Osama Was Right

Osama bin Laden was correct when he stated that the United States doesn’t have the stomach for war and that we would lose interest before long and quit. On this anniversary of 9/11 we have witnessed a retreat from Afghanistan that we didn’t like. Our President wanted a quick and complete withdrawal which he accomplished. Twenty years ago we as a people had developed a hatred for Muslims but today I sense a different attitude. At least from our leaders I sense a softening attitude, one of forgiveness and back pedaling.

The Muslim world has never been one to live amicably alongside the Christian world. I remember my grandfather who was born in Hungary 1876 told me stories about how the Hungarians always wound up driving the Ottomans out of Europe. They have not stopped trying. They now use a new approach using population growth s the weapon. In countries like France they are succeeding and they will succeed in the USA also. Muslims are not hung up on birth control and abortion as the caucasian world is. Their current plan is to migrate into a country and then to populate, populate, populate. They have control over their women and thus the poor lady’s cannot say boo about their plight. The males use their four wife limit to the fullest and populate, populate, and populate. Eventually, they will out number caucasians and take over peaceably.

Only the anxious Muslims need to go to war. They are too impatient to do it by population control. they would rather do it by subjugation. Thus we have the likes of ISIS, Taliban, and Al Queda to deal with. Their thrust is to take over by intimidation, killing, and war. It has taken us twenty years to forget the threat of 9/11 and the loss of so many lives, but we have. Even today, the anniversary day there is little being said about the Muslim threat to the world. In the meantime we continue to squander our wealth and resources trying to convince them to accept capitalism and democracy as the way. What we should have been doing, and should do in the future is to squander our resources on never ending bombs that will put an end to the entire scourge. In my gardening world we try not to use radical warfare against the evil weed, but there comes a time when we are forced into using Roundup as the method of eradication. Even with the use of chemicals like Roundup there is always a survivor. It may take a couple of years for it to happen but the survivors again begin spreading around the yard to take it over.

In my world I have learned that if I keep doing the same thing over and over again without a positive outcome that I have achieved the definition of insanity.

We have reached that point with Islam.

A Smoldering Pile Of Ashes

If one wants to get sick he can wander outside into crowds and pick up some COVID-19 virus, or he can listen to cable news and hear too much sh_t about Afghanistan. I don’t wander out and I quit watching the news about a country that we should be taking title to. After twenty years one would think that we own the place. Instead we leave it with our heads down, ears back and tail drooping between our legs. Why did we do this without getting any satisfaction? To me the root cause is simple. We believe in diplomacy instead of common sense. If we were really smart we would believe in common sense and diplomacy working together. Liberals tend to prefer diplomacy over military solutions. Our leadership has been mostly shit-headed liberal for more than sixteen of the twenty years we have engaged the Muslims in their world. They are Ivy-League educated Political Scientists who seem to have their heads buried in their rectums. Me, I prefer the George S. Patton method of diplomacy, we win they lose. One of the main problems with the Afghan world is that they are Muslims and they profess the same simple philosophy as Patton. Because of our Constitution giving us all religious freedom we shy away from taking other people’s religious freedom from them. What we forget is that they are not U.S. citizens and the Constitution doesn’t apply to them. When we engage in war against a people other than our own we should not project our rules on them. Hell, that would be hypocritical you say. BS, I say we will use any rules necessary to win.

In the very olden days of Empires, our very own British Empire, to whom we once belonged, had no problem with taking a country over and ruling it by the British system. Just about every known country on the globe fell under the rule of the British Empire. It wasn’t until we the colonist people stood up to them that we separated successfully. Had we not done that we would still be having tea every afternoon at four. Ownership is a benefit of occupation, and the British knew how to do that well. It was simple, the Brits ruled and the population was subjugated to their rule. It is my opinion that we in the United States should also have taken this approach when deciding to occupy Afghanistan, Iraq, Kuwait, etc. We would now be the proud owners of many resources that are found in the mountains and deserts of those countries.

Think about it. Because we would literally own these territories we could then relegate the governance of these places to all the brain dead liberals who are trying to change our Constitution to be something we don’t want it to be. They could spend all their energies talking to and dealing with the Muslims who would be operating under the we win you lose philosophy. Our administration would not have to worry about adhering to the Constitution because it will never work for them. Our guys would have a field day applying the rules of the Koran into a working democracy. The liberal administrative solution would be to rename the Constitution to the Koran. It would be an arm wrestle between the strongest Muslim and our local Ambassador for which would be changed, the Koran renamed to the Constitution, or the Constitution renamed to the Koran? I won’t ask what you think would happen, there is only one option that would be acceptable to the occupied citizenry.

Again, my philosophy on Afghanistan is that we should have beat them militarily into a smoldering pile of ashes about eighteen years ago, and then made them subject to us. If they didn’t like our rules, and since they love cutting peoples heads off I would grant them equal treatment and a direct line to heaven by guillotine.

At the very least, had I been Commander in Chief I would have ordered every U.S. Citizen out of the country by a deadline. If they didn’t make the deadline I would take it to mean that these people had switched their alliances from the U.S. to Afghanistan and have chosen to remain. After all citizens were flown home, I would offer the same deal to all certified friends of the U.S Military. Once I was assured that ll of our people were out I would order a hasty retreat of all military personnel, but not before blowing up the Afghan government complex into a smoldering pile of ashes. That’s diplomacy baby, we win, you lose.

Super Teacher

This message is a doozie, but it strikes to the heart of a problem, i.e. political correctness .
After being interviewed by the school administration, the prospective teacher said:
Let me see if I’ve got this right.
You want me to go into that room with all those kids, correct their disruptive behavior, observe them for signs of abuse, monitor their dress habits,   censor their T-shirt messages and instill in them a love for learning.
You want me to check their backpacks for weapons, wage war on drugs and sexually transmitted diseases, and raise their sense of self-esteem and personal pride.
You want me to teach them patriotism and good citizenship, sportsmanship and fair play, and how to register to vote, balance a check book, and apply for a job.
You want me to check their heads for lice, recognize signs of antisocial behavior, and ensure that they all pass their final exams.
You also want me to provide them with an equal education regardless of their handicap and communicate regularly with their parents in English, Arabic or any other language, by letter, telephone, newsletter, and report card
You want me to do all this with a piece of chalk, a blackboard, a bulletin board, a few books, a big smile, and a starting salary that qualifies me for “New Start.”
You want me to do all this, and then you tell me……
I CAN’T wear a necklace with a little cross,  mention God, or say “Merry Christmas”  because someone might take offense? “
Well, you know what you can do with your job……..
We all should have the same rights, whatever your religion.
This should be posted in every school in America and all countries.
Think about it!
If Muslims can pray anywhere, why are Christians banned from praying in public and from erecting religious displays on their holy days?
What happened to our National Day of Prayer?
Muslims are allowed to block off major streets, in all American States and pray in the middle of the street! And it’s a monthly ritual!

Tell me, again, whose country is this?

Circular Evolution

Immigration is a touchy issue. I am reading a book titled Texas which chronicles the history of Mexico and Texas. I am at the section of the book which deals with Indians. In the beginning Indians owned North America, but they were invaded by immigrants from all sides. White people looking to live free came from all over Europe to settle in a place where there was no Prince or King to tell them how to live their lives. Land was plentiful and free. At first the Indians allowed them to live with them, but then the whites came in greater numbers, and they began forcing the Indians out of their territories. As time went on more and more people came to North America to settle in a free land. Indians were forced westward out of their land. They resented it and fought back committing terrible atrocities as was their custom. They fought as Indians knew to fight. The whites thought the Indians were being savage. They were merely practicing their customs.


After Texas separated from Mexico and became a state there was a problem with Comanche Indians. The Comanches had been moved from place to place several times and they were pissed to have to move again. They refused to do so without a fight Comanche style. Whites flooded into Texas from the north and east. Mexicans came in from the south.  It was a Comanche custom to kill pioneers or anyone who infringed on their lands. They had a notion that to be killed by a Comanche was an honorable death, therefore, a pioneer who died a very slow death by torture made it even more honorable. This custom did not bide well with white people. Another custom was to kill the pioneer family except for one, usually a young girl or woman. They then used the white girl in negotiations with the white man, The problem was how they treated her before the negotiations. The opportunity for negotiations with the whites could take years to come about. In the meantime the girl was a sex slave to the young bucks of the tribe. Another custom was to torture the sex slave by slowly burning their ears and nose off.

As I read this horrible treatment a thought came to mind. At this point in history we, meaning you and me, are the current Indians of the United States. We are being invaded by immigrants namely Hispanics, Asians, and Muslims. These people also have strange cultures and customs. The Muslims probably have the most of any, like be-heading, stoning, genital mutilation, honor killing, and many more.  At this point in history we probably don’t have much to worry about, but as the immigrant numbers increase and the number of communities we refer to as no-go zones grows, the foreign cultural practices will become more openly practiced. Will it ever come to the point of us having to annihilate the source of the trouble? I don’t know, and won’t live long enough to find out, but my take on the matter is that the problem is best avoided by keeping the influx of migrants to a trickle. Once the population of people with strange cultures grows beyond what we can control the problem becomes huge.

Well, you say, we have laws to keep people from walking all over us.  What if one of the strange cultural differences is a set of laws they believe over ride all the laws we have on the books? Sharia law is such a system. Ultimately, when a migrant population that won’t assimilate reaches a point they can move the home team out, they will insist on imposing their will upon the others. The battle that ensues will be called genocide by both sides. If the home team loses we will have completed a full circle of evolution from living in a closed society to living free, and revert back to a closed society.


“Many a little makes a mickle.”



In Switzerland it has long been customary for students to shake the hands of their teachers at the beginning and end of the school day. It’s a sign of solidarity and mutual respect between teacher and pupil, one that is thought to encourage the right classroom atmosphere. Justice Minister Simonetta Sommaruga recently felt compelled to further explain that shaking hands was part of Swiss culture and daily life.

And the reason she felt compelled to speak out about the handshake is that two Muslim brothers, aged 14 and 15, who have lived in Switzerland for several years (and thus are familiar with its mores), in the town of Therwil, near Basel, refused to shake the hands of their teacher, a woman, because, they claimed, this would violate Muslim teachings that contact with the opposite sex is allowed only with family members.

At first the school authorities decided to avoid trouble, and initially granted the boys an exemption from having to shake the hand of any female teacher. But an uproar followed, as Mayor Reto Wolf explained to the BBC: “the community was unhappy with the decision taken by the school. In our culture and in our way of communication a handshake is normal and sends out respect for the other person, and this has to be brought home to the children in school.”

Therwil’s Educational Department reversed the school’s decision, explaining in a statement on May 25 that the school’s exemption was lifted because “the public interest with respect to equality between men and women and the integration of foreigners significantly outweighs the freedom of religion.” It added that a teacher has the right to demand a handshake. Furthermore, if the students refused to shake hands again “the sanctions called for by law will be applied,” which included a possible fine of up to 5,000 dollars.

This uproar in Switzerland, where many people were enraged at the original exemption granted to the Muslim boys, did not end after that exemption was itself overturned by the local Educational Department. The Swiss understood quite clearly that this was more than a little quarrel over handshakes; it was a fight over whether the Swiss would be masters in their own house, or whether they would be forced to yield, by the granting of special treatment, to the Islamic view of the proper relations between the sexes. It is one battle – small but to the Swiss significant – between overweening Muslim immigrants and the indigenous Swiss.

Naturally, once the exemption was withdrawn, all hell broke loose among Muslims in Switzerland. The Islamic Central Council of Switzerland, instead of yielding quietly to the Swiss decision to uphold the handshaking custom, criticized the ruling in hysterical terms, claiming that the enforcement of the handshaking is “totalitarian” (!) because its intent is to “forbid religious people from meeting their obligations to God.”

That, of course, was never the “intent” of the long-standing handshaking custom, which was a nearly-universal custom in Switzerland, and in schools had to do only with encouraging the right classroom atmosphere of mutual respect between instructor and pupil, of which the handshake was one aspect.

The Swiss formulation of the problem – weighing competing claims — will be familiar to Americans versed in Constitutional adjudication. In this case “the public interest with respect to equality” of the sexes and the “integration of foreigners” (who are expected to adopt Swiss ways, not force the Swiss to exempt them from some of those ways) were weighed against the “religious obligations to God” of Muslims, and the former interests found to outweigh the latter.

What this case shows is that even at the smallest and seemingly inconsequential level, Muslims are challenging the laws and customs of the Infidels among whom they have been allowed to settle [i.e., stealth jihad toward sharia dominance]. Each little victory, or defeat, will determine whether Muslims will truly integrate into a Western society or, instead, refashion that society to meet Muslim requirements.

The handshake has been upheld and, what’s more, a stiff fine now will be imposed on those who continue to refuse to shake hands with a female teacher. This is a heartening sign of non-surrender by the Swiss. But the challenges of the Muslims within Europe to the laws and customs of the indigenes have no logical end and will not stop.

And the greater the number of Muslims allowed to settle in Europe, the stronger and more frequent their challenges will be. They are attempting not to integrate, but rather to create, for now, a second, parallel society, and eventually, through sheer force of numbers from both migration and by outbreeding the Infidels, to fashion not a parallel society but one society — now dominated by Muslim sharia.

The Swiss handshaking dispute has received some, but not enough, press attention. Presumably, it’s deemed too inconsequential a matter to bother with. But the Swiss know better. And so should we.

There’s an old Scottish saying that in one variant reads: “Many a little makes a mickle.” That is, the accumulation of many little things leads to one big thing. That’s what’s happening in Europe today. This was one victory for the side of sanity. There will need to be a great many more.


They won’t shake hands but they will rape them in a heart beat.