Twelve More Years To Go

The freshman darling of the Democrat party Alexandria Ocasio Cortez predicted this week that the world has twelve years left before man-made global warming brings it to an end. To keep this event from happening she wants us to pay seventy percent income tax.

I say that to hell with paying seventy-percent income tax to prevent the event. I say apply it to a world-wide party celebrating like crazy before we all meet our end.

Paying seventy-percent income tax would bring our world to an end as we know it. Certainly we would become another socialist success story like Venezuela, and if that happens we might as well have Antarctica melt and flood the world. Didn’t Noah build an ark to save the world from a great flood. Didn’t he have to load the ark with two of every species of living thing so when the floods receded the world could again begin anew?

I read recently that the arc was found on top of a mountain in the mid-east. If we suffer a massive ice melt like Antarctica the oceans around the world would rise several feet. If the story about the ark is true and it was found atop a mountain, it says the world survived a greater flood than that which will come from Antarctica melting.

Scientifically, I think melting Antarctica will take something more dramatic than an immeasurable rise in temperature from high CO2 in the atmosphere. I think it would take an angular shift of the earth’s axis of about fifteen to thirty degrees to put Antarctica directly into the sun’s rays. If that shift were to happen it won’t matter how much tax the socialists want to charge the world will be very different, and North America will have very long winters and the Arctic ice mass will become huge. Canada and the northern half of the USA will have winters with twenty hours of darkness and four hours of low-level light a day. Argentina will become the new winter playground of the world.

All of this calamity would happen but the man-made CO2 problem will be the same.

Alexandria baby, I’m drinking one to ya tonight! I love a good party.

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