Happy Father’s Day?

I’m trying to understand why we still have Father’s Day. Clearly half of the marriages in the world fail and women are bearing the responsibility for raising kids by themselves. So just what are we celebrating? Are we giving men credit for getting their jollies off to get their woman pregnant? What?

Growing up, Father’s Day meant something. Our father’s were all present in the home. The only kids without a father were those whose dads died either by accident, war, or disease. Divorce was still a dirty word. Couples stayed together for the good of the children. It seems today that we don’t have the same temerity to grin and bear personal suffering for the sake of our offspring. Granted, there were some unhappy people but nobody knew they were unhappy because a show of marital unhappiness was taboo.

Most likely the kids of these unhappy people were the ones who started the trend to divorce. They probably resolved to not live in an unhappy relationship like their parents did. More likely than that couples today are more narcissist and would rather not be bothered with marriage vows, or kids. We can blame Hugh Hefner and Playboy for the sexual revolution that opened the doors to pre-marital sex, and birth control pills for the practice of recreational sex.

You may think I am being stupid with my statements, but the fact is that all highly developed countries are now importing child bearing people from less developed countries to keep their populations sustainable. Our government leaders have been pushing us to become more like Europe and I cannot understand that because Europe is in a world of hurt. Why? Europe’s population is at a point where they cannot sustain their cultures anymore. Maybe our leaders want our population to be decimated by a lack of interest in propagation. Seriously, people have forgotten why there is sex and why we have it. The new thinking is to have sex for fun only, and an attitude that maybe if someday I get married I’ll think about having a kid. Have you ever wondered why there is such a problem with abortion? It has become another form of birth control. Planned parenthood means you only have a kid when you want one, and not when nature deems.

The fight for open borders is strongly due to keeping the birthrate in the US above 1.83 children per family. That is the number required to maintain the stability of the culture. Do we think Germany was right to allow so many mid-eastern people to march into their midst? Their birth rate is less than 1.3 kids per family which is below the point of recoverability, good-bye Germany. In the meantime, existing Germans will have a young population of muslims to pay German pensions. What do they care about the future German generations? They have  destroyed their culture by adopting the politically correct program to save the planet by adopting population control. They just didn’t know how, or when to stop. The cure was really simple, allow Nature to run it’s course, and the population would have happened. The problem is that we are so smart that we really believe that a minuscule bunch of people can affect the course of a planet that has been in existence for billions of years. How smart are we to believe that the answer is to reduce the number of people by artificial means when natural selection will do it for us. We really believe that disease, pestilence, war, natural disaster, asteroid collisions is never going to happen, and we will run the planet out of resources. Poor us. We will be crawling all over each other stealing food from neighbors trying to stay alive. Yet these same smart people cannot see themselves being smart enough to solve starvation problems when they occur. Instead they resist using genetically modified foods which grow well and in abundance because they are afraid of eating something strange. Organic is the name of the game, eat healthy, stay healthy, live longer.

The only conclusion I have come to is that Father’s Day is still alive because I am a father, and my kids need a special day to remember that. They need a day to show their kids how to venerate their dad so when their kids have kids they will know to do the same. Living by example is the philosophy I used to raise my kids, and that is why they just stopped by and brought me lunch on this day.

Oh yeah, father’s like to lecture like I just did above, and on Father’s Day my kids can’t say anything negative about my lectures.

Happy Father’s Day!