Is This What Kaepernick Is Seeking?

Colin Kaepernick has a twisted idea of justice and he chooses to kneel instead of stand while the National Anthem plays at NFL football games. Does he want people apprehended by police to get the same treatment as does Hillary? Does he want the guilty to be exonerated, and set free before given a trial before a jury of his peers?  Colin says he wants equal treatment for black men stopped by police and then killed by police on the street. When the cop faces trial for shooting the man on the street he gets off. Kaepernick makes no mention of any facts that may have indicated that the officer who got off was totally in the right to shoot. How often is a police officer accused of murdering a subject?Better yet, how often does a cop get away with murdering his subject? My guess is that the number is lower than the number that die in mass shootings.

Now take a look at the list below and ask yourself if this is white privilege. Is this justice?

How could Hillary Clinton possibly have lost the election?

Was it the Russians?


Podesta ?

Comey’s investigation ?

her sexual predator/rapist husband ?

a staff member’s husband, Wiener’s, immoral pictures and sexting to adolescent girls ?

the subpoena violation ?

the corrupt offshore Clinton Foundation, whose foreign government donors remained anonymous under Canadian law ? the congressional lies ?

the Bengazi bungle and lies to the victims’ families ?

pay for play graft scheme through the Foundation?

re-directing funds from the Foundation for Haitian victims to political cronies that ended up in federal prison ?

Travelgate scandal ?

Whitewater scandal ?

Cattlegate scandal ?

Troopergate scandal ?

How about the more-than-fifty coincidental murders/suicides of Clinton “associates” that have never been thoroughly investigated?

Or was it the $15 million for Chelsea’s apartment purchased with Foundation money ?

Perhaps paying Chelsea a million dollars a year to do exactly what for the Foundation?

Or her husband’s interference with Loretta Lynch and the investigation ?

Was it stealing debate questions ?

Was it forensically deleting 33,000 emails in violation of USC Section 8, rendering her ineligible to run for federal office?

Was it the Seth Rich murder ?

Could it have been approving the sale of 20 percent of U.S. strategic uranium resources to Russia in exchange for exorbitant speech fees to her husband and gargantuan donations from Russian businessmen to the Foundation?

Was it calling half the USA deplorable ?

Was it the underhanded treatment and cheating of Bernie Sanders out of the Dem nomination ?

Was it the Vince Foster murder ?

The Jennifer Flowers assault ?

The Jennifer Flowers settlement ?

The Paula Jones lawsuit ?

The $800,000 Paula Jones settlement ?

The lie about taking on sniper fire in the Balkans?

The impeachment of her husband?

The 6 billion dollars she “lost” when in charge of the State Department ?

The 10 million she took for the pardon of Marc Rich ?

Gee, I just can’t quite put my finger on it, but it seems to be right in front of me somewhere.

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