Scandalous Phony


Thursday evening was special for me. My friend Al called me to join him in a glass of wine, well it was more than one glass, but “at this point what difference does it make?” It amazed me how loose our tongues got as the wine went down. Al and I discussed issues easily, and made some great points to defend our positions.

Al opened the debate with a list of scandals being touted as phony by our dear President. Al was livid.

Our debate was one-sided because I couldn’t offer a defense to support the President’s claim of phoniness. I did come up with a reason though. The President has been on the defensive for over four and a half years now. One way he deals with issues is to deflect the press away from those that can harm him. The press is more than willing to take the lead, and cover anything other than those things that will hurt the man.

The George Zimmerman trial just finished and the press coverage dropped to zero. The news-stations needed something to talk about to steer “We the People” away from Obama’s failed policies. The Royal baby was next and relieved the pressure while we all waited to learn the sex of the new heir.

I believe the administration manufactured one scandal just to take heat away from the president on the Benghazi killings. The administration confessed to the IRS targeting of conservative groups filing for 503c3 status, but it blew up in their faces. The confession, and an admission of guilt, followed by a lame apology did not work. It did however take the heat off Benghazi.

This week, the President deliberately told lie after lie in his speech about the economy. Again, the intention was to deflect the conversation away from issues that could damage his administration. The whopper of the century was his comment that all the scandals are phony. I give him a Pinocchio-nose to the moon-and-back for that one. What is he covering up by deflecting us all to the “phony” comment? Well, he isn’t finished with the Benghazi affair, but he is also not very proud of his economic policies which is what his speech covered. The truth is Americans don’t really care that they are out of work as long as he keeps giving them unemployment and food stamps to live on. Could it be the new housing plan? The one where he is proposing to integrate every neighborhood in America? Americans will eventually wake up to that plan and then the press will begin to cover it again. Could it be his flaunting of the Supreme Court decision to rule on the Southern State’s voting laws by demanding Texas get Federal approval for voting law changes which is exactly what the Supreme court threw out? These are all good issues which Obama wants us to believe he is concerned about, but they are all invented to steer the press talk away from Benghazi, and now the very real IRS scandal.

Here is Al’s list of issues that Obama has perpetrated upon “We the People.”

1. IRS targeting of Conservative groups applying for 503c3 not for profit status

2. NSA spying on all Americans which is a stretch of the Patriot Act.

3. EPA war on coal and their  fines on Carbon Emissions

4. Regulations, too damn many unnecessary ones

5. HUD pressuring banks to approve loans based on racial percentages in neighborhoods. Isn’t that where the current housing market collapse began?

6. Poor Energy policy (I say it is a lack of an energy policy)

7. Deficit spending (transfer of wealth)

8. The Failure of Obama-care

9. Dodd-Frank, a deliberate control of the banking business

10. Fast and Furious and the order of Executive Privilege to protect Eric Holder and to prevent the truth from coming out

11. Benghazi-Obama, Hillary Clinton, and Susan Rice perpetrated a deliberate lie to deflect the truth from coming out by deflecting the press toward a video that no one saw.

12. Racial division, Obama is America’s premier racist. He uses racism to divide the country every chance he gets. Racial issues get press coverage and steer the conversation away from more stringent issues. Wy doesn’t he ever claim a white kid to be just like him? He is half white isn’t he?

13. Obama’s and Eric Holder’s refusal to uphold the laws of the land, i.e. the refusal to enforce Immigration laws and border control.

14. Military culture change, i.e.  the military removal of God from Christian military, but tolerance for Islam.

We decided there wasn’t enough wine in America to allow us to cover these topics in our lifetime. We also agreed that we will adopt Hillary’s attitude and use her famous defensive statement which the entire Congress bought into when she testified on her handling of Benghazi “at this point, what difference does it make?” that we call these major issues real or phony?

How would you handle them?


Grumpa Joe apologizes for the poor color on his drawing. He made Obama look like a sun-tanned white and not like a true African-American black.

It just occurred to me, American Blacks like to refer themselves as African Americans, yet none of them can answer which country in Africa they are descended from. Obama is the only true African-American we have. He can trace his blood line to Kenya.

If blacks call themselves African Americans, should whites refer to themselves as European-Americans and not as Irish, Italian, Polish, or Spanish? Shouldn’t Obama refer to himself as Kenyan and not as Irish like he does when he visits Ireland?

I need some more wine.


Cynthia Lee Meyers (cousin of one man who was killed in Bengahzi ) – The Dubuque Town Crier


Read this news story and try to decide for yourself if  the President and the former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton deserve prosecution for the callous way in which they handled the Benghazi Embassy bombing. Both Hillary and Obama told deliberate lies to divert  “We the People” away from the real issue of their incompetence.

What is left unmentioned in this story is that Ambassador Chris Stevens was an openly gay man. Muslims abhor homosexuality and they abused Stevens in most horrific ways.

Cynthia Lee Meyers (cousin of one man who was killed in Bengahzi ) – The Dubuque Town Crier.


The Battling Boys of Benghazi

United States Marine Corps Memorial

United States Marine Corps Memorial (Photo credit: Adelaide Archivist)

A poem supposedly written by a Marine Corps officer who choses to remain anonymous.


Be Forwarned

Since I have been able to see through Obama since his first campaign, I can only warn the “twelve” that this guy is setting you up. Don’t believe for a minute that he is genuinely trying to do some good for the country. His record doesn’t support positive moves to improve the economy, foreign policy, the military, nuclear disarmament, or anything. Learn a lesson from Russia, get what you want without any concessions. Learn a lesson from Benghazi, get thrown under the bus as an expendable. Learn a lesson from Fast and Furious, give your drug cartel buddies all the weapons they want, but take guns from you. Learn a lesson from the sequester, he is pissed that you let it happen, this dinner and new attitude is a step toward revenge. img003 There is not doubt that the “twelve” went to dinner with Obama for two reasons, 1) to give the appearance of bipartisan coöperation. 2) to get a really first class free meal.

General and Admiral Relieved of Duty Post Libya

I received this article from a good friend who is retired military. I checked by searching on Google and it has been posted many times on many websites. I have said repeatedly that the Benghazi-gate is a cover up of enormous magnitude and will result in the President being IMPEACHED.

General and Admiral relieved of duty post Libya

Brigadier General Carter F. Ham, US Army

Brigadier General Carter F. Ham, US Army (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

I do not know if you have noticed, but two senior military commanders involved in the Benghazi debacle have been removed from command.  The removal of any flag grade officer is a drastic measure rarely performed except for extreme cause.    According to what I have read and been told by others, General Carter Ham, AFRICOM commander, received the same e-mails that were going to the White House notifying them of the attack on the Benghazi embassy.  From his headquarters at Patch Barracks in Stuttgart, FRG, immediately ordered a Special Forces Quick Reaction Force (QRF) to stand-to for deployment, and then notified the White House of his actions.  It is alleged that upon receiving an order from the White House to stand-down, General Ham chose to ignore the order and continued preparations to deploy.  Supposedly, General Ham was then confronted by his 2IC, “apprehended” and informed that he was “relieved of command.”  General David Rodriguez has subsequently been named as the AFRICOM commander.

Within days of this incident with General Ham, Rear Admiral Charles M. Gaouette, commander of the USS Stennis aircraft carrier strike group – MidEast, was relieved of his command citing, “inappropriate leadership judgment.” Admiral Gaouette’s naval strike group stood off in the Mediterranean Sea, prepared to provide support to the beleaguered Benghazi embassy.  Both his command and the forces at NAS Sigonella were ordered to stand-down.  Rear Admiral Gaouette has subsequently been ordered to return to his home port while the US Navy cites that his recall is “a temporary assignment.”    While I see the necessity of civilian control over the military, I do see the actions against these two commanders as extremely detrimental to national defense and the military’s true function.  I can almost assure you that the replacement commanders will not be quick to move towards crisis, to march to the sound of the guns, or to prepare to fight on a moment’s notice.  Rather, it seems as though hesitancy and an overwhelming willingness to “wait for further” orders; i.e, it is beyond my paygrade…,  is being rewarded.    These reliefs require a closer examination.  Perhaps both of the relieved commanders would have the balls to demand a court-martial, or resign in the manner that General Jack Singlaub did upon his relief in Korea in 1976.

“Where will I be found?  March to the sound of the guns.  That is where you will find me.” – Napoleon