The Big Hoax


     Every day our lawmakers and pundits bombard us with BS.  They say, “we are a nation of laws,” but are we?  Sure, we employ sixty Senators and  four hundred and thirty-five representatives to write and pass laws, and they do write laws by the hundreds every year. When some poor slob has a problem, he writes to his Congressman to fix his problem so it never happens again. The Congressman, eager to keep his job for a lifetime drafts a law. He lobbies his friends in congress to vote for it. Together, they vote the law in. The rest of us who do not have the same problem  don’t really give a rats hoot about it. The law stays on the books, and congress forgets about it. Someone finds a loophole in the old law, and applies it inappropriately. Time passes, and some genius Congressman decides to be creative by working around the silly house rules requiring that congress debate it first, then vote on it.  A recent example of this is the reconciliation bill. The Senate adopted the reconciliation bill to fix differences between the house, and the senate versions of the health care bill. Originally, the bill reconciled differences in the budget. 

     How many laws do we have that lurk in the books with hidden time bombs like the reconciliation bill? Today, I tried researching what it takes for a person coming into this country to come in legally.  Try to Google that one. I got thousands of hits on what an American needs to get into Mexico, but very little on what a Mexican needs to get into the USA. There are stories of overcrowded border crossings and border patrol people at the gates who do a poor job at checking the credentials of those coming across.

     I was able to glean that several presidents were involved in opening the gates to the USA. Remember when, Jimmy Carter tried to make the country bi-lingual? He wanted to post all the signs in the country in Spanish as well as English. I bet that is where “dial one for English,” crept into the vocabulary. Bill Clinton made the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) part of his agenda. He also began looking the other way when the Mexicans began flooding across the border to jobs in border towns.  George Bush was no better. He wanted the country to have low-cost labor to pick lettuce, wash dishes, and mow lawns. He is highly regarded by the Latino population in Texas.

     I spent considerable time looking for the requirements for a Mexican to enter legally. I found one reference to a form that day workers use. Another actually mentioned a passport. A visa is not required. I’m sure the State Department knows what the rules are for entry, but I sure as hell don’t.

     So, what is the hoax? The hoax is we are a nation of laws. We have books filled with laws on immigration to the USA. Most of them worked very well until the 1980’s. (Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 (IRCA)). Ever since then, we have forgotten what the laws are, and disregard them. We fail to enforce immigration laws. Presidents encourage the border patrols to look the other way. Federal Immigration laws are in such poor regard that big cities pass “sanctuary” laws. A sanctuary law prohibits the police from determining if arrestees are in the country legally.  We do have many immigration laws, but hypocritically, we pass laws to say we don’t have to follow the laws. What is that all about?

The next big push by our president is to reform immigration. I have some recommendations:

  1.  Start by enforcing the laws we already have on the books.
  2. Several presidents have chosen to clean house by deporting all illegal aliens.    
    1. During the Great Depression, President Herbert H. Hoover,  (R) ordered the
      deportation of all illegal aliens in order to make jobs available  to  American
      citizens that desperately needed  work.
    2. Harry S. Truman, (D) deported over one million Illegal aliens after WWII to create jobs for veterans.
    3. In 1954, President Dwight D. Eisenhower,  (R) deported 1.3 million Mexican Nationals during ‘Operation Wetback’. He did it to give returning WWII, and Korean Veteran’s  a better chance at jobs. It took two years, but the illegal aliens went home by deportation!

These three Presidents deported illegal aliens to help the country.  Obama can do it too. He has both justifications, i.e. a poor economy and returning veterans.

  1. After we clean house, I recommend we use the laws we already have to allow these people to return legally. This is a tough action. We must take it if we are to live up to the claim that “we are a nation of laws.” If we don’t, we are perpetrating the HOAX and spreading hypocrisy across the world.

Obama will not do it because he is part of the HOAX.