Much Better


I finally rushed to the library to drop off the terrible book that took me ten weeks to read. It was time to change-up and get back to reading enjoyment, instead of pain, suffering and intellectual torture. I cruised the book racks looking for something to jump out and yell, “take me.”

Three rounds of staring at covers, titles and authors set a new record for me. Usually I find something within a round and a half. I finally decided to read Steven King. I have avoided him for years. Mostly because of all the things I have heard about his books being weird. It was time to break through the barrier of ignorance and decide for myself what he was like as an author. I know he is a progressive nut job in his politics which puts him on my hit list of people to avoid.

The book I picked up is “Elevation.” A mere two hundred and fifty-eight pages of very large print. It took me three hours to finish. What a joy it was to read a story and not some obnoxious author’s brain dump about a genius mathematician. Elevation is a story about real people with real problems except one who has an exceptional problem. The problem is so weird that the character is afraid go to a doctor to learn what it is. I guess this is the weird Stephen King coming into play. The story has a sad but happy ending which I loved. Elevation is a good short read well worth the time.