Another Transformation Clue

The real Transformation agenda is now glaringly obvious. The Left wing, led by our President is in a full court attack against Capitalism, and leading us toward Communism. The recent news flash by Melissa Harris-Perry gives us a bit straight from her lesson plan at Tulane University. If this was her original thought maybe it would be revolutionary, but she stole it from the playbook of Carl Marx. The Communist Party of America has had a long-standing goal to infiltrate the schools and to take over the minds of our kids. It looks like they are succeeding.  Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, Mao used this same strategy, and now Harris-Perry proposes Obama adopt state-owned kids also. Another tired old idea with a socialist spin.

Listen carefully to what this supposedly learned person is proposing for your kids. Everyday, I hear my wife ask me “how could so many smart, educated people be so stupid as to have voted for this guy twice.”  My only answer is that the youth of America has been dumbed down in schools for the past forty years, and they are now riding a giant wave of political disaster.

It took America seventy years to defeat communism, and we lie on the brink of transforming into a communist state. Who will help us as we helped the oppressed? We have to stop this transformation ourselves, from within. There is precious little time left for us to make the miracle happen.
