A Wonder Drug To Save the ACA


The newest revelation about Obama Care astounds me. A very well paid Economist from M.I.T. responsible for designing Obama Care revealed that the law would never have passed had it been openly discussed and debated before it went to the Senate. Nancy Pelosi reinforced how important secrecy was when she announced “you have to pass the Bill to find out what is in it.” Jonathan Gruber the man who bragged that the stupidity of American voters would keep them from understanding the law has stirred me up. I wonder just who he included in his “stupid” comment? He specifically refers to voters. He is right because the voters elected Obama twice, but the voters did not pass the Affordable Care Act, the Democrats in the Senate did. I agree with him 100% that Democrat Senators are stupid, in fact they are beyond stupid.

My personal experience told me that this law is evil. A good law does not need twelve hundred pages with references to hundreds, maybe thousands of connecting laws within it. Such a law hides evil. My experience also told me that Tea Party people saw right through the law and the shenanigans the Senate pulled to get enough votes to pass it. So who is Mr. Gruber referring to when he refers to “the stupidity of the American voter or whatever?” Does he mean those of us who cast a ballot at election time, or does he mean the US Senate, or what? I recommend Mr. Gruber retake his Civics courses from High School to learn how the system works. For someone who teaches at M.I.T. I think he is lacking morals, ethics, and scruples. His regard for fellow citizens puts him in a class of one who believes he is a “cut” above the rest of us, just like POTUS and all Progressives who believe they know what is good for us better than we know it.

As an Economist he must have known the ramifications of the cost involved is this care system. We who are too stupid to understand the system knew from the onset that the cost of the law will bankrupt the country. Yet he stressed the savings that the law predicted. What he failed to mention is that the savings would come only by prescribing the wonder drug acetylsalicylic acid to cure every disease in the world including Ebola.