The Mood of the Country

Wow!  a new target to pick on. David Axelrod, genius advisor to Obama is being thrown to the media as a front man for Obama. If he does as well as the president’s press secretary Robert Gibbs, the liberals will shine brightly into the universe as a new beacon of change and hopium. Maybe an alien nation will come to our rescue. While we are waiting to be rescued, Axelrod, Gibbs, and Obama will have to deal with the current mood of the nation.

His Head in the Sand in Complete Denial

“New Socialism” a Radical Idea

National Representative Selection ComputerThe more I think about socialism, the more I realize how far away from “living” socialism the proponents are.  As I understand socialism, we are all to be equalized so we all have the same opportunities. I clipped a segment out of the Wikipedia Dictionary defining socialism for you to read here:

“Socialists mainly share the belief that capitalism unfairly concentrates power and wealth among a small segment of society that controls capital, creates an unequal society, and does not provide equal opportunities for everyone in society. Therefore socialists advocate the creation of a society in which wealth and power are distributed more evenly based on the amount of work expended in production, although there is considerable disagreement among socialists over how, and to what extent this could be achieved.”

I see a hypocrisy in both the “power and wealth” part of their dictates.  If  those who move us toward socialism, were truly living the philosophy to the spirit of the ideology, they would have the same  power and wealth as the rest of us. That is not the case. The Chicago Tribune had an article today(,0,1573304.story)  exposing the salaries and personal fortunes of Obama’s advisers. I won’t go into it deeply, but David Axlerod made one and a half million dollars of salary last year. I’m sure that is more money than you will earn in a lifetime much less a year.  In my book, that is not showing good example for the rest of us to follow the path toward equalism.  They should all be making the same mediocre salary that the rest of us make.

The same holds true for power also. If power was to be equalized, all of us could be president without spending seven hundred and fifty million dollars to win an election. Where is the equality in that? Most of us cannot afford a new car much less run a campaign.

I have a new idea for POTUS. He likes new untried ideas, that is why he won’t listen to Republicans, because they have “tired old ideas that don’t work.”

In the interest of moving toward socialism, as POTUS is doing, we must do something really radical. To start with let us TRASH the United States Constitution.” It has too many rules on elections that have failed to produce representatives who listen to their constituents. Instead, we must replace the election system with a National Representative Lottery.  It’s a simple idea, and most simple ideas work pretty good. Everyone who is born in this country is registered at birth, and when he reaches age, his name is activated in the lottery. When it is time to change representatives, names are drawn for each open position. This system works best if there are term limits attached to each position. The same system is used for selecting candidates to serve in the Armed Services.

Think of the money that will be saved. A candidate such as Obama will not have to solicit and spend 750 million dollars to reach his goal. In fact, since we are all equal under this “New Socialist System,” there won’t be any goals to stretch for. We won’t have differences in intelligence either. After all, we all get the same mediocre equal education, and receive the same equally mediocre grades.  Since each and every representative is equal to every other representative, there will be no need to debate or argue about bills. The result would be even more savings as Representative staffs are no longer required.  Lobbyists disappear too because Lottery selected Representatives don’t want money to go into a campaign fund. That is because under  “New Socialism,” campaign  funds are considered the same as a bonus,  and taxed 100 percent.  A Representative found to accept a bribe or a  gift from a lobbyist is hanged in the Capitol Rotunda without a speedy trial.

We all save time because we don’t have to vote. We don’t have to listen to all the stupid negative campaign speeches either. On the day after National Representative Lottery Day, winners receive a certified letter from the Representative Lottery Computer to report for service.  No need to be sworn in since the oath to uphold the constitution is gone. Another saving comes because we don’t have all the frivolous inauguration parties and parades to put on.

Both the republican and democratic parties can be abolished, thus saving millions of dollars in salaries and wasted effort. Campaigns are a thing of the past. The computer solves all of the problems of the vote counting by selecting leaders randomly, and quickly.

All these savings mean there is more money in the pot to spread the wealth. Hell, we could get so wealthy that the word “poor” will be erased from the Wikipedia library.

I keep hearing about how all the socialist systems in the world  fail. “They just don’t work,” say the pundits.  The reason they fail, is that the leaders have more power than the peons.  There is a huge imbalance in the system.  The imbalance of power causes allot of dissension among peons.  We all know that dissending peons wield a lot of power. POTUS recently warned bank leaders

“Be careful how you make those statements, gentlemen. The public isn’t buying that.”

“My administration,” the president added, “is the only thing between you and the pitchforks.”

In saying that, I take it to mean that he has empowered  us to take matters into our ownhands to make the dream of true equality real. 

 In Old Socialism, the leaders live like the hated “fat cats of capitalism,” while the peons  live equally. My “New Socialism,” plan eradicates that imbalance by selecting leaders totally at random by the lottery.  They all serve specific terms, thereby not becoming dictators who sit in the ivory tower for life. No one has to be educated in an Ivy League School, and no one has to be an eloquent snake oil salesman.

      ” But Grumpa,”  you ask, “the National Representative Lottery will not pick a person with experience who can go up against the leaders of the world’s evil countries?”

       “If the Lottery winner fails. we merely ask the computer to select another candidate until we find an ass kisser who  is acceptable to the rest of the world.” 

In reality, my New Socialism plan is really not new, it is a tired old idea that I’ve improved so it will work.