What a Revoltin’ Development This Is

Those of you who know me know that I am a very conservative guy. I believe in paying only those taxes that are lawfully mine to pay. I own firearms and am a strong supporter of the Second Amendment. I support legal immigration only. It isn’t that hard to get in folks; play by the rules. I believe DACA is a ploy to weasel more illegals into the country. I hate socialism with a vengeance. Socialists are just communists in sheep’s clothing. I want the wall, and promoted Obama’s shovel ready stimulus of eight hundred billion dollars. It could have paid for walls on the North and South borders in a heart beat, with money left over to rebuild every bridge in America, and people would have gone to work. I believe in personal responsibility, and paying my way. That is how my democrat parents raised me. My parents were democrats because that is what my Dad’s bosses told him he was, and Dad told Mom. The Democrats are for the working man they told him. My parents lived their lives as conservatives. They had to, they came to this country legally through Ellis Island, had sponsors and jobs lined up. Then the Great Depression hit, and had to live on a shoe string. They abhorred “charity” from the government. Toward the end of her life my siblings and I learned that Mom may have been in the country illegally, but that is another story and a good one too. What I am trying to say is that I believe strongly in immigration. My only problem is with “illegal” immigration.

Eventually, I will get to the main point of this essay, bear with me.

Yesterday, my house cleaning crew came. House cleaning is one of those jobs that I refuse to do, so I delegate it to someone else, but they don’t work for free. The crew is a mother and daughter from Mexico. For the past three years that they have worked for me I have always wondered if they were here legally. It has been twenty years since they arrived, I thought at worst they may have been part of an amnesty. I still don’t know. I love to tease the daughter about her work habits, and often ask her why she doesn’t further her education. She never gives me a good answer. She was three when her parents brought her to America. She speaks excellent english without a hint of an accent, but she rattles off Spanish to her mother who still doesn’t speak English well. The Señorita has a good grasp of our government and the Constitution.

These women do excellent work, and Senora’s husband works for a remodeling contractor. Señor has also worked for me painting and dry walling. All of them work like the Energizer Bunny, they just keep on going. The entire family is religious and close-knit with many friends and relatives.

Daughter told me she is going to get a job in 2019. I asked her why when she is self-employed? “Well if I don’t get a job, I will lose my DACA and get put a deportation list.” WHAT? Why are you a part of DACA?”

“My mother thought it would be the best way for me to get a Social Security number.”

The wheels began spinning in my head. Obama invented DACA to allow unaccompanied minors into the country. This young lady has been here for twenty years she is twenty-three now. She wasn’t a minor, nor was she unaccompanied when she arrived. Given that DACA is six years old she would have been sixteen at the time and probably could have passed for younger.

All this is making my head explode. I feel for this girl. At three years old she didn’t come here by herself, her parents dragged her. Being an obedient child she obeys her parents. She is a victim of our government, and a Congress to unable to straighten out the mess, but she is also a victim of her parents. They are living the better life they came here to live; a house, cars, smart phones, and all the amenities of an American family.

What really scares me is how many more kids have signed up for DACA. I don’t think the law intended to include kids who have been here for thirteen years. No wonder the politicians call it a broken system. They have rewritten the immigration law in little dribs and drabs to the point where it is undecipherable and impossible to enforce. Combine that with an open border and the flood gates are open.

Now, here is the revoltin’ development. What do I do? Do I keep things the same? These people have become my friends and certainly do excellent work for me. Do I report them and become the Scrooge of the century? What do I do?  Yes, “what a revoltin’ development this is.”

Based on how easy it was for my friends to come here and to sign on to DACA thirteen years later I’d say the entire country has a revoltin’ development. How many hundreds or thousands of kids have joined the fray making it too big to fail? It’ll take Trump six years to straighten this out because of all the preposterous jack asses in the country who fight against him from every angle. We not only need to drain the swamp from all the government insider freeloaders we have to vote out the entire Congress. I think a shooting war would be easier; another revoltin’ development.


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  1. Best wishes 2019

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