that. The car uses a small four-cylinder motor. Most performance freaks like myself will reject the Prius because it is a gutless wonder. I’ve had my fill of under powered small cars from my VW days. I got great mileage, but I couldn’t take the need for a constant downshift to get the thing moving. Larger SUV Hybrids make more sense, but they come at a higher premium than the small cars. Batteries also weigh a ton, and the car uses energy to carry that heavy  battery.

What about a plug-in hybrid car?  You can charge it daily to keep the efficiency up. This will cost extra in electricity. At this time, the stats show that the current fleet is about 600,000 hybrids in the USA. If those cars needed to be charged, 450,000 of them would consume all the extra power capacity we have  today. The remaining 150,000 cars would require a new power plant be added to the grid.  Think about that one. If every one of the 143,000,000 cars in the US were all-electric and the entire fleet needed the grid for a charge,  how many extra power plants would we need to add?

What would we use to power all those new plants; solar, wind, nuclear, or coal?  The new plants won’t come cheap, and they won’t come fast. A bird wouldn’t be able to fly ten feet before he was chopped to shreds with a windmill blade if we added enough mills to power the fleet. Photovoltaic cells would cover every square mile of unused land and every roof in America, but we’ll get our food from China so that’s okay. Nuclear makes some sense, but the cost of the plants is exorbitant. The safety issues are horrendous, and the danger of releasing radiation into the atmosphere far outweighs any coal related pollution. Not to mention the potential of accidents from nuclear waste. Think about Chernobyl’s all around the country. I often think about my own situation in Chicago. We have one plant forty miles west of here and another one fifty miles to the east. A third one is just north of the city. If any one of them has a Chernobyl like accident, the entire city of Chicago would be an unusable ghost town for thousands of years, Lake Michigan would be permanently polluted, and a new interstate would be needed to skirt the radiation belt around the city. Six million people would have to find new homes immediately, and a million would die early from radiation poisoning.

The USA has been lucky, in that we have never had an accident like Chernobyl, but Harrisburg came close. We build our plants with stricter safety standards than the Russians did. That is why they cost as much as they do.  Disposing of nuclear waste is another hazard. Obama says we should  do like the French do. They deal with nuclear waste effectively. Really? What do they do with it? One thing they do is to reduce the amount of waste by recycling the spent fuel and extracting usable fuel.  Eventually, they kick the can down the road by burying the unusable material.

The government of France made a decision to go into the power business in the early nineteen seventies, and they have developed regulations and  facilities to deal with their reactors. I had to deal with the French power organization dubbed Electricite de France (EdF) during my engineering career. I can vouch for them as being fanatically rigid and steeped in bureaucracy with great resistance to change. During this same period, our country decided to pull back from nuclear power. The end result is we are way behind on development. Our plants were designed and built for a forty year life. Many of the early plants are already decommissioned. Plants built after nineteen seventy are at the end of life stage. What will we do when they must  go off line?

My points with all of this dialogue is that developing an energy policy is an absolute necessity for the USA. It won’t be easy, but a plan has to be developed and followed. We can no longer kick the can down the road. Secondly, converting the country to electric cars comes with a huge price tag and a huge change in lifestyle for all of us. It won’t be easy remembering to plug the car into an outlet every time you make a stop. By the way, where are the outlets?

In the meantime, if you don’t like the prospect of paying ten dollars for a gallon of gas, find a Chinaman who will trade his “Flying Squirrel” (bicycle) for your gas hog SUV. Now that’s an energy policy that will serve many objectives:

1.) We lose our dependence on foreign oil by giving up the car.

2.) We become physically fit by riding a bicycle.

3.) We lose weight and become healthier.

4.) Our air is purer, because we burn less fuel.

5.) We use less generated power because we watch less TV, surf the net less, BLOG less, and we go to bed earlier from the exertion of riding the bike.

We can’t lose with that kind of energy policy.

Ed Says I’m A Sewer Rat

English: Ed Schultz

Image via Wikipedia

I just read an article about some guy named Ed Schultz who calls Tea Party Patriots sewer rats. He claims that Tea Party Patriots  can’t relate to anyone but themselves so they are like rats who congregate in sewers.

Yes, I am a Tea Party Patriot, and yes, I am a sewer rat.

If being in favor of a country that gives people the liberty to think for themselves makes me a sewer rat, so be it.

If believing that a free-market economy has freed more people from poverty on planet earth than any socialist economy ever has, or ever will, makes me a sewer rat, so be it.

If believing that government regulation strangles the economy and stifles a person’s liberty, makes me a sewer rat, so be it.

If wanting to take care of myself without Uncle’s interference makes me a sewer rat, so be it.

If believing that big government is evil makes me a sewer rat, so be it.

If believing that every working citizen who has to support a non-working citizen is a form of slavery makes me a sewer rat, so be it.

If believing that Ed Schultz has a first amendment right to speak his mind on radio and insult his fellow Americans makes me a sewer rat, so be it.

If believing that Ed Schultz and all progressive, liberal, socialist’s like him are hungry to change America into a  communist state makes me a sewer rat, so be it.

If believing that Obama is the country’s worst President ever makes me a sewer rat, so be it.

If believing that the upper one percent have a right to keep their wealth makes me a sewer rat, so be it.

If believing the bottom one percent calling themselves Occupy Wall Street is a bunch of  communist thieves, makes me a sewer rat, so be it.

If believing the EPA does more damage to the world than it does good makes me a sewer rat, so be it.

If believing the Department of Education is creating generations of kids who read at the level of neanderthals makes me a sewer rat, so be it.

If believing that public sector unions are a contraption invented to enslave tax payers makes me a sewer rat, so be it.

You see Ed Schultz you are right, I am a sewer rat and a Tea Party Patriot who is going to raise the country back to the greatest nation on earth with one weapon. My vote. If that makes me a sewer rat, so be it.

I am going into the sewer to cleanse it of all the crap that resides there in the form of liberalism, progressivism, and communism, if that makes me a sewer rat, so be it.

Shadow Government-Continued

This is a continuation of yesterday’s post What the Heck is a Shadow Government?

Do you know what these organizations are? I bet you have heard them mentioned in news articles and in advertising, and even received mail from them asking for money.

  1. Shadow Party
  2. The Project of Death in America
  3. Open Society Institute
  4. Pew Charitable Trusts
  5. National Public Radio
  6. ACORN
  7. American Supremacy no one problem facing world
  8. America Coming Together
  9. Center for American Progress, John Podesta


11. America Votes

12. Media Fund

13. Joint Victory Campaign 2004

14. The Thunder Road Group- Nerve center of Shadow Party

15. America Votes Coalition:

  1. ACORN
  2. AFL-CIO
  3. American Federation of Teachers
  4. The Association of Trial Lawyers
  5. The Defenders of Wildlife Action Fund
  6. Emily’s List
  7. Human Rights Campaign
  8. League of Conservation Voters
  9. NAACP
  10. NARAL
  11. Pro-Choice America
  12. National Education Association
  13. People for the American Way
  14. Planned Parenthood
  15. SEIU
  16. Sierra Club

16. Democracy Alliance

17. New Democrat Network

18. Air America

19. Colorado Democracy Alliance

20. Working For Us (SEIU)

21. Progressive Legislative Action Network (PLAN)

22. Secretary of State Project

23. Midwest Academy

24. J Street

George Soros initiated or funded all of the organizations listed.  Notice how the names do not indicate what their purpose is. Most are in business to funnel money toward leftist candidates, provide volunteers to campaigns for leftist candidates, formulate leftist policy, smear conservative candidates, stifle free speech, and in general to push very liberal ideas into the minds of people young and old for the purpose of transforming the country into a socialist state.

Here are some examples of Shadow Party successes:

  1. McCain-Feingold Act (Campaign Finance Reform) This law enabled the Shadow Party to wrestle control of money from the Democratic National Committee. The DNC now dances to the tunes of George Soros.
  2. Colorado Miracle, a major effort during the 2008 election in the state of Colorado to sway Independent and Republican votes to Obama. It is called Miracle because Colorado was traditionally a solid Republican state.
  3. Secretary of State Project. After the debacle in Florida between Gore and Bush in which the Republican Secretary of State, finally decided the election, Soros initiated a new effort called the Secretary of State Project which funnels money and resources into election campaigns of Democrat Secretary of States. Al Franken’s win in Minnesota is considered a success because of the Democrat Secretary of State elected via this project.
  4. Soros recommended the Stimulus package to Obama who bought it hook line and sinker.

Here is a partial list of Obama’s advisors:

  • Van Jones—Came from the Ella Baker Center for Human Rights a Soros supported organization.
  • Carol Browner, Environment Czar, served on the board of directors for three Soros funded organizations.
  • David Axelrod, Obama’s Advisor received money from the Shadow Party’s Media Fund.
  • Anna Burger, appointed to Obama’s Economic Recovery Advisory Board came from the Democracy Alliance.
  • Kevin Jennings, Education Czar came from a Soros funded organization for gays.

Had Obama been honest with the American people and openly discussed his vision for transforming the greatest country in the world into a socialist state under the direction of George Soros he would have lost the election by ninety percent.

Now, because of his vague melodic campaign rhetoric, we are stuck with the man and his policies. Even if we elect a 100% conservative Republican President, Senate, and Congress in 2012, it will take us a 100 years to undo the damage inflicted by Obama and his radical socialist ilk.

I only wish I could live for another hundred years to continue the fight.

Go to

This website will reveal the facts much more completely than I have been able to do.