Fire Fly Air Force-Chapter 8

Chapter 8

Summer is passing quickly, thought Morty. Here it is the end of July and Ben still  has not finished his project. What can I do to get him moving, he asked himself?

Each day, Morty watched over Ben like a hawk. He had not taken a day off in weeks. Maybe I should take a break and visit some friends, he thought.

The Sentra Vision belt around Morty’s waist vibrated and tickled his tummy.


      “Hi Morty,” answered Gracie. She just returned from a visit to heaven.

      “How was your trip? I missed you.”

      “It was absolutely heavenly as usual. I visited all of our friends at the Angel Academy, and talked to Archangel Michael too.”

      “Did Michael have any messages for me?”

      “No, but he did say that he will give you a mission soon. He asked me to find out how Ben’s science project is coming along.”

      “How does he know about the project?

      “I didn’t ask him, and he didn’t tell me, I just thought it was something the two of you cooked up together.”

       The halo above Morty’s curl lit up. A vision appeared in his head. All summer something he saw was bothering him, but he could not figure it out. Now the picture was clear. He had to act.

      “Will you do me a favor?” he asked.

      “Of course, what is it?”

      “Watch Ben tonight while I take a break?”

      “Yes,” she said, “I still have some days before my next assignment.”

      “Good, please come to Ben’s house this evening.”

      “I’m on my way,” she answered and hung up.

      Gracie arrived as the sun was setting. She found Morty on Skye Scooter ready to go. He gave Gracie a few instructions, pushed a button on Skye, and then disappeared.

          The sunset this evening was beautiful. Only a few scattered white clouds hung over to reflect the light. The sun was a big red ball just above the horizon. A glow of bright pink and lavender colors spread across the sky, reflecting off the clouds. Some clouds were luminescent with orange on one side and shades of grey on the other.

      “I hope it is not too late,” he thought to himself. Morty cruised from yard to yard. As he flew, he kept his halo blinking. He was invisible except for his halo. All of the neighbors mistook his blinking halo for the light of a firefly. I cannot believe it took me this long to figure it out, he thought to himself.

To Be Continued . . .


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