We Are So Screwed


This morning it rained like hell for a couple of hours and set the mood for a gloomy day. I decided to finish reading a book titled No Easy Day, An Autobiography of a Navy Seal. The author Mark Owens chronicles his motivations for becoming a SEAL and some of the missions he participated in during his ten plus years in the Navy. He had two very news worthy missions: the Captain Philips rescue and the Osama bin Laden killing. Shortly after the bin Laden mission he retired from the SEALS because his next step was a promotion to a non-active roll such as management, and he didn’t want any part of that.

Owens spent the entire forward of the book explaining the care he took to keep any reference to classified information out of the story. His concern was for the safety of his fellow SEALS and for the country.

I completed reading, and went to the next step on my agenda which was attacking my e-mails. The very first one I opened was from a friend in the Prestwick Men’s Book Club It contains links to news articles about the book No Easy Day which is this month’s selection. I almost fell out of my chair when I read these stories. The government sued Owens for 4.5 million dollars because he never passed the book by the Department of Defense for review before publishing. Not only did they strip him of his earnings, but they have prevented him from getting movie rights, speaking engagements, or any other way to make money off the story, and have tarnished his sterling reputation.. He in turn is suing the publisher’s attorney for giving clearance to proceed without DOD review.

What a pile of cow dung this is. The same government that had a mountain of evidence on Hillary’s disregard for state secrets by using her private sector servers and mobile devices violating law after law in the process, and doesn’t even get her hand slapped. “She didn’t mean to do it” is  her defense. Yet, a man who put his life on the line for more than ten years and who diligently kept secrets gets his life ruined. Where is the justice?

We are so screwed in America today. The elites continue to crap on the peons and flaunt their ability to do so. The next mountain of steaming horse compost will be the Clinton Foundation investigation. My bet is that it will also go nowhere. Why, because there are so many big cheese elected officials and bureaucrats involved the courts are not big enough to handle all the cases. Worse yet, there are probably judges involved who would throw the whole debacle out of court.   What did we hear during the trillion dollar bank bail out? Too big to fail, well that is what our government is too big to fail.

Last evening I spent time screening children’s vision with my Lions Club. We were at a thing called the Back to School Bash. The event is designed to give stressed out little kids another moment to blow off steam before they head back to school. All the government big vehicles were there for the kids to climb on. The county road grader, a fire truck, and  an armored troop carrier with bullet proof armor, tires, glass, and turrets for big guns. I kidded the guy who drove it to the event as to what the county expects us to do to them that they need such a vehicle to fend us off? “It is one of forty-five in the country” he proudly exclaimed without answering my question. The real answer is Obama and Hillary want to take away our pea-shooters and throw armored tanks against us. Like I said, we are so screwed. It is time to use our voices and our vote people, it is all we have.


4 Responses

  1. Realize: if the time comes that ‘We the People’ have to do a “System Restore” in Washington, DeCeit:
    A) EVERYONE who owns a gun DETESTS the liberals! Military…law enforcement…hunters…gun owners…even the damned Secret Service! (big “oopsie!” on their part) And law enforcement and the military KNOW they took an oath NOT to protect Obama but to protect and preserve THE CONSTITUTION.
    B) If a small fraction of these within 500 miles of WashDC responded there would be 10 million ‘We the People’s marching….
    and we’re really only after a couple thousand: most of Congress… most of the Executive branch in DC…Dept of InJustice…lobbyists…appointees…and, oh, hell, a handful of liberal-Leftist-liars in the media just for giggles.

    Think about that: a few thousand people screwing everything up for 325,000,000 and all their progeny.

    • $$$$$$$$SPEAKS

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