I see It and Believe It

This election has me in a quandry. I see the B.O. making many great moves. I see him using PMA techniques in everything he has done, and I am more convinced than ever, that positive works, while negative sucks. When I watch B.O. give his speeches, it is obvious that he sees himself as President, and acts like the goal is in his pocket. Those two attributes are among the commandments of the positive mental attitude, and the goal achieving gurus. How many times have I heard the phrase, “see yourself owning the dream,” or “act like you own it.” “If you can see it, and believe it, you can have it.”  What B.O. has not shown is his vision for our country. Just once, I’d love to hear him define “Change,” in tems that we can all get our hands on, and not change that is all “smoke and mirrors.”

My political philosophy is the complete opposite of B.O.’s, and I will not vote for him, but I can see the desire in his soul. It concerns me that his total commitment to the strong tools of PMA will work against my own dreams.

What do “I See and Believe?” I see our country strong and powerful. I see our country making allies with every leader in the world. I see a country that continues to draw people from all areas of the world because this is the land of opportunity. I see a government that works to give people liberty to make things happen for themselves, and not one that disincentivizes its citizens by legislating what and how to do everything. The way to do that is to reduce the size of government. B.O. wants to make the government larger to provide more of us with less. Not a single government employee contributes to the development of “goods and services” that can be traded. Let us do what is important, in ways that are cost effective. I see a country where people have real jobs performing services and producing goods that  are a benefit to mankind. I see our senators and congressman serving for the good of the people and not their careers. I see a country where our spokesman are ordinary men and women  with backgrounds like salesmen, teachers, engineers, doctors, but not lawyers.  I see a country where men and women create new and exciting products and services because they are free to do so. I see a country weaned off fossil fuels and not dependent on any dictator for energy. I see a country where men have a strong  belief in God, and worship freely.

My vision for our country is very much like Ronald Reagan’s “Shining City on the Hill.” I believe it, and I see it. I see my vision more clearly than the B.O. sees his Leninist vision of our country. He sees it  ruled by legislation meant to equalize all of us into mindless receivers of a handout from Big Brother.