He Is Risen!

The Resurrection from Grünewald's Isenheim Alt...

Image via Wikipedia

Greatest man in history, named Jesus, had no servants, yet they called him Master.

Had no degree, yet they called him Teacher.

Had no medicines, yet they called him Healer.

He had no army, yet kings feared Him.

He won no military battles, yet he conquered the world.

He committed no crime, yet they crucified Him.

He was buried in a tomb, yet He lives today.

I Love Donald Trump, Faux Conservative

I never thought I would say this, “I love Donald Trump.”  He is one of a handful of people who are not afraid of Obama. In his current run for President he is using all the buzz words and phrases that turn conservatives on. He is kidnapping the Tea Party vote. If the poles are any indication, he is succeeding.
I am a Tea Party person, and I love his tactic to expose Obama. He is delivering a message that the rest of us have voiced without any  attention from the media. Trump doesn’t seem to care. He forges forward with the birther controversy, you get into a war to win it, believes China is a thieving trade partner, Iraq takes advantage of our blood without any gift of spoils (oil), the debt is unsustainable, and suddenly he sounds pro-life, what else?  Best of all, he voices the opinion that Obama is ruining our country and taking it away from “We the people,” and he is the one to get it back.

Every tactic Trump uses takes it to Obama. His attacks are all arguments of  the Tea Party. We believe we they are correct, so why would we not love Donald Trump? He has awakened the country by voicing his opinions and by attacking Obama.  His current vocal opinions are all mine too.

Where I veer away from Donald Trump is in his background. He hasn’t got a conservative bone in his body. He supports far left politicians like Rangel, Reid, Schumer, Pelosi, and more. I, as a conservative would not support those candidates for any amount of favor or influence. Donald is a business man. Most likely, his support for them is greasing the wheels of a business transaction, or does he really share their philosophy?  Either way, he is ethically wrong. If he is greasing wheels he is influencing political leaders for favors. If he supports the same political philosophy, he deceives us with Faux Conservatism.

Donald Trump sounds good in the news, but his character is on the same level as that of Obama; say what we want to hear, then take an opposite action.

If Trump is the patriot he claims, and truly wants to save the country as he proclaims, he will not split the vote and guarantee Obama a second term. Or is a second term what he really wants to effect?