He Has A Lot To Learn

Multi-tasking is not the modus operandi of a true leader. Multi-tasking is the result of a lack of focus. True leaders identify the problems facing their organization. They assess the problems to determine which ones have the greatest impact on the company. They prioritize using the 80/20 rule, i.e. eighty percent of the benefit comes from twenty percent of the effort. Once they know which problem is the correct one to solve first, they attack it with a vengeance. It is clear to me that BO has never had any real experience in a business situation where a solution to the number one problem will make the difference between success and failure. Had he taken the most elementary course in productivity, he would know that the principle is simple.  Define your problems, prioritize, keep your desk clear, and then attack the most important project with a vengeance. Why a clear desk? Clutter will cause one to lose focus from the task at hand. Everywhere the eyes turn they see another task to perform, and the mind takes you there. It is proven that the conscious mind can only concentrate on one task at a time. So the very concept of multi-tasking implies a mind that is skipping from project to project rapidly. The gurus of human potential tell us to clear the mind of all extraneous thought in order to concentrate on one task at a time. By concentrating on one project at a time with focus, there is a gain in productivity.

BO’s sophomoric remark about a president having to multi-task was rather naive. There is a difference between talking on the phone while driving, and working on a number of projects. Presidents do have huge numbers of problems before them, but I can’t imagine the president sitting on the pot, signing bills, and talking to a world leader all at the same time. It is proven that the conscious mind can only work on one thing at a time. Multi-taskers kid themselves into believing that performing many disconnected tasks during slack times is productive. Yes, we all have many things on our plates, and sometimes we all read e-mails while we talk on the phone, but is that the same as brainstorming solutions to a crisis such as the sub-prime mortgage bailout, and preparation for a debate? I hardly believe that a president will try to squeeze a phone call to the Kremlin into a bill signing ceremony. Each task requires concentration. Yes, the president is required to squeeze many activities into his schedule, but multi-tasking would seem to be the behavior of a person unfocused on the important.

Had BO learned the most basic rule of human potential, he would have learned that the key to effectiveness is focus on the correct things. BO prioritized, and chose his preparation for a presidential debate as the most important project on his plate. Senator John McCain prioritized and chose to “save” his country as his most important mission. In doing so, John McCain exhibited the traits of a proven leader. BO proved that he has a lot to learn.