Tweak the Wreck to Make it Work

Awhile back, another Progressive Liberal President spoke to the Democrat controlled Congress and told them to pass a universal health care law. Pass it no matter how bad it is, you can always fix it later. In his State of the Union Speech. President Obama was very direct when he said he would not undo Obama care, but he would entertain fixing some of the objectionable parts of it. He also remade a statement that he would listen to any ideas proposed by those opposed. Really?

If President Obama thinks he can fix the clunker he invented by tweaking it, he is a danger to himself and should be committed. Perhaps we are wrong and he really is the second coming of Christ. Excuse me, Christ is not politically correct as the One who can make miracles. Maybe he is the second coming of Allah.

The only way to fix this clunker is to send it to the shredder fast. After it is on its way to Progressive heaven he can entertain some real free market solutions that will work.

I’m afraid that sitting in the front row at Trinity United Church for twenty years of listening to the tenets of Black Liberation Theology has brainwashed him into believing that Marxist solutions work. Meanwhile Marxist countries have rejected the philosophy in favor of freedom and capitalism. China pretends to be Marxist, but is gleefully embracing capitalism to save its population from starvation. Russia has also embraced capitalism and personal freedom. It is quickly becoming an economic powerhouse. That leaves President Obama with North Korea, Cuba, and Venezuela as the model for the twenty-first century Marxist utopia.

I don’t buy Marxism, Socialism, Liberalism, or Progressivism because they all take away man’s God-given right to liberty and the pursuit to happiness in favor of  all men being treated equal at the expense of liberty, free will, and the freedom to  realize his human potential.

By the way, the other President that gave BO the invaluable advice to pass anything then fix it later was none other than Bill Clinton. I can hardly wait for a scandal to break out with BO and a liberal cutie in the Oval office.

If you think my view of BO as a Marxist  is off base read the link below that will take you to Obama’s ‘Missing Link.’