Day Two of Wabbit War

Stargazer Lilly

Yesterday, I wrote about my experience with Elmer Fudd and the wabbits in my yard. Today, I glumly report that the only one being impeded by the wabbit barrier is Grumpa Joe. The critters make a straight beeline for cover and slip right under the fence.

 I fixed the problem on my raised vegetable bed by stapling the wire to the base. The fence around my flower beds will require a more engineered approach. All through this fence building effort, I had one last Asiatic lily bud about to bloom. Perhaps it was a show of nose thumbing, but the last lily bud has been nipped and is lying on the ground.

In the meantime, Peggy has kicked up her protective instincts another notch and is running interference for the wabbits.

I will prevail even if it takes chemical warfare to win.