Divide and Conquer

Listen up all you pretend Catholics who buy into Obama’s socialist agenda. How many of you feel the government must help the poor more than they already are? I hear commentators spew guilt(most recently Stephen Colbert) upon their listeners about how Christians are hypocritical and against helping humanity because they don’t support Obama’s policies. What I don’t hear is how many of these same people are giving up all they have to give it to the needy.

Watch this video to learn what is behind Obama’s effort to divide Christians and Catholics.


Stinkin Thinkin

The world of BLOGs is new to me, so I still explore regularly. Quite frankly, the more I explore the less I want to. I go to the BLOGs that are listed under   “Fastest Growing WordPress.com blogs.” Well, my experience of late has been one of disappointment. Many of them are filled with hate. Thousands of words directed at peoples, organizations, religions, with no end except to register the writer’s hatred for them. As an example, I read one BLOG which was written by a so called “Catholic Christian,” which made some sense except for the fact that the blogger hated all “Jews.” My impression was that he was muslim, but he professed to be a catholic. The commentors were not better. The first commentor registererd hatred toward all christians, “Kill all Christians.” was his comment. The comments directed hatred toward the blogger for his views. My own opinion is that I will not spend any more time reading such diatribe. WordPress would be wise to shut down immediately if that is the kind of content they want to spread. 

Many other sites dedicate themselves toward racial hatred. Much is directed toward the election. They do it under the guise of politics, and personal choice. The bottom line is that the liberals are hating the conservatives and the conservatives are hating the liberals. War is another topic that incites hatred. Sure we shouldn’t be in the Afghanistan or Iraq war, or any war for that matter. Had we stayed out of the civil war, we’d all own slaves today. If we stayed out of WWII we’d be marching the duck step, and we would all  have blond hair, and blue eyes. The rest of us would have been sent to the ovens, or we’d be slaves. Had we stayed out of Korea, the North and South of Korea would be under one rule. They would all be starving, and we wouldn’t be buying cheap TV’s and Hyundi cars. Had we stayed out of Viet Nam, our population would be 50,000 stronger, and the population of Canada would be less. There are bloggers venting hostility toward our government for all of these events. We blame the government for everything, yet we put them in office. If we don’t like what they are doing, we should vote them out. We should write to them, call them, e-mail them with our discontent. Instead of taking action, we sit on our asses and write thousands of words on the world wide web to spread our hatred for the best government on the globe. The problem is that less than half the voting population votes, so we place ourselves at the mercy of the forty percent that do vote. 

Today, I had lunch with a retired school teacher. She related stories about how testing under the “No Child Left Behind Act,” makes no sense at all. The kids still don’t learn, don’t want to learn, their parents don’t give a shit, but the President and the legislators have taken it upon themselves to make it happen with the new law. It’s an impossible task, so the educators  tailor the testing to get students, without a brain, get through school with what they do know. I wanted to puke. I know now why I am a conservative. The government should not be allowed to interefere with any educational matters. We’d save a bunch of tax money if we eliminate the Department of Education immediately. There I go, I’m venting just like all bloggers do, so I’m caught up in the ether of hate, just like everyone else. You know what? Life was much simpler before the internet and the  world wide web.

Are all of these words that vent all this hatred getting us anywhere?