Work = Force x Distance

Today I explored several blogs from recently signed up followers. What amazes me is that most of them are selling something. Grumpajoesplace does not sell anything. My blog is a place where I can vent about almost anything or everything. For me writing is a cathartic drug. In times of grief writing allows me to express feelings I cannot express audibly. Writing relieves my stress when that is my issue. Writing allows me to communicate with bloggers who have become my friends over the internet, and whom I miss when they don’t comment or go missing.

I often thought about selling, but selling has never been my thing. In order to sell, I’d have to go back to work subscribing to blog sites for the simple reason of getting attention to my product. If I wanted a job, I would apply for one. Of course I am a hypocrite in this regard because I offer my books for sale on my site. In the twelve years I have done so I have sold two copies of my life story as told in games I played as a child. Today, if you actually click on the button that says “buy my book” it will lead you to Amazon Kindle books and the price is $0.00. So you will see that I can’t even give my book away, so why would I make a concerted effort (work) to subscribe to followers for the purpose of selling my free book?

On my to do list of big projects I have listed finishing a book I began writing when my wife Peggy was still alive and lucid about ten years ago. The working title is Space Rod. It is a story of a man who loses his wife and in his grief he buys an antique pick up truck which he intends to restore. Of course restoration is work, which he likes to avoid. He meets a man named Mort whose interest is also in street rods. They become friends, and before long Mort introduces the widower to Trey a man whose business it is to restore old cars. That is when the story finally gets interesting, and that is where I stopped writing to care for my wife full time. Peggy has been gone since 2019, and I am first now getting a tickle of an urge to finish this story. I picked up the manuscript a few months ago and read it to refresh my memory about the characters and the direction it was taking me. Throughout I kept mentally editing passages to clean up the grammar and to make it more readable. It occurred to me that this project is huge and will be considerable work. Do I really want to spend all that effort on something that no one will read?

10 Responses

  1. Can you send me a link? The link on your site takes me to June-e-or, which is $4.99 and “currently unavailable”.

    • My, my, how things have changed. It has been so long since I worked my account on Kindle that it has changed dramatically. I just enterred all of my three books into a Kindle program with free readership, but the deal lasts only 5 days. Jun-e-or is available from June 10-14, , Nightmares from Obama from June 17-21, and Lil-T from June 10-14.
      Thank you for thee input and for the interest. You may be the second person in the world to read these works after me.
      Let me know about your experience.

  2. I want to buy your book. Make it $10 and I will buy it.

    • Go to Kindle and download the book. It’s free!

      • Okay if I can’t GIVE you money ha. Will download free. Thanks

        • All I ask is an honest review.

        • I’ve got june-e-or. Will review. Let me know if you’d prefer a review of one of the others instead.

        • That book is my life. Please tell me what you thought of it.

  3. A couple of weeks back I was talking about my writing to a new acquaintance. I used the word “therapeutic.” I think it is very similar in meaning to the word you have used; cathartic.

    • I believe therapeutic refers to a physical healing while cathartic refers to an emotional release. Neither is a synonym for the other, yet they both have a healing property. Thanks for the word.

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