Oh Sweet Jesus What Do We Do?

Charley Rangel made a plea to Christians today. He asked them what Jesus would do about the debt ceiling?  I am a Christian and It is my opinion that Christ is a conservative. Jesus told Charley point-blank to stop spending, cut taxes, and drop sinful regulations.

Rangel cited the Good Samaritan as his reason for continuing to spend.  The good Samaritan left the innkeeper with a small sum money and told him to take care of the badly injured man who could not take care of himself. The Samaritan told the Innkeeper he would pay expenses over that which he gave him for the care of the man. Jesus never expanded the story beyond that. He did tell the man challenging him to “love your neighbor as you love yourself.”

I take that to mean that if I love myself enough to take care of myself without government aid, then that is what Jesus would want for all of us. Jesus would also want us to help severely injured and sick people who could not care for themselves. He would want us to pull a person away from harms way. He would want us to give CPR to someone having a heart attack. Our paramedics and emergency rooms do plenty of that. Would Jesus want us to sacrifice our living to feed those who won’t feed themselves?

We continue to give our fellow-men aid to help them out of their situation, but we do not teach them to fish. I recall a story about a woman who was being moved out of public housing into a lesser apartment. She was upset and told reporters that she had been on public aid for thirty years and deserved something better than the place she got. Shame on us for not learning that our failure is teaching generations of people to rely on the government for life because that aid  is easier to come by than an education or a  job.

Obama’s New Gun Control Tactic

The same old tired ideas that don’t work, TAX, TAX, TAX.

In the finale of Atlas Shrugged, Mr Williams holds John Galt hostage while making it seem he is free. John Galt is the only entrepreneur industrialist that can save the nation. Mr. Williams puts a gun to Galt’s head and asks for Galt’s advice.

The country is out of work, on the verge of bankruptcy, and the people are beginning a revolution; Mr. Williams is desperate for Galt to tell him how to save the economy.

Galt says, “Eliminate regulations and cut taxes.”

Williams answer to Galt’s suggestion, “We can’t do that.”

Obama accuses the Republicans of putting a gun to the head of America. He forgets that a few months ago he rammed Obamacare legislation through Congress with a gun. He had no regard to the voice of the American people on that one.

I am an American, and I say let’s shut the country down. Make the bureaucratic departments and bureaucrats suffer like the private sector jobless for a while.

Obama offers a compromise, cut the defense budget and he will approve. As an American, I say eliminate the Department of Education completely, and I will agree to a small cut in defense.

President Obama stop promoting the tired old ideas of the New Deal that are documented not to work as a solution to this massive mess. It is easier than you think to get out of it.

1. Repeal the housing act that caused the housing bubble.

2. Stop pushing Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac into giving away money for houses people can’t afford. You haven’t provided a single regulation to these two rogue organizations.

3. Eliminate Capital Gains Taxes.

4. Give small business incentives to build their businesses.

5 Repeal PPACA (Obamacare).

Try these tired old ideas and watch the country come alive again.

My Latest Prediction. Want to Bet?

A year ago I posted the above  cartoon about the Gulf oil spill. I predicted that BP would solve the problem sooner than the government would do anything to stop the spill of money they borrow. Well, I’m here to tell you, the government hasn’t stopped the borrowing, and the oil leak is fixed. When I drew the cartoon the debt was 13 trillion dollars, now it is 14 trillion. They can spend money faster than I can draw cartoons.

My latest prediction is that the 172 million gallons of oil spilled into the Gulf will break down into its natural organic components before the government balances its budget, eliminates the deficit, and begins to live within its means.

Why Grumpa Joe Will Never Be President


This post has graphically visual images which may cause you discomfort.

Politically correct people should change channels immediately.

Do not read if you are squeamish, or a radical muslim sympathizer.

It became a total waste of my time, but I watched anyway. President Obama’s Press Secretary explained how the Navy reverently readied Bin Laden’s body and buried him at sea. I also read several headlines about Muslims unhappy about Bin Laden being buried at sea.

I do not recall any news of a Muslim complaint about how to bury a suicide bomber. Most likely those guys get scrapped off the pavement and walls with a shovel and tossed into a dumpster. No one ever complains. No one writes about a respectful burial for a martyr whose remains are proudly scattered about peaceful markets mixed with the bodies of innocent people who by coincidence are in the martyr’s place of worship. The innocents become collateral damage in a war dedicated to killing in the name of God.

If I were leading the country, I wouldn’t have allowed the navy to deposit Bin Laden’s body into the Arabian Sea in a solemn, ceremonial way. The burial procedure I have in mind would be slightly more public and complicated.

First I would ship Bin Laden’s body to Washington D.C. for a service, worthy of a ruthless criminal, on the Washington Mall. In full view of the White House, Capitol, the Washington, Jefferson, and Lincoln Memorials. I would invite the Imam’s of every Mosque in America to witness the debacle.

There, I  have  a meat grinder of the proportions used by a sausage manufacturer with at least a 100 horsepower motor spinning the blades at 1200 rpm. Six service people who lost limbs in the war on terror would carry Bin Laden’s pathetic dead ass to the hopper and dump him in head first.

Volunteers from families who have lost loved ones in the 9/11 attack or in the Iraq, Afghanistan wars would spread the Bin Laden burger around the grounds of the Mall.

Hidden from view I have several hundred hungry dogs. When the volunteers are safely out of harms way, I release the dogs for a meal of Bin Laden burger.

Finale 1. Once the dogs finish eating the Bin Laden burger we round them up and take them to defecate within the prison cells of Guantanamo.

Finale 2. Once the dogs finish eating the Bin Laden burger we round them up and take them to defecate in Pakistan.

Vote for your favorite. One star  for finale 1, or two stars for finale 2.

This is my proposal, and I’m proud of it.

A New Playbook For Reporters

Finally, some of the press is beginning to learn that Obama puts his pants on the same way they do. He doesn’t magically, snap his fingers or wiggle his nose and clothing appears on his body. He is mortal.

In a recent interview by a Texas reporter, Obama was visibly upset by the audacity of the reporter’s method. The guy used the O’Reilly technique of asking a question in the middle of Obama’s standard answers. WFAA Reporter Brad Watson from the Dallas-Fort Worth area held his ground and continued to press for answers Obama was not prepared to answer. Later, Obama chastised the man for interrupting him.

During the 2008 campaign, Obama and his minions controlled the message to the press by feeding them snippets of the campaign script. The press loved it because they didn’t have to use any brain power to think of questions to ask. Could it be that a new generation of reporters, has grown up with the internet and have trained themselves to obtain answers by cutting and pasting with a few button pushes? Have reporters forgotten that direct questions provide real answers? Joe the Plumber was the only one who ever asked Obama a direct question during the 2008 campaign that he answered extemporaneously, and we learned a lot from that response.

A few brave reporters have written a new playbook, and I fully expect to see more courageous writers enter the game. By challenging the president and his administration with serious questions, and insisting the questions not be responded to with pre-rehearsed answers we will begin to see the true Obama emerge as a man who wants to rule the world at our expense.