The Biggest Lie Ever Told

Remember when POTUS told us he was going to go over the budget and trim it with a scalpel line by line? When does that start? I want to watch. It’ll be funnier than a Carol Burnett and Tim Conway skit.
The current deficit, budget, and debt will require nuclear bombs to dent. Who the hell does this guy think we are?  He believes we are the enemy  and we must be punished for crimes against humanity. By blowing traditional Democrat smoke  out of his anal opening he thinks we will buy the story. Some people do. They are the ones who worship the ground that Obama walks on. They are his choir. Those of us who have to work for a living can see through the smelly brown smoke to understand that the President of the United States of America is committing treason by willfully destroying our economy, and our world status with his scalpel. The scalpel is a machete when it comes to cutting those things that make America exceptional. He is transforming America into a fourth world nation. What is scarier than his transformation is the choir that buys it.
Let us all pray to reverse the transformation.
Here is what should be done:
  1. The entire Federal Government with all departments must be shut down and defunded. That cuts the budget to zero. Then the argument begins as to which crucial services must be funded at a minimal level. Each Federal Department must be made to justify its existence with verifiable facts. For instance, the Department of Agriculture must justify why it has to grant subsidies. The Department of Education must justify why it shouldn’t be dispersed to the states. The Department of Immigration must justify why it needs money to continue its disregard for following immigration laws. The Department of Defense must justify why they need to be in existence. I’d be willing to bet that none of these departments will come up with a simple reason for their justification other than they are following the mandates of a law passed by the Congress.
  2. Congress should make it their goal to review the performance of the laws they pass to determine their efficacy. If a law is costing money with no return on the investment, it should be repealed.
  3. Government workers (that includes The Executive, Legislative, and Judicial branches) must follow the same healthcare and retirement policies as the private sector. i.e. they get Obamacare and Social Security and pay for the privilege. None of this nonsense that their employer gives them a Cadillac plan. If they want a Cadillac plan let them buy it on the open market and then pay the Obamacare tax on it.
  4. Unions for Government workers are gone. People believe they need unions when the company management takes advantage of them. It is their way to speak out against the Fat Cats to get their fair share. We all know that the Government management will never take advantage of their workers. They would never push them to work more than is required, so why complain? Why do they need to bargain for more than a fair share.
  5. Congress must take responsibility for their actions. If they are afraid the liability is too high, let them buy mal-practice insurance to protect themselves from future failures of their laws. This is what doctors and nurses do.
  6. Put a cap on how much new spending can be done in a given legislative year. If a single law, like Obamacare for instance, puts a strain on the system, that is it until such a time as the country can afford another law. If it takes ten years to make the quota of a single expensive law, then so be it.

Think about what you would do if you lost your job and had to cut back to live within your means. Would you continue to spend? Where would you get the money? Who would lend it to you?  You would be forced to start with a clean slate. Why is it we allow our government to whom we pay taxes continue to be irresponsible with our money?

Try this folks, hold your breath for as long as it takes the President to use his scalpel to cut some serious money from his budget.

Loose Lips

In times of war, military secrets leaked to the enemy are acts of TREASON. This week we learned of a massive leak of military information regarding the Afghan and Iraq wars. Did I say war? Yes, Congress declared both as wars. They are wars for everyone except for the Commander in Chief. He thinks they are criminal acts, and is handling them the same way as any murderer or thief. During World War II, any act of treason was punishable by death. Why is Obama handling the raid of information by a foreign organization like WikiLeaks so loosely?

I see a thread of continuity here that is scary. Obama definitely has a laissez-faire attitude about the security of our country. Let me count the ways:  1.) Establish an open border, and allow anyone in who wants to come, even terrorists. 2.) Throw your allies under the bus in favor of your enemies. 3.) Disband the nuclear arsenal. 4.) Allow strangers to crash White House State dinners. 5.) Allow your top general to fraternize with liberal magazine writers. 6.) Allow the Muslims to practice dhimmitude by building a Mosque next to the Twin Towers to show they conquered the USA. 7.) Bow to foreign powers. 8.) Take months to react to a request from your front line general. 9.) Allow known Russian spies to live in the country. 10.) Allow a second-rate computer hackers like WikiLeaks gain access to military information and then dismiss it with a “so what?”

The real question to answer is this: Did WikiLeaks hack into our computers, or, did someone inside our government give them access. If they hacked in, I call it an act of aggression the same as war. If one of our people gave it to them, I call it TREASON.