Who Am I?

I Used To Be A Normal Person

As a man, I used to think I was pretty much just a regular person, but I was born white, into a two-parent household which now, whether I like I or not, makes me ‘privileged’, a racist and responsible for slavery.

I am a fiscal and moral conservative, which by today’s standards, makes me a fascist because I plan, budget, and support myself.

I went to High School, paid my way through college, earned a degree, and have always held a job. But I now find out that I am not here because I earned it, but because I was ‘advantaged’.

I am heterosexual, which, according to ‘gay’ folks, now makes me a homophobe.

I am not a Muslim, which labels me as an infidel.

I believe in the Second Amendment, which makes me a de-facto member of the ‘vast NRA gun lobby’.

I am older than 60, making me a useless person who doesn’t understand Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter.

I think and I reason, and I doubt much of what the ‘main-stream media’ tells me, which makes me a ‘right-wing conspiracy nut.

I am proud of my heritage and our inclusive American culture, making me a xenophobe.

I believe in hard work, fair play, and fair compensation according to each individual’s merits, which today makes me an anti-socialist.

I believe our system guarantees freedom of effort – not freedom or outcome or subsidies, which makes me a borderline sociopath.

I believe in the defense and protection of America for and by all citizens, now making me a militant.

I am proud of our flag, what it stands for and the many who died to let it fly, so I stand and salute during our National Anthem – so I must be a racist.

Please help me come to terms with the new me, because I’m just not sure who I am anymore!  If all this nonsense wasn’t enough to deal with, now I don’t even know which restroom to use – and I gotta go more frequently!

Author Unknown

Day 24- Quarantine, COVID-19 Warrior



COVID-19 WARRIORIt is a beautiful Good Friday in Frankfort, Illinois today as the COVID-19 Warrior made his patrol around the town. Armed with his trusty bar of soap, face mask, goggles, and gloves, only thing spoiled the day, the temperature is a brisk 40 degrees Fahrenheit. After all it is still only April. Last year around this time we had snow.

I watched the news this morning for just enough time to realize the world is going stir crazy over COVID-19.  Two short weeks ago all I heard was how we were going to watch our country die if we didn’t hunker down and hide from the virus. The President was a national hero by reporting daily the efforts being made by all to avert deaths. Hospitals of a thousand or more beds were being constructed, masks were in short supply, then other forms of protective gear also went short. Health workers were the new warriors on the front-line fighting the invisible enemy. I have to agree, nurses and doctors have been working valiantly to maintain order and sanity in our health care system.

I have also been reading many blogs and news sites about how the virus spread and its origination from Wuhan. How the World Health Organization (WHO) told us in the early days that the virus is not spread by people. How they supported China and their efforts to control the spread. Yet somehow, the USA has the virus all across fifty states while China has it only in one geographical area which coincidentally is the home of a biological lab. How can China keep the virus from spreading across its country and we can’t? Either they don’t travel anywhere except to the USA, or their mitigation efforts are much more advanced than ours.

I have conjured two wild conspiracy theories which I want to spread across the internet as food for thought.

  1. It is known that China has set up an area to which they send their muslims. There are over a million muslims now held in limbo in this area. It makes logical sense to me that some radicalized muslim group would inflict the scourge of COVID-19 upon the perpetrators of this atrocity by stealing the virus from the biological lab, and  spreading it all about the Wuhan area. They were able to do so with abandon because they are jihadists and ready to die for their cause. By the way, so what if the virus crosses into Europe and to the USA there are infidels everywhere?
  2. China’s ultimate goal to rule the world is widely written about, and this may have been their way of stepping up the plot. What better way to cripple the Western World than to kill the economies of their countries? President Trump zeroes in on China with his philosophy of evening out the playing field of trade. He is right, but the deal he made with China has cost them dearly, and this Pandemic may be China’s answer to slowing or even destroying the American economy. One can never underestimate the extent a communist country will go to to spread it’s stupidity.

I totally agree with the President’s next target the World Health Organization. Why is America paying four hundred and fifty billion dollars a year to support the WHO when China only pays forty billion? A very good question. Gone are the Nixon days of the seventies when China had no way to feed it’s people. It is no secret that the USA and European companies all ran to China to takes advantage of their cheap labor so we could enjoy low cost products. The USA gave up its entire manufacturing capability. My company did the same. The problem is that we are still treating poor China s if they were still poor. They are not. They are a huge economy only a few dollars away from overtaking the United States or the EU. So why should we continue to treat them so favorably like they were poor China. They are fat-cat capitalistic communists. They have learned to adopt capitalism as a tool for spreading their socialist government.

China still has many millions of people who are poor and starving, but they are also very rich and can use some of their wealth to put into practice some of their own socialist ideas. Why are they not leveling the way of life for all their people in the Bernie Sanders, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer socialist way? Instead they have created two societies, one poor, and one very rich, and they play the world to sympathize with their poor, and control the rich with the iron fist.

Here are some of the things the President and his task force are being accused of:

  1. Not stopping travel to the USA. Not true, Trump banned flights from China as soon as he could in January. This was not an easy decision to make. His mistake was not realizing that travelers from China to the USA would take another route to get here, i.e. via Europe. When he finally woke up he shut off that route also.
  2. The task force refused to recommend wearing masks. Why? Early on the WHO said it wasn’t necessary.
  3. The task force changes the model used to change outcomes to suit their agenda. My opinion is that even if they didn’t use the same model throughout this pandemic it wouldn’t change the result much. The models are all based on mathematics and the formulas are derived from differential equations. Anyone with experienced with differential equations knows that you can incorporate hundreds of variables, and if you don’t know enough about a particular variable you make assumptions. Also, many variables are dropped if the assumption is they are inconsequential. All of us knows that assumptions often make an ASS out of U and Me.
  4. Trump should open the economy and let the virus run its course. True, in that we will not develop an immunity to the virus if we don’t catch it. Is it worth the deaths that might occur to pay for that immunity? If the deaths predicted by the early model calculations occur I would answer no, it is not worth it. If the deaths that occur are no greater or slightly higher than that of a normal flu season, my answer is yes its s worth it.  Is the natural (herding) immunity gained worth destroying our health care system worth it? No, not in my opinion but two trillion dollars is huge price to pay. I think we could rebuild the health care system for less than two trillion dollars.

Most of the answers to the questions being posed require a crystal ball. There is only one entity that can answer them with accuracy, that is only God has the answers. Yet, I believe there will be fighting over this matter to change the minds of voters to put the blame of this pandemic on Trump. They will do it just to get their socialist feet in power, and thus give China the upper hand at ruling the world.

One Way To Enforce Stay In Place, Or Maybe It Is Just Poor Planning.


So Much To Write About


The news is filled with so many interesting topics to write about. I have opinions on all of it, but lack the drive to report on any of it. Writing a blog post is high on my list of things to do today so I have to get it done regardless of my energy level.

The first topic is the democrat attempt to get the president’s tax returns, business files, and general records from the time he was born. (I know that is wrong, but I have to get this out of my system). My solution is to offer to give the dems everything they ask for in return for President Obama’s locked and sealed records. His education records, his student finances, his birth certificate (the real one not a phony one) etc. The danger of exposing him as a fraudulent and illegal president would put the matter to rest.

Perhaps you can tell by my tone that I am not an Obama fan, never was, and never will be one. I feel for the president because the democrats are giving him the same crap I extended towards Obama. Obama lovers, however, outnumber Trump lovers and Obama the communist that he is, will prevail in a socialist leaning populace.

Next, I watched a Fox News Town Hall broadcast of Mayor Pete Buttagieg. I was impressed with his fluidity in responses. Either he is a genius fast thinking brain, or he has been rehearsing his answers since he was born. I liken him to a white Obama; Mr Smooth, likable, but unbelievable. Actually he outshines Obama. Obama talked smooth, but never made sense or committed himself to specifics. Mayor Pete is not afraid of specifics. His policies are one hundred percent socialist. He is thirty seven years old which would make him among the youngest of presidents. Youth often lacks wisdom and Mayor Pete would fail miserably against the likes of the Ayatollah, Vladimir Putin, and other more wiser leaders. If Nancy Pelosi were a republican she would have him for breakfast. Instead she coddles him like a baby grandson. He is openly homosexual, and tauts his husband at his side. Surely, that will earn him a bullet in that fast thinking brain by one of the homo-haters amongst us.

Impeach, impeach, impeach is all I ever kept yelling at the TV during the Obama years. Yet nothing ever came of it. That is because the republicans knew the democrat senate would never pass it. I can’t say the same for the democrats, they own both houses and would pass anything that said impeachment on it regardless if it held water or not. I can’t see the value of impeaching a president for political purposes. In Obamas’ case he was in my mind a totally illegitimate president not technically qualified for the position but elected none the less. The Trump situation is all about the dem’s not winning an election by vote so they must try any other means possible to remove him from office.

Lastly, fire the entire upper echelon of the FBI, and the old Justice Department employees. We need a fresh start with the new Attorney General hand picking his team. Jail everyone of the traitors who actively engaged in an attempt to overthrow the government. Actually, jail would be too big a drain on the system. I would personally pay for the bullets needed to exterminate the vermin.

I made it, and now I can go grind wood.




Tell Me It Isn’t True


After a twenty week layoff, Peggy and I went to see a movie. She is suffering from hot weather cabin fever, and I am happy being outside. She won, I lost. This was opening day of a suspense film called “Closed Circuit.” She loves mysteries, but she came away from this one totally befuddled, and I came out explaining it to her.

I learned an important Senior Citizen rule today, don’t go to see a movie on opening day. It cost me double the usual norm. I picked up another clue when the description included words like heavy on dialogue. That means there is little to no acting required, but the actors do have to know how to speak. It also means reading the book is probably just as good or even better. This film is from England and the actors Eric Bana and Rebecca Hall were totally strange and new to us. I enjoyed that, in that I didn’t have to leave the film to puke after watching some über liberal Hollywood type spew his communist propaganda in the name of art.

The people we watched might have been the English counterparts to the likes of Matt Damon, or Kevin Spacey, but I didn’t know, so it was a pleasure.

The story remotely centers around England’s love affair with close circuit video cams watching every move of every citizen. I got the impression the Brits have raised “Big Brother is watching you” to a new level. The second peculiarity involved their judicial system which assigned two advocates to side with the accused, I believe it was one from the prosecutors side and one from the defense side, there lies the story. The court assigned a couple who were friends (lovers) before to serve as advocates. The former lovers, now advocates, were not allowed to talk to each other nor meet with each other during, or after hours during the investigation and the trial. The need to remain silent and away from each other allowed some unusual body language and discomfort to occur between the two.

The case deals with an act of terrorism that involved National Security so everything the advocates did had to be behind closed and locked doors. They had to lock any notes they made on paper, or a computer in a safe before leaving the office.

The suspense occurs when the advocates independently realize a government cover-up involving their notorious M I 5. The mystery ramps up as the two begin to meet and plot ways to expose the government without becoming murder victims themselves. I give the Brits some credit, I did not see a gun on any of the characters throughout the story. I did see them use the old-fashioned mafia weapon of a cable strung around a neck from behind. It is quite effective, and less messy than a bloody gunshot wound. I wonder if they are marching to ban cable in England.

This story kept me riveted to my seat, because I did not want to miss a word of dialog. Not even my lousy hearing aids nor my bursting bladder got me to move. The actors did a fine job of convincing me of their humanity, and the bad guys did an effective job convincing me of their evil intentions.

The feeling I came away with after this film was that British writers are just as uneasy about their government and agencies as I am about mine. I felt the story could have been true and very real. It also made me wonder how many times the good old USA has covered up similar phony incidents.

Since I am a conspiracy theorist I loved this story, however, I believe Liberals will hate it because it exposes the dangers of big government and Big Brother.

Obama Succeeds at Quieting Fox News

Today marked one of the last broadcasts of the Glenn Beck Show on Fox News. It saddens me to see Beck leave the air. He taught me alot about history. He used logical arguments to expose some of the most criminal conspiracies happening under our very watch. Yet, Fox canned him. Why?

My theory is that Beck hit too close to the real truth with his expose’s. Obama and company had to silence him or face being uncovered as a transformation agent of America into a Marxist state. I used to accuse him of transforming us into a socialist state, but I think he is more extreme than we give him credit for. Obama’s actions and policies smack of Marxism.

Week after week, Beck diligently researched and followed the connections from the czars to the motives. All of them networking under the cover of bureaucratic positions.  All of them changing internal policies that affect us with more regulations. When will America finally wake up? Obama hypnotized us with the infectious smile, congeniality, and a promise to change America. We thought his changes would transform the stalemate in Congress. Behind the smile, he seethes with rage and pushes his agenda even harder in the face of polls showing Americans in opposition. Why? What is so blanking good about his dreams for the country? What is his vision for the country?

Glen Beck repeatedly exposes Obama’s vision, but we were reluctant to believe. The scenarios Beck painted are too scary for most of us to believe. How could we have been so stupid as to choose a president who would do such a thing? No, it is not true, we say to ourselves, and turn the channel. We don’t want to believe that any red-blooded American citizen would be so devious as to plan the complete destruction of the Constitution, the country, and the citizens.

Yes, Fox News caved to pressure from the far Left; they, who we consider to be the voice of the conservative. By firing Glen Beck, Fox signed onto the Obama media train, and are no different from ABC, NBC, CBS,CNN, MSNBC, and PBS. A primary tenet of Marxism is to control the media; control the message.