Neutered Men

My rant yesterday about the death of the Boy Scouts of America left me thinking all through the night. A new question popped into my confused mind. Why don’t the Girl Scouts recruit boys to join? Progressive women are so bent on infiltrating all men organizations but we never hear of them allowing men to enter their lairs. Why is that? There are plenty of men who like Bruce Jenner want to be women. It would be a natural for the Girl Scouts to encourage men to join. My guess is that women joining men’s organizations has nothing to do with the women’s movement. It has everything to do with the communist party. It is no secret that communists have set goals to infiltrate movements for the express purpose of causing division. They are good at it, and we are buying into it hook, line, and sinker. Do you want to start a revolution? Set black men against white, women against men, cop against criminal,  heterosexual against homosexual. Division works to confuse people and to sell the message of equal outcome for everyone. How can women be equal to men when men insist on maintaining all men’s worlds like the Boy Scouts? They can’t, so they must fight hard to infiltrate, and neuter the man’s private world. At the same time they keep their own women’s world organizations solidly female, no men allowed.

Movements like the one to neuter the Boy Scouts only serve to give religions fostering fewer women’s rights to flourish. After all there is something to be said for having four wives who must bow to the man’s needs with a right to have a temporary wife when the four aren’t satisfying enough. Want to keep the little lady in control? Join an all man’s organization like Islam.

Real women like my mother were never upset over not having the same rights as men. Why would my mother want to go to work in a dirty shop to work in conditions not fit for women. Why would a woman want the right to use a hammer straightening steel in her job all day long? Instead my mother chose to out work my father by raising three kids, keeping house, tending a one acre garden, raising chickens for food, and cooking for the nuns at the local convent. She held the respect of every family in the neighborhood, and she never minded that she couldn’t compete with my dad for anything. She made her own world, and enjoyed her womanliness doing it.

The wimps in charge of the BSA are all Bruce Jenner wanna be’s. They should look at the Girl Scouts for help in keeping their male identities.

Maybe tomorrow I’ll have another BSA rant to get off my chest.