Sneaky Slinky

SlinkyHe’s baaack.  A few weeks ago, I noticed a huge garter snake on the front lawn. He is easily seven hundred and sixty centimeters  long, and three centimeters in diameter. I was curious, and moved closer to take a look. He slithered off into the Barberry shrubs and disappeared. Oh well, I forgot about him. The next week I was cleaning the pond of algae when I noticed a strange looking stick protruding from the edge of the waterfall. Upon looking longer, I realized it was Slinky holding his head vertically erect a full six inches above the waters edge. I kept cleaning the pond. He disappeared again. A few minutes later I saw him emerge from the rocks that hide the filter tank. He sprawled on the rocks like a piece of rope. I moved closer to get a better look. He immediately slithered between the rocks and disappeared.

Later in the evening, Peggy and I walked around the yard looking at the flowers. We were admiring the California poppies when she noticed something move in the foilage. I reached down to spread the stems; nothing was there. We walked a few steps more when I spotted Slinky again. He’s the one who moved in the poppies, and  now, was on the edge of the water on the rocks.

Later in the week, Mike came by and I showed him Slinky and his home. We stood within four feet of the spot and talked. I happened to look away from Mike for a moment only to see the snake slithering through the lawn into the wetlands. He went on the lam through the back door. Good riddance I thought.

Every time I weed or clean around the pond, I watch for my new found pet. I hate snakes, and would rather do him in than tolerate him, but I must get over my childhood fears. I know what my mother would have done. She would have stalked Slinky with a hoe, and at the first opportunity he would have been twins.

Yesterday, I walked out the front door to my car, and noticed Slinky on the lawn again. This time he was only partially emerged from his den. He lives under the walkway to the house. As soon as I stalked him to get a better look, he disappeared into the hole under the concrete.  Since then, I have seen him several more times in the morning when the sun  warms the concrete. 

I will be speaking to my Master Gardener friends to re-learn the techniques for capturing  a slithering slinky garter snake. He gives me the creeps.

Slinky Eyes Me Up

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