Barack’s Self Fulfilled Prophecy

My Flag Flies Everyday

My Flag Flies Everyday

Today, I saw another interesting news bit. This time it was a map of the US showing the states that are asking for a bailout. Of course, my home state of Illinois is up there with its hand out too. We have good company though; New York, Ohio, California, Arizona, and a few others. All of these states share a common trait. Their political populations are Democratic.  What is it about Democrats? Why are they lined up with their hands out? Do they know any other way to live?

I can only speak for Illinois,  but I’m sure the other states have similar problems. The biggest problem in Illinois is that our leaders have never heard of the concept of a balanced budget. They do, however, know how to spend, raise taxes, and raid pension funds. Recently, Cook County President, Todd Stroger instituted a sales tax increase which makes the residents of Cook County among the highest tax payers in the country. The ink isn’t even dry on the law yet, and he is asking for a bailout. When is enough, enough?

Without a curb on spending and learning to live within our means, the deficit grows, and grows, and grows. Each of the states listed in the bailout demographic has a long time penchant for spending except Arizona. These states have never learned to say “no.” I was surprised to see Arizona included in this demographic, until I realized that they too have become democratic in recent years. At one time, Arizona was a very conservative state. They are now faced with shortfalls, and debt that is beyond their means to pay. Is this what appeals to Democrats? 

Our Federal  Government is no different, except it owns the printing press, and the plates for making money. Each Democratic government from Lyndon Johnson to Bill Clinton supported spending beyond the means to pay back. They invented social programs which caused the banking system to fail, and legislated laws governing everything from fuel mileage to drilling  for oil.

Democrat Bill Clinton brags about his balanced budget and a predicted budget surplus. It is my thinking that the government should have lowered taxes to give the surplus back before the temptation to spend it went into high gear. Our representatives in Washington only saw it as an opportunity to spend it all before we figured it out.

Along comes Barack Obama who for the past two years has been brainwashing the country into believing life is really bad. He created the concept of “failed economic policies,” and turned the idea into a “self fulfilling prophecy.” In very eloquent rhetoric he hypnotized the populace into believing the failure was real. Then, very cleverly, he blamed it on George Bush. I am not a big supporter of W, but give me a break. He is not the reason the banks failed. He did stretch us with the war, but not the subprime loan curse. Had he found WMD in Iraq, things might be different. We didn’t find them, so we have a huge expenditure we don’t need. 

Now, we are faced with a prophecy that is becoming reality. Barack was so good at brainwashing the country, he is being called upon to correct his largest problem, i.e. keeping the country from going into a full blown depression. The number of states lined up with a hand out is a glance into the near future of “Change We Can Believe In.” He never did define what the change would be, did he?.