The Can’t Blame Bush For This List

Headed for the Cliff

I resent any president who spends an outlandish amount of time and money to campaign. Our current president has broken records on the amount of money he spent to win the 2008 election. He is planning the same for 2012. The difference between 2008 and 2012 is this time he is using our money. Oh yes, he will claim he uses campaign funds for that purpose, not tax payer money. Every president travels the country to conduct business, and simultaneously attends fund-raising dinners where he gives campaign speeches, but this guy seems to do more of it than his predecessors. The pundits call this the power of the incumbency.

For three years now Obama has denied responsibility for any of his actions. He continues to blame Bush for everything that has gone wrong.

1. Was it George Bush who rammed a fallacious Health Care bill through the Senate and then proclaimed a bi-partisan majority voted on it?

2. Was it George Bush who wrongly taught the Nation that the Supreme Court  cannot overturn a law voted in by a democratic bi-partisan majority?

3. Was it George Bush who signed the Executive Order to ease up on illegal immigrants to give them a chance at citizenship?

4. Was it George Bush who filed suit against the Arizona for passing a law allowing its police to check traffic violators for immigration papers?

5. Was it George Bush who made a pact with Calderon of Mexico to allow a foreign country to file suit against Arizona for violation of immigration law?

6. Was it George Bush who decided not to prosecute Black Panthers for voter intimidation at the polls?

7. Was it George Bush who spoke to the nation about the need for civility at the Congressmen Gaby Giffords shooting, and later divided the nation on the Trayvon Martin  shooting?

8. Was it George Bush who refused to get the Senate to pass a budget for the last three years?

9. Was it George Bush who left the administration loaded with radical advisers?

10. Was it George Bush who ran Fast and Furious?

11. Was it George Bush who made cabinet appointments when Congress was out-of-town to avoid vetting them?

12. Was it George Bush who promised the Russian president that he will have more flexibility after he wins the election?

13. Was it George Bush who apologized to the muslims for burning Korans, but continues to  pay the muslim military psychologist who shot military people dead at Fort Hood?

14. Was it George Bush who sent military advisors into Libya to oust Khadafi?

15. Was it George Bush who made a racially targeted video directly to the black community?

16. Is George Bush attempting to take religious freedom away from us?

17. Is George Bush pushing congress to pay for women’s contraception?

18. Was it George Bush whose lesbian political advisor Hillary Rosen made a direct attack on Governor Romney’s wife, but continues to proclaim that a man’s family is off-limits in a campaign? 19. Was it George Bush who tried to kill Boeing’s move to build a factory in South Carolina because it was a right to work state?

Obama has spent over 1225 days in office and there are probably twice that many times he has blamed Bush for his failures. His legacy is already “The Blame Bush President.”

I deliberately left out any references to spending, unemployment, poverty, unions, the one percent class warfare movement, new taxes, golf, and vacations.

Do you get the drift? Or does this not mean anything to you?

Oh yes, posters like the one below were okay when Bush was president