Tired Arguments and Worn Ideas…(edited)

My Flag Flies Everyday

My Flag Flies Everyday

“Don’t come to table with the same tired arguments and worn ideas that helped create this crisis.”…Barack Obama

 Here are some tired old ideas that seem to be bothering, and creating  POTUS’ crises:

 1. United States Constitution

It’s only served us well for two hundred and twenty two years (1787). Why should we believe that these rules should be  followed any longer?  POTUS believes it should be a “living document,” i.e. change the rules we live by as society changes. Since amending the Constitution is a long expensive process it needs to have a fast track system. POTUS proposes that the Supreme Court  interpret the rules by today’s morals, and the laws of other insignificant countries. This way, we get new laws that are being written, not by the Legislative Branch (because they are not capable nor trustworthy to do so) but by the Judicial Branch because the Supreme Court  justices have bigger brains,  more ethics, and are less influenced by lobbiests.

2. Preamble to the Constitution

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence,[1] promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Who needs Justice,  Liberty, or Domestic Tranquility? The government will take care of us from cradel to grave. God forbid our Posterity be allowed to enjoy the same freedoms we have enjoyed.

3. Right to bear arms, Second Amendment

Guns taken out of our hands will keep us from killing each other. As a society we will be safer if we give up our guns. It also makes it much easier for a new dictator to take over the country.

4.  Marriage; between a man and a woman

This one has worked since Adam and Eve, it is so old it must be a lousy concept. Besides, the gays are left out. Marriage was invented to make parents responsible for the children they bring into the world. In the new world definition, sex is for recreation. Children are something the government will dictate when and how many we have.

5.  Right to life

The act of procreation is a natural function of our species to bring life into the world, and to ensure the propagation of man. In the new order, new life is something we allow women, and only women to decide to keep. If they chose not to, the population declines. End of life will be determined by the expense of keeping you alive. If it is cost prohibitive, kiss your ass goodbye. If you are a murderer it’s a different story. The death penalty is abolished across all the states. The worst punishment you can receive  is to serve your days in happy contentment living off the system.

6.  Ten Commandments

In service since Moses accepted them from God. Since God does not exist, the commandments are a hoax. Anyway, they are too old and tired to be of value anymore.

7. GOD

The concept of an eternal being is too radical to believe by some educated minds, therefore all references to God must be eliminated from government and places of education.

8.  Capitalism

The system is the root of all evil, and a deterrent to making all men equal.

9.  Personal Responsibility

The idea that we should depend on our own ability, and energy to survive is a notion that is incomprehensible. Our personal responsibility is delegated to  the government.

10.  Work


11.  Profit

A dirty word used by capitalists. Profit must be redistributed to the worker. 

12.  Wealth

A radical right wing concept which must be stamped out. All personal wealth must be redistributed.

13. Democracy

How can a dictator survive in a two party system?

14.  Freedom of speech, First Amendment Right

Criticism of the government is totally out of place. Why should we have the freedom to express facts, ideas, beliefs, or opinions that may expose corruption, and oppose the government?

15.  Taxation with Representation

How can the government survive if they have to legislate laws to tax us? Senators and Congressmen do not represent us anymore, they are in government to make a living for themselves, and to re-distribute the profits and wealth of others as they see fit.

16. Strong Defense;

What are we afraid of? The world is made up of peace loving people and governments

 17.  Three Branches of Government

Just listen to the Dictator.

18. Private Sector Jobs

Who needs them? Everybody is taken care of by the government.