Wake Up and Smell The Democracy


Money, apology, and tolerance for Muslim terrorists.

Shades of 1979. I can’t believe we have a Liberal President and the Muslims have attacked our Embassy’s.

Back when Jimmy Carter presided, the Iranians built up the courage to stand up to a weak US President and stormed the US embassy in Tehran. That time they overran the embassy and took the staff as hostages. They held them for 444 days. Immediately after Ronald Reagan took office Iran released the hostages. Why do you think that might have happened? I would actually like to hear the liberal spin on that. Most likely they would say Iran released the hostages were because of all the negotiations that went on during the 444 days. The diplomacy just happened to become successful as Carter left the office.

My own opinion is that the Iranians were scared shi_less as to what Reagan might do to them if they didn’t let our guys go.

Examine the history of the Muslim world and you will learn that their tribes were always ruled by very strong chiefs. The Muslims constantly invaded Eastern Europe trying to conquer the civilized world. My grandfather came from Hungary and told us stories about the Turkish invasions into his country. He proudly proclaimed the Hungarians as the ones who drove the Muslims back to their own turf sometime around 1878-1900. My Grampa Jim was born in 1876. Look at the architecture in Buda Pest. There is a heavy influence remnant from the Ottoman occupation of East Europe.

The Muslim culture responds to strength. They are not a touchy-feely-talky type of people. Tell them, demand from them, order them, that is the kind of talk they respond to. Recall the latest leaders of Iraq, Libia, Syria,Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and who do you come up with? A list of dictators: Sadam Hussein, Muammar Gaddafi, Hosni Mubarak, Yassar Arafat, Bashar al Assad, King Abdullah. All rule by the Koran, a book of very strict and corporal laws. An eye for an eye, beheadings, stonings, hand chopping, and more are all in the rule books for punishment.

The Israelites and Arabs have been in conflict over Palestine for 6000 years, but in 1947 the United Nations divided Palestine into two states, Palestine and Israel, and began the real fun.

Tiny Israel has been formally in existence as a State since 1947. That is sixty-five years. Look at the size of Israel and ask yourself why are the arab countries so worried? Israel is but a dot in the desert. Look at the state of development inside Israel as compared to the muslim states around. The Israelites are free, they have liberty, their economy is capitalism, they have a democratic government. Then look at the arabs countries. They are all living the way they did under the warlords. They have been under dictators. They can only dream about living free.

The big mistake the USA makes is to force democracy on these tribal folks. They only know democracy as a word. They do not have a clear conception of the responsibility it brings and the mechanics involved. The United States evolved into the political society it has called a Republic over several hundred years. It began with the original settlers at Plymouth Rock in the sixteen hundreds. The people worked hard at developing a system of rule. It was not inherited, it was not given to them, they made it happen, they built it. The idea of nation building is so stupid it defies a human understanding. The people of the middle east will not have democracy for another two hundred years. In the meantime they have to struggle with their current forms of government however weak, until they wake up and realize it requires hard work, constant civilized debate, the practice of a rule of law, freedom of religion, separation of church from the state, and personal responsibility.

What is happening in the mid-east today is the result of young people who have embraced the internet. They can see what is going on in neighboring countries and ask themselves why are we so far behind everyone else? They come to America for education, then return to a life of over regulation and frustration.

What the mid-east countries need are strong leaders who will steer them toward democracy by using the strong warlordic history of their culture . The problem is they want democracy tomorrow.

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