We Don’t Stand a Chance



Let me first apologize for making you click on a second link to see this video, but I could not make it work any other way. This moving map shows the rate of immigration into the USA from all over the world over the past 200 years. Please take note of how immigration speeds up after 1970. with the flow of people flooding into the country it won’t be long before the population of the entire world is living in North America, specifically the USA.

I  found a chart that explains what happened, around 1970, Congress increased the total number of immigrants coming in many times between 1965-1970. Before this change we allowed 250,000 people into the country every year. Congress finally stopped at one million immigrants per year, and wallah, see what happened. All of those people came legally, i.e. they had valid passports. Not all intended to stay, but allowed their Visa to expire, that automatically makes you illegal. There are consequences to allowing a VISA to expire. When such a visitor goes back home, and then tries to return, he pays a penalty in the form of a long delay before being issued another Visa, so they stay over instead. Add these people to those who have been encouraged to enter without any credentials at all, and the USA has an immigration problem, i.e. too many people are here under the radar of the State Department. Immigration estimates are that we are allowing 1.5 million into the country every year, one million legally, and five hundred thousand illegally.

As with all good things there is a limit to how long one can sustain unlimited growth. Look at business as an example. The number one credo is that in order for a business to survive, it must grow. The result is that companies become over grown, and expand by buying other businesses. This is not necessarily adding value to the system, but it is growing companies. Eventually, they get so large that they become ruthless money machines without any regard for the people working for them. I am still waiting for these mega countries to implode from their size. One way the mega companies are cut down to size is when they become targets of men like the fictional character Gordon Gecko in the movie Wall Street who makes huge amounts of money by manipulating stock values, acquiring a company on the cheap, and then profiting by selling off valuable components.

Our country is pretty much in the same boat as the mega-companies. We needed to increase population because our total birth rate fell below that which is necessary to keep us steady. To augment the population, Congress decided to add people through increased immigration. Their assumption was that the economy would absorb these people and everyone would be happy. The problem is that globalization affected job growth, and globalization began at the same time as we increased the immigration limit, circa 1970. What Congress has never even thought about doing is to readjust the immigration limit to stabilize the jobs rate.

Currently, we have a world that is entrenched in globalization and every country is being affected in a big way. The immigration spigot has never been adjusted to slow the flow, and we are being over run by too many people that we cannot employ. The world still sees the USA as the place where the streets are lined in gold, and they are streaming in as fast as their bare feet can carry them. The Muslim world still stuck in the sixth century has awakened to that fact, and is breaking their chains to get a piece of the action. Of course they are blaming the Western Nations for their predicament, so they feel morally justified getting their piece by any means.

The only way to deal with this problem is to shut off the inflow until such time as we re-gain control of the economy.
