Affirmative Action President

I’m watching Tucker Carlson debate with some yokel about the deal Hillary made with the Russians to sell them 20% of U.S. uranium reserves, and a vision of my cartoon from March 7, 2010 came to mind. At the time I drew this funny I was being facetious, sarcastic, and sardonic in my attack of Obama; the only way I knew how to fight him. His spending was out of control for the entire eight years he spent golfing for a living. Little did I know then that our government would actually follow a scenario similar to that in the cartoon.

nukes-for-sale (1).jpg

Granted that in my scenario Obama tells Hillary to sell nuclear bombs, but selling pure refined bomb-grade uranium is pretty much the same thing. A country trying to develop nuclear weapons would be light years ahead if they didn’t have to first reduce tons of ore to get a few ounces of uranium. It would be similar to the soda jerk who creates a special sundae without having to milk the cow to make the ice cream first.

Why or how Obama and his cabinet escaped prosecution, or impeachment is a mystery. The only theory I have to offer is that Obama was an Affirmative Action president, thus he was protected from any negative comment. Another theory is that the Republicans in Congress have cojones the size of the period at the end of this sentence, and were really Republicans in name only (RINO), and they were too afraid to make waves for fear of being castrated by the press for appearing to be racist.