A Health Care Prediction

Alot of speculation is taking  place on the news about the new health care bill. First of all, why the rush? Everyone seems to want universal health care, so a good proposal should pass easily. I happen to believe the rush to get it done has nothing to do with health care. It has to do with power grabbing. Strike while the iron is hot. No doubt POTUS will use the economy as the reason there is a need for speed.  Just where is all this cost coming from? The government pays Medicare, and Medicaid.  The first is for old guys like me, the second is for someone one who is disabled or on welfare. Well we all know that Medicare is going broke, even though it is a so called insurance plan that we pay into.  At the moment my personal health isn’t expensive, but I was married to a lady who had a heart attack and she turned into an expensive case. 

I don’t believe for one minute that the cost of healthcare is such a drain on the government. If it is, it is their own damn fault for signing  so many people onto the Medicaid part of it.

Another thing, if Medicare is going broke with only a small portion of the population eligible, then  how in the world will POTUS pay to care for the entire population?

If POTUS is so hot to have universal health care, pass a bill that requires all citizens to have it, period. That’s what most states are doing with car insurance. If you get caught driving without it,  you go to court or you go to jail. The same can be done for health care. Show up at a doctor or the ER without an insurance card and they jail you after they treat you.

In the meantime, my vision for what will happen on Obama-Care is in the following cartoon. Scary hilarious isn’t it?

Dr Consults with Federal Obamacare for Direction