
What ever happened to my right to hate? The perfect world being implemented by a mindless Left is one of utter boredom. When we are all drones per the leftist rules how will we be entertained?  We will all have the same amount of money to spend, the same schools, the same jobs, the same politically correct language, the same boring lives.

To me, hatred is an emotion seated deep within my soul. It resides there waiting for the right set of circumstances to trigger a feeling deeply rooted in dislike. Hatred is a useful emotion which can allow a person to relieve some high pressure angst.

Can we really regulate an emotion by law? If so, that means we can also regulate love. When will the liberal world come to realize that one cannot make one person love another. By the same logic they won’t be able to make someone hate another. However, there are two laws taught by Jesus, “Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like unto it. Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself . . .” Neither of these two laws will find their way into a formal law of the USA.

The current flap about the new muslim congresswoman Ilhan Omar expressing her hatred for jews has been in the news non-stop. What we all fail to understand is that Islam and Judaism are religions and protected by the First Amendment. That same amendment also dictates we keep state and religion separate. In my mind that makes congresswoman Ilhan guilty of violating the First amendment by promoting her muslim religious beliefs into the policies and operation of the government. Our government honored her religion by allowing her to be sworn in by swearing upon a Koran (not a Bible).

If Ilhan Omar wishes to continue as an U.S. Representative she should be muzzled and censured for violating the First Amendment.


A Pesky Fly

Have you ever been bothered by a pesky fly? He sneaks into your house while you are not looking and then begins to harass the living hell out of you and your loved ones. Being a tolerant person, you allow the peskyness to continue, but not without a few swipes with your hand to try to catch him. Each time you walk to the door with a clenched fist, open the door, stick your hand out and then open it. Ninety-nine percent of the time you have not captured him. You go back to what you were doing and in a short time there he is again. He lands on your arm, you slap yourself silly, but he is gone again. You sit down to dinner and there he is checking out the goodies on the table. Now, the wife gets into it. “Get that damn fly out of here he is contaminating our meal.”

You finally search for the fly swatter and luckily you find it, but the creäture is gone. Being a cautious person you carry the swatter with you everywhere you go. You prepare to kill the little bastard at first chance. Finally, you relax and sit down for a little TV. Then it happens and he lands on the couch next to you, teasing, taunting, and daring you to make a move. You reach for the swatter, but he is gone. Next he buzzes your face and lands on your head above your eyes. You smack yourself in the face trying to kill him, but he gets away again.  You sit waiting with the swatter in hand, and he lands again. This time on the arm rest next to you, Daring, taunting, teasing you to try. You are ready. You move ever so slowly, raising your arm with the swatter. You reach the right position and he is still there, then SWAT. He is gone.

The conflict between Israel and Hamas is much like the fly and you. You want to be civilized, you try your damnedest to save him and keep him, but eventually, things happen that provoke a strong reaction, and what happens? SWAT.

140727-Hamas Cease Fire


When I look at a map of the mid-east and find Israel it is but a small dot in the middle of an immense sand box. Israel is surrounded by Arabs who want to kill them and wipe them from the face of the earth. Why hasn’t it happened yet? Maybe it is because God is on the right side of this one. Or, perhaps it is because Jews having survived an attempt at their annihilation by Hitler are determined to never ever let it happen again.


When Hollywood Swears Not To Make Movies With Guns

Gun Control

Gun Control (Photo credit: cgulyas2002)

Those who know what Communism is and what it stands for realize that Progressivism is a code word for Communism. Before Progressivism was invented the code word was called Liberalism. It seems the ideology needs a new name to describe it every so often to fool the people into thinking it is something different, new, and exciting. Communism is a simple-minded ideology: “What’s mine is mine, and what’s yours is mine.”

There are several reasons researched by the late Paul Harvey for why we must not cannot allow a loss of our Second Amendment rights:

In 1929 the Soviet Union established gun control. From 1929 to 1953, approximately 20 million dissidents, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.

In 1911, Turkey established gun control. From 1915-1917, 1.5 million Armenians, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.

Germany established gun control in 1938 and from 1939 to 1945, 13 million Jews, gypsies, homosexuals, the mentally ill, and others, who were unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.

China established gun control in 1935. From 1948 to 1952, 20 million political dissidents, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.

Guatemala established gun control in 1964. From 1964 to 1981, 100,000 Mayan Indians, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.

Uganda established gun control in 1970. From 1971 to 1979, 300,000 Christians, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.

Gun control works great to protect the bad guys.

I for one, do not trust Obama and his administration from taking the route that some of the above countries took.

Take this approach: Give up your Second  Amendment rights when Hollywood swears on the bible and the koran not to produce any movies that have gun crimes in the story, and demonstrates it for ten years.

Stinkin Thinkin

The world of BLOGs is new to me, so I still explore regularly. Quite frankly, the more I explore the less I want to. I go to the BLOGs that are listed under   “Fastest Growing WordPress.com blogs.” Well, my experience of late has been one of disappointment. Many of them are filled with hate. Thousands of words directed at peoples, organizations, religions, with no end except to register the writer’s hatred for them. As an example, I read one BLOG which was written by a so called “Catholic Christian,” which made some sense except for the fact that the blogger hated all “Jews.” My impression was that he was muslim, but he professed to be a catholic. The commentors were not better. The first commentor registererd hatred toward all christians, “Kill all Christians.” was his comment. The comments directed hatred toward the blogger for his views. My own opinion is that I will not spend any more time reading such diatribe. WordPress would be wise to shut down immediately if that is the kind of content they want to spread. 

Many other sites dedicate themselves toward racial hatred. Much is directed toward the election. They do it under the guise of politics, and personal choice. The bottom line is that the liberals are hating the conservatives and the conservatives are hating the liberals. War is another topic that incites hatred. Sure we shouldn’t be in the Afghanistan or Iraq war, or any war for that matter. Had we stayed out of the civil war, we’d all own slaves today. If we stayed out of WWII we’d be marching the duck step, and we would all  have blond hair, and blue eyes. The rest of us would have been sent to the ovens, or we’d be slaves. Had we stayed out of Korea, the North and South of Korea would be under one rule. They would all be starving, and we wouldn’t be buying cheap TV’s and Hyundi cars. Had we stayed out of Viet Nam, our population would be 50,000 stronger, and the population of Canada would be less. There are bloggers venting hostility toward our government for all of these events. We blame the government for everything, yet we put them in office. If we don’t like what they are doing, we should vote them out. We should write to them, call them, e-mail them with our discontent. Instead of taking action, we sit on our asses and write thousands of words on the world wide web to spread our hatred for the best government on the globe. The problem is that less than half the voting population votes, so we place ourselves at the mercy of the forty percent that do vote. 

Today, I had lunch with a retired school teacher. She related stories about how testing under the “No Child Left Behind Act,” makes no sense at all. The kids still don’t learn, don’t want to learn, their parents don’t give a shit, but the President and the legislators have taken it upon themselves to make it happen with the new law. It’s an impossible task, so the educators  tailor the testing to get students, without a brain, get through school with what they do know. I wanted to puke. I know now why I am a conservative. The government should not be allowed to interefere with any educational matters. We’d save a bunch of tax money if we eliminate the Department of Education immediately. There I go, I’m venting just like all bloggers do, so I’m caught up in the ether of hate, just like everyone else. You know what? Life was much simpler before the internet and the  world wide web.

Are all of these words that vent all this hatred getting us anywhere?