In Perfect Harmony

Maybe I am being too simple, but I believe there is a way to settle disputes over race, color, nationality, political beliefs, and what ever strikes one as necessary to live in this world. There is a TV program that I have been watching which is very amusing, exciting, and cathartic. The program is called BattleBots. Seemingly mild-mannered men and women of various ages, disciplines, and colors take extreme pleasure in designing robotic devices to pit against other robotic devices.  The teams line their bots up in a secure cage and when the light turns green they drive the bots remotely using radio control against one another. Axes spin, wheels turn, hammers pound, flippers upend opponents and make them fly, and pieces of bots scatter about the arena. It all ends when one of the bots is disabled and cannot operate.

Not a single bot is the same. just like a Nazi is different from a white supremacist, or a Ku Klux Klansman. The only similarities between bots is their desire to annihilate one another. The owners are two-faced. One face is the face of inventor, builder, and creative genius. The second face is that of warrior beat the hell out of your opponent battlebot driver.

What an amazing experience it would be to buy a ticket into the biggest stadium nearest home to watch gladiators from the Antifa movement fight to the death against someone from Black Lives Matter. Or even better yet, pit a White Supremacist against a Black Lives Matter agent. Only one would walk out of the caged arena to be named to the next rung of the competitive ladder. Eventually, we would see a clear winner emerge, bloodied, scarred, and limbs missing from the many bouts between enemies. At the end only one is declared a winner. The audience places a an olive wreath upon his head and sends him home to live another day. Because there is great depth in all of the various movements the arena will come to life again in a new war to declare the winner of stupid ideological beliefs.

We, on the other hand would be greatly entertained by watching these factions pulverize one another with a vengeance and meanness never before experienced in war.

Today, we read and watch various ideologues go at it in places like Charlottesville NC. They beat each other and even kill for the pure joy of defending their ideas hoping to win the rest of us over to their way. The most foolish of these are those who candidly destroy monuments of heroes who in the distant past fought for an ideology different from theirs. They mistakenly believe by doing so they will change the world to make it a better place. Erase history and all vestiges of slavery, and prejudice will disappear. Humanity will be saved, and we will all live in peace and sing the Coca Cola song I’d Like To Teach The World to Sing.

Instead we wile away hours on social media sites hoping to find the meaning of life. We wander aimlessly through life holding our phones before us with a finger on the video button, hoping to capture that glimpse of life that will go viral on YouTube and make us famous or rich. It is hard for me to imagine where our society is headed, and what good will evolve from our aimlessness. Instead, I try in my own way to serve the community in simple meaningful ways, one simple act of kindness at a time. Evolution took billions of years to get humanity to this point, and it may take another billion to get us through this current phase.