You Didn’t Do It Alone, Big Gov’m’nt Helped

Obama tells Henry Ford to invent the car.

What ever the Conservative pundits say about Obama not getting it, they are wrong. Obama gets it. He is way smarter than the rest of us. Last week he cited his biggest mistake as not communicating his policy to “We the Sheeple.” He lied about that. He deliberately withheld the policy from the voters. Had we known, he would never have made it past the primary.

Now, he deliberately insults the small business owners by lecturing them on how they aren’t so smart, and that they didn’t become successful on their own, they needed big government to succeed. It is my opinion that they succeeded in spite of the handicap of carrying big government. I wonder how much more successful small businesses would be if there were no regulations or interference of any kind.

Bill Gates began his business at age nineteen. I have to believe he began small. What help did Obama give him to become a leviathan in the business? Steve Jobs another small business owner in the beginning did not    get government help. Even Al Gore, who invented the internet did not  get government help.

The internet came about through the Defense Department. The military needed a way to communicate in the event a war takes out cities within the USA. It was the educational system that developed it into a useful tool with their wish to  share research. So I guess one could say the government  paid for the  internet before the rest of us were able to take advantage of it.

Here are some examples of how inventors needed the government to make their dreams come true.

Orville and Wilbur Wright didn’t succeed with manned flight until the gov’m’nt built thousands of mega air terminals.

Henry Ford waited for the Interstate road system before he worked to invent the assembly line to make cars affordable.

Edison waited until the gov’n’nt built power stations all across America to invent the electric bulb, and the phonograph.

Alexander Graham Bell waited for the gov’m’nt to string telephone lines across America before he invented the phone.

Steven Spielberg started making films while in grammar school, but he didn’t really succeed until Obama came on the scene.

Walt Disney needed Obama to invent Mickey Mouse and then used gov’m’nt money to build Disney Land. That’s why Disney went broke six times in his life, he wasted our tax dollars all along the way.

One statistic that sticks in my dead brain is that most millionaires go bankrupt several times before they finally succeed.

Obama is the only one I know who uses gov’m’nt money to succeed with his own enterprises, and he has failed miserably.

Can you find the obvious error in the picture?