Isn’t That Cheating?

It is no  longer a critical point that can be used to help make up minds about voting, but some interesting new information has just been revealed. I always wondered how Obama coped without his teleprompter in front of him. I’ve heard him speak extemporaneously during interviews and he tends to ramble on endlessly about a lot of stuff that sounds important without answering the question. At other times I’ve heard him stumble and stammer with too many uhs and duh’s. This new source has shown evidence that Obama used a special ear-phone during the second and third debates. Isn’t that cheating? I wonder who was feeding him the answers. Maybe he wore it to get critical feeds from his security team on terrorist actions on US Embassies.

I lifted the following photos from “”  today after receiving them in an e-mail. They are very interesting for  sure. Kind of makes one wonder how many other weird tricks the President uses to lull the Libs into their trance.

Ear- 1



This link is to the website with the information. Also, the list of references below all carry the same story.

The Underdog Syndrome

Barack Obama and Michelle Obama

Barack Obama and Michelle Obama (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

The pundits relish and bask in the sun of Governor Romney’s debate performance. Oh how he destroyed  Obama. Those who know Obama know they must listen to what he says and then watch what he does.

Obama skillfully lost this debate on purpose. I knew it when I watched his demeanor during the debate. He looked like Mikey who just got caught with his hands in the cookie jar. At first I too relished in a victory.  Victories don’t come often, and when they do I celebrate them. The problem with this victory is that it was premeditated by Obama. The Mikey look was a part of the act to make it seem like he was getting shellacked. Why would he throw the debate? He is a student of Rules for Radicals. The rules led him to throw the opposition off with a simple unexpected ploy. The Mikey look was one caused by wanting to come back to argue eloquently as he usually does, but he had to bite his tongue instead.

What advantage does this give Obama? He knew his base was beginning to abandon him, and he had to become the underdog. People love underdogs. His base will love him as an underdog. Obama will recover quickly because of the underdog principle.

Am I wrong?